This document is written as a part of the documentation to the ck.Actions libraries. In the past running javascript functions has been quite easy, but the complexity of the larger applcations has left a large part of the structure of the application to the imagination of the programmer.
With ck.Actions I hope to generate a small set of functionality which will help programmers build more robust and powerful applications and will bring a more "functional" style of programming to the mainstream JavaScript programmer.
- Node installed
- NPM installed
- Git Installed
(NOTE: you should have JSPM installed: npm install -g jspm
(NOTE: after running npm install the installation script wants to install the typings used with TypeScript. You should
have typings installed: npm install -g typings
Step 1: Clone the project
git clone
Step 2: Go to directory
cd ck.actions
Step 3: install the npm packages
npm install
Step 4: install the jspm packages
jspm install
Step 5: run the compiler ``
This should be enough to run the application. The rest of the document explains how to use the ck.actions library.
The project is structured into three parts.
- The source which can be found in
- The tests which can be found in
- The distribution which can be found in
after compilation
I can wholeheartedly advice you to compile the source and run the tests before using the library. This is not because it is "safer" but compiling and looking at the tests gives a unique insight in the workings of the ck.Actions library.
You can build the source by going running npm run dev
You can run the tests by running npm run test
You should use TypeScript 2.0 (the current nightly).