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"stateMutability": "view", + "type": "function" + }, + { + "inputs": [], + "name": "rain", + "outputs": [ + { + "components": [ + { + "internalType": "uint256", + "name": "deprecated", + "type": "uint256" + }, + { + "internalType": "uint256", + "name": "pods", + "type": "uint256" + }, + { + "internalType": "uint256", + "name": "roots", + "type": "uint256" + } + ], + "internalType": "struct Storage.Rain", + "name": "", + "type": "tuple" + } + ], + "stateMutability": "view", + "type": "function" + }, + { + "inputs": [], + "name": "season", + "outputs": [ + { + "internalType": "uint32", + "name": "", + "type": "uint32" + } + ], + "stateMutability": "view", + "type": "function" + }, + { + "inputs": [], + "name": "seasonTime", + "outputs": [ + { + "internalType": "uint32", + "name": "", + "type": "uint32" + } + ], + "stateMutability": "view", + "type": "function" + }, + { + "inputs": [], + "name": "sunrise", + "outputs": [ + { + "internalType": "uint256", + "name": "", + "type": "uint256" + } + ], + "stateMutability": "payable", + "type": "function" + }, + { + "inputs": [], + "name": "sunriseBlock", + "outputs": [ + { + "internalType": "uint32", + "name": "", + "type": "uint32" + } + ], + "stateMutability": "view", + "type": "function" + }, + { + "inputs": [], + "name": "time", + "outputs": [ + { + "components": [ + { + "internalType": "uint32", + "name": "current", + "type": "uint32" + }, + { + "internalType": "uint32", + "name": "lastSop", + "type": "uint32" + }, + { + "internalType": "uint8", + "name": "withdrawSeasons", + "type": "uint8" + }, + { + "internalType": "uint32", + "name": "lastSopSeason", + "type": "uint32" + }, + { + "internalType": "uint32", + "name": "rainStart", + "type": "uint32" + }, + { + "internalType": "bool", + "name": "raining", + "type": "bool" + }, + { + "internalType": "bool", + "name": "fertilizing", + "type": "bool" + }, + { + "internalType": "uint32", + "name": "sunriseBlock", + "type": "uint32" + }, + { + "internalType": "bool", + "name": "abovePeg", + "type": "bool" + }, + { + "internalType": "uint16", + "name": "stemStartSeason", + "type": "uint16" + }, + { + "internalType": "uint256", + "name": "start", + "type": "uint256" + }, + { + "internalType": "uint256", + "name": "period", + "type": "uint256" + }, + { + "internalType": "uint256", + "name": "timestamp", + "type": "uint256" + } + ], + "internalType": "struct Storage.Season", + "name": "", + "type": "tuple" + } + ], + "stateMutability": "view", + "type": "function" + }, + { + "inputs": [], + "name": "totalDeltaB", + "outputs": [ + { + "internalType": "int256", + "name": "deltaB", + "type": "int256" + } + ], + "stateMutability": "view", + "type": "function" + }, + { + "inputs": [], + "name": "weather", + "outputs": [ + { + "components": [ + { + "internalType": "uint256[2]", + "name": "deprecated", + "type": "uint256[2]" + }, + { + "internalType": "uint128", + "name": "lastDSoil", + "type": "uint128" + }, + { + "internalType": "uint32", + "name": "lastSowTime", + "type": "uint32" + }, + { + "internalType": "uint32", + "name": "thisSowTime", + "type": "uint32" + }, + { + "internalType": "uint32", + "name": "t", + "type": "uint32" + } + ], + "internalType": "struct Storage.Weather", + "name": "", + "type": "tuple" + } + ], + "stateMutability": "view", + "type": "function" + } +] diff --git a/protocol/contracts/beanstalk/silo/ConvertFacet.sol b/protocol/contracts/beanstalk/silo/ConvertFacet.sol index 79a0c05435..afc97e612e 100644 --- a/protocol/contracts/beanstalk/silo/ConvertFacet.sol +++ b/protocol/contracts/beanstalk/silo/ConvertFacet.sol @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ contract ConvertFacet is ReentrancyGuard { event RemoveDeposit( address indexed account, address indexed token, - int128 stem, + int96 stem, uint256 amount, uint256 bdv ); diff --git a/protocol/contracts/beanstalk/silo/SiloFacet/SiloExit.sol b/protocol/contracts/beanstalk/silo/SiloFacet/SiloExit.sol index df863144af..29e43370d0 100644 --- a/protocol/contracts/beanstalk/silo/SiloFacet/SiloExit.sol +++ b/protocol/contracts/beanstalk/silo/SiloFacet/SiloExit.sol @@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ contract SiloExit is ReentrancyGuard { function stemTipForToken(address token) public view - returns (int128 _stemTip) + returns (int96 _stemTip) { _stemTip = LibTokenSilo.stemTipForToken( token @@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ contract SiloExit is ReentrancyGuard { function seasonToStem(address token, uint32 season) public view - returns (int128 stem) + returns (int96 stem) { uint256 seedsPerBdv = getSeedsPerToken(address(token)); stem = LibLegacyTokenSilo.seasonToStem(seedsPerBdv, season); diff --git a/protocol/hardhat.config.js b/protocol/hardhat.config.js index 44f1459a32..047d49de49 100644 --- a/protocol/hardhat.config.js +++ b/protocol/hardhat.config.js @@ -89,6 +89,11 @@ task("sunrise", async function () { await beanstalkAdmin.forceSunrise(); }); +task("getTime", async function () { + this.season = await ethers.getContractAt("SeasonFacet", BEANSTALK); + console.log("Current time: ", await this.season.time()); +}); + /*task('replant', async () => { const account = await impersonateSigner(PUBLIUS) await replant(account) @@ -135,7 +140,15 @@ task("diamondABI", "Generates ABI file for diamond, includes all ABIs of facets" } } - fs.writeFileSync("./abi/Beanstalk.json", JSON.stringify(abi.filter((item, pos) => abi.map((a) => a.name).indexOf(item.name) == pos))); + const names = abi.map((a) => a.name); + fs.writeFileSync( + "./abi/Beanstalk.json", + JSON.stringify( + abi.filter((item, pos) => names.indexOf(item.name) == pos), + null, + 2 + ) + ); console.log("ABI written to abi/Beanstalk.json"); }); @@ -171,6 +184,14 @@ task("bip34", async function () { }); }); +task("silov3", async function () { + await bipNewSilo(); +}); + +task("beanstalkAdmin", async function () { + await mockBeanstalkAdmin(); +}); + //////////////////////// SUBTASK CONFIGURATION //////////////////////// // Add a subtask that sets the action for the TASK_COMPILE_SOLIDITY_GET_SOURCE_PATHS task diff --git a/protocol/scripts/check-events.js b/protocol/scripts/check-events.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e504631849 --- /dev/null +++ b/protocol/scripts/check-events.js @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +/** + * check-events.js + * --------------- + * + * Throughout Beanstalk, events are often copied between facets and libraries. + * This script checks that events are consistent across all individual ABIs. + */ + +const path = require("path"); +const fs = require("fs"); +const glob = require("glob"); + +// The glob returns the full file path like this: +// contracts/beanstalk/barn/UnripeFacet.sol +// We want the "UnripeFacet" part. +const getFacetName = (file) => { + return file.split("/").pop().split(".")[0]; +}; + +const pattern = path.join(".", "contracts", "beanstalk", "**", "*Facet.sol"); +const files = glob.sync(pattern); +const eventNameToItem = new Map(); +const eventNameToFiles = new Map(); + +console.log("Searching: ", pattern, files.length) + +files.forEach((file) => { + const facetName = getFacetName(file); + const jsonFileName = `${facetName}.json`; + const jsonFileLoc = path.join(".", "artifacts", file, jsonFileName); + + const json = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(jsonFileLoc)); + const abi = json.abi; + + abi.filter((item) => item.type == "event").forEach((item) => { + // If event already exists, compare new version to previous version + const existingEvent = eventNameToItem.get(item.name); + if (existingEvent) { + // Compare inputs, the order and length of the arrays should match + item.inputs.forEach((input, index) => { + if (input.name !== existingEvent.inputs[index].name || input.type !== existingEvent.inputs[index].type) { + console.error("Event mismatch", { + new: input, + existing: existingEvent.inputs[index] + }) + throw new Error("Event mismatch") + } + }) + + eventNameToFiles.set(item.name, [...eventNameToFiles.get(item.name), file]) + } else { + eventNameToItem.set(item.name, item); + eventNameToFiles.set(item.name, [file]); + } + }); + +}); + +console.log(eventNameToFiles) \ No newline at end of file