- Set Address to 0x2fFB7B215Ae7F088eC2530C7aa8E1B24E398f26a
- Select
where ___ is the chain the gauge is being added for - Enter the mainnet address of the Gauge (Not the Pool) being added
- Click
Add Transaction
- Click
Create Batch
- Simulate and verify
- Click the Download on the top right.
- Name the saved file
- Name the saved file
- Create a PR adding your BIP-XXX.json to the BIPs folder of the BalancerMaxis Github repo
- Go here: https://github.com/BalancerMaxis/multisig-jsons/upload/main/BIPs
- Upload your BIP-XXX.json file with the proper BIP number
- Copy the title of the BIP in Commit Changes section where it reads
Add files via Uplaod
in grey - Ensure that you select the
Create a New Branch for this Commit and start a pull request
option- Name the brance BIP-XXX where XXX is the number of your BIP
- Click
Propose Changes
- Click
Create Pull request
The resulting link which should look something like this: #1 is the PR link that you should include in the body of the snapshot text.