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181 lines (132 loc) · 5.32 KB

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181 lines (132 loc) · 5.32 KB

subscreen 1.0.0

Bug fixes subscreencalc

  • Fixed the example to make it work properly. Added some data pre-processing and handling of NAs.
  • Fixed the problem with max_comb=1 in combination with nkernel=1. Function sapply needed the option simplify=FALSE to keep the data structure
  • No error anymore if nkernel>1 and par_functions=""

Bug fixes subscreenshow

  • Factor levels 6 to 8 will now be displayed. They had no color assigned before.
  • Reference line for overall result is now exact on the right place. The slider input has been removed as this caused inappropriate rounding in some cases.

Enhancements subscreenshow

  • The slider for the y-range is now improved. It will use nice numbers for the range selection. Thanks to Tommy (662787) from StackOverflow for roundDownNice(). And you can actually give a set of numbers you think of being nice in the new parameter NiceNumbers.
  • Background shading including marks can be set by the new parameter StripesBGplot. The program will aim for the given number of stripes/marks but the actual display may differ to have nice intervals
  • On the x-axis percentages of the total are shown

Editorial changes

  • Updated the description
  • Packages shiny and DT are now imports although only needed in subscreenshow
  • Spelling errors corrected
  • Changed some internal function and variable names for better readability
  • Translated the rest of the German comments into English
  • Deleted unused functions and program code
  • Removed NA from the subgroup filter drop-down selection

subscreen 2.0.1

  • New Layout
  • Added Subscreen Comparer
  • Added Subscreen Mosaic
  • Added Variable Importance calculation
  • Added Colour Options Panel
  • Added Display Options Panel
  • Added identification of parent subgroups
  • Added option to memorize subgroups

subscreen 3.0.0


  • Add parameter 'factorial' for factorial context calculations
  • Add parameter 'use_complement' for Subgroup complement calculations

*Added possibility to calculate importance for multiple target variables


*Improve coloring running time *Bug fix in function parents() for descending ID's *Bug fix 'Infinite option'-loop

  • Add 'Factorial Contexts'-calculation
  • Add optional 'Subgroup Complement'-calculation
  • Add Subscreen ASMUS-tab *Add Subscreen Logo *Change default background color *Add Flexible Plot sizes *Add Mousehover info for all plots *Change Table header colour *Add flexible Plot Legends

##Subscreen Explorer-tab ###Variable Options-tab *Add logarithmic Slider

###Importance-tab *Add 'Select Variable'-option to select target variable *Bug fix importance color

###Display Options-tab *Add 'Adjust point brightness'-option *Remove 'Choose number of Stripes background'-option *Add 'Plotting character'-option

###Colour Options *Add 'Colour for factorial Context'-option *Remove 'Choose Background Colour (Plot stripes)'-option *Remove 'Choose font colour'-option

###Plots *Add interaction Plot

###Tables *Add 'Factorial Context'-table *Add 'Subgroup Complement'-table

##Subscreen Comparer-tab ###Sidebarpanel *Remove 'Subgroup Filter'-option *Remove 'Subgroup level(s)'-option ###Compare-plots *Add legend ###Bubble plot *Add legend

##Subscreen Mosaic-tab ###Sidebarpanel *Add help text

###Hovertable *Change font color for hovertable

subscreen 3.0.1

Bug fixes subscreenshow

  • An update of the package shinyjs required a change in the call of the extendShinyjs function to avoid an error while trying to start subscreenshow. This was corrected.

subscreen 3.0.2


  • Dependency to package V8 removed
  • Time report of subscreencalc() including the calculation of the factorial context

Bug fix subscreenshow()

  • reastablish compatibility with R version 3.6.2

Bug fix Subscreen ASMUS-tab

  • label for reference line corrected

subscreen 3.0.3

Bug fix Subscreen Comparer-tab

  • label for top reference line corrected

Bug fix Subscreen ASMUS-tab

  • fixed initial subgroup information text reactivity after target variable change

subscreen 3.0.4


  • optimized calculation of complement included in regular calculation step to reduce computing time
  • stepwise verbose output with additional details

subscreen 3.0.5


  • supress output of "joining by ..." while running R version 3.X.X

subscreen 4.0.0


  • parameter min_comb removed
  • parameter endpoints removed
  • bug fix subscreencalc factorial context calculation
  • new factorial context calculation for each target variable
  • multiple notes and custom error messages added
  • parameter factors is now required


  • new upload-tab in app
  • re-sturcture app via modules
  • add memorize subgroup labels
  • add memorize subgroup color
  • complete change of ASMUS-tab
  • new hover and click feature in explorer- and comparer-tab
  • legend collapsable in explorer-tab
  • new feature x-axis slider
  • new feature custom reference line
  • new parameter favour_label_verum_name & favour_label_comparator_name in subscreenshow() for new feature of custom labels in explorer- and comparer-tab
  • second filter variable applicable in explorer-tab
  • new header information in explorer-tab
  • plotting character option removed
  • bug fix mosaic plot number of subjects size

additional changes

  • update example/demo data and include them within app
  • new vignette/readme
  • changes in DESCRIPTION