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A BeamNG FMU for the Functional Mock-up Interface.

Run BeamNG FMU in Simulink

  1. Obtain any example from BeamNG-MATLAB-Simulink-integration. It is located in the examples/simulink/FMI folder.

  2. Obtain the FMU file. You can either build it yourself by using the instructions in this repository, or use the pre-built files from the this folder. FMI 3 for Co-Simulation and FMI 2 for Co-Simulation versions are supported.

  3. Open the FMI2.slx or FMI3.slx in Simulink. You should see the following model:

    FMU-Simulink Model Figure 1: The FMU-Simulink model

  4. Double-click the red FMU block. Specify the path to the BeamNG-FMU file of the version of your choice. The block should now include the "BeamNG" text.

  5. To edit the FMU parameters (in/out ports, simulation time), double-click the FMU file.

    FMU Parameters Figure 2: The FMU-Simulink model parameters

  6. Start the vehicle coupling using the same instructions as for the S-function Simulink integration. You can also use the Ctrl+Shift+V shortcut to start the coupling in BeamNG instead of loading the controller through the console. The vehicle should start moving, and you should see a view similar to this:


Run BeamNG FMU with fmusim

You can use the fmusim executable to simulate an FMU:

> fmusim --help
Usage: fmusim [OPTION]... [FMU]
Simulate a Functional Mock-up Unit and write the output to result.csv.

  --help                           display this help and exit
  --interface-type [me|cs]         the interface type to use
  --tolerance [TOLERANCE]          relative tolerance
  --start-time [VALUE]             start time
  --stop-time [VALUE]              stop time
  --output-interval [VALUE]        set the output interval
  --start-value [name] [value]     set a start value
  --output-variable [name]         record a specific variable
  --input-file [FILE]              read input from a CSV file
  --output-file [FILE]             write output to a CSV file
  --log-fmi-calls                  log FMI calls
  --fmi-log-file [FILE]            set the FMI log file
  --solver [euler|cvode]           the solver to use
  --early-return-allowed           allow early return
  --event-mode-used                use event mode
  --record-intermediate-values     record outputs in intermediate update
  --initial-fmu-state-file [FILE]  file to read the serialized FMU state
  --final-fmu-state-file [FILE]    file to save the serialized FMU state

Example: \fmusim\BeamNG.fmu simulate with the default settings

Repository Structure

├── config.h                    # model specific types and definitions
├── FMI{1CS|1ME|2|3}.xml        # model descriptions
└── model.c                    # implementation of the model

├── fmi{|2|3}Functions.h        # FMI header files
├── model.h                    # generic model interface
└── cosimulation.h            # generic co-simulation interface

├── fmi{1|2|3}Functions.c       # FMI implementations
└── cosimulation.c            # generic co-simulation

├── *.c                        # various FMI 3.0 import examples
└── Examples.cmake            # CMake configuration for the example projects

└── sources of the fmusim executable

Build the FMU

To build the FMU, you need CMake and a supported build tool (e.g., Visual Studio ≥ 2013, Xcode, or make):

  1. Download or clone the repository.
  2. Open the CMakeGUI.
  3. Click Browse Source... and select the cloned or downloaded and extracted repository (containing CMakeLists.txt).
  4. Click Browse Build... and select the folder where you want to build the FMUs.
  5. Click Configure and select the generator for your IDE/build tool.
  6. Select the FMI_VERSION you want to build and optionally the FMI_TYPE (only for FMI 1.0).
  7. Click Generate to generate the project files.
  8. Click Open Project or open the project in your build tool.
  9. Build the project.

The FMUs will be in the dist folder inside the selected build folder.

Building fmusim

To build the fmusim executable, run the build/build_*.py <platform> Python scripts (where <platform> is the platform to build for, e.g., x86_64-windows) and enable WITH_FMUSIM before generating the CMake project.

License and Attribution

Copyright © 2024, BeamNG GmbH. All rights reserved. The code is released under the 2-Clause BSD License.

The BeamNG FMU is a fork of the Reference FMUs by Modelica Association Project, which are a fork of the Test FMUs by Dassault Systèmes, which are a fork of the FMU SDK by QTronic, all of which are released under the 2-Clause BSD License.