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File metadata and controls

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What are bytes?


  • A byte is a unit of digital information in computing and telecommunications.
  • It typically consists of eight bits, where a bit is the smallest unit of data in a computer, represented as either 0 or 1.
  • The byte is a common unit of measurement for data size and storage.

Bytes and Characters

In computer systems, a byte can represent a character such as a letter, number, or typographic symbol. For example, in the ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) character encoding, each character is represented by a specific byte value.

How Bytes Work

Binary Representation

  • Each bit in a byte can be in one of two states, 0 or 1. This binary system is the foundation of all modern computing.
  • The combination of eight bits (or one byte) allows for 256 different combinations (2^8), ranging from 00000000 to 11111111 in binary, which can represent 256 different values or symbols.


  • To represent characters, bytes must be interpreted through a character encoding. ASCII is one of the simplest forms of encoding, where each character is assigned a specific byte value. For example, the ASCII code for 'A' is 65 (or 01000001 in binary).
  • Other encodings, like UTF-8, use one or more bytes to represent a single character, allowing them to cover a much wider range of characters, including those from non-Latin scripts.

Usage of Bytes

Data Storage and Transmission

  • Bytes are the fundamental building blocks of data storage. Files on a computer, for instance, are measured in bytes, as well as kilobytes (1024 bytes), megabytes (1024^2 bytes), and so on.
  • In data transmission, such as over the internet, the speed is often measured in bits per second or bytes per second.

Memory Representation

  • In computer memory, bytes are used to store data. Each byte has a specific address that the computer's processor can use to access its value.
  • Programming languages provide various ways to manipulate bytes, often through data types and structures that abstract away the binary complexity.


  • Network protocols, like TCP/IP, structure data into packets consisting of bytes. Each byte in a packet can represent part of a header, payload, or footer, as defined by the protocol.

Creating Bytes Objects

Literal Byte Sequences

  • Syntax: b'Hello World' creates a byte object directly.
  • Each character in the literal is converted to its corresponding ASCII value.

Using the bytes() constructor

  • The bytes() function creates a new bytes object.
  • bytes([72, 101, 108, 108, 111]) which is equivalent to b'Hello'

Converting Between Bytes and Strings

Encoding a String to Bytes

  • Strings in Python are sequences of Unicode characters.
  • Encoding is the process of converting these characters into a sequence of bytes.
  • Use the encode() method on a string, specifying the encoding (like 'utf-8', 'ascii', 'latin1').
  • Example: 'Hello'.encode('utf-8') converts 'Hello' to its UTF-8 encoded byte representation.
  • Encoding is crucial for storing text in files, sending over networks, or processing in binary formats.
data_str = "Hello, World!"
data_bytes = data_str.encode('utf-8')

Decoding Bytes to a String

  • Decoding is the reverse process of encoding, converting bytes back into a string.
  • Use the decode() method on a bytes object, specifying the encoding.
  • Example: b'Hello'.decode('utf-8') converts the bytes back to the string 'Hello'.
  • Incorrect decoding (using the wrong encoding) can lead to errors or garbled text.
  • Important for reading text from binary files, network responses, or processing any data that comes in a byte format.
data_bytes = b"Hello, Bytes!"
data_str = data_bytes.decode('utf-8')

Byte Manipulation

Byte manipulation refers to the process of modifying or interpreting bytes at the bit level. This is often done using bitwise operators, which operate on individual bits within a byte or group of bytes.

AND Operator &

Each bit of the output is 1 if the corresponding bits of both operands are 1, else 0.

a = 0b1100  # 12 in binary
b = 0b1010  # 10 in binary
result = a & b  # 0b1000 (8 in decimal)

OR Operator |

Each bit of the output is 1 if at least one of the corresponding bits of either operand is 1.

a = 0b1100  # 12 in binary
b = 0b1010  # 10 in binary
result = a | b  # 0b1110 (14 in decimal)

XOR Operator ^

Each bit of the output is 1 if the corresponding bits of the operands are different.

a = 0b1100  # 12 in binary
b = 0b1010  # 10 in binary
result = a ^ b  # 0b0110 (6 in decimal)

NOT Operator ~

Inverts the bits of the operand.

a = 0b1100  # 12 in binary
result = ~a  # Inverts all bits

Bit Shifts

  • Left Shift (<<): Shifts the bits to the left, padding with zeros.

    • Multiplies the number by 2 for each shift.
    • Example: a << 2 shifts a two bits to the left.
  • Right Shift (>>): Shifts the bits to the right.

    • Divides the number by 2 for each shift, discarding fractions.
    • For signed integers, the sign bit (leftmost bit) is used to fill the vacancies.
    • Example: a >> 2 shifts a two bits to the right.

struct module

The struct module in Python is used for converting between Python values and C structs represented as Python bytes objects. This is particularly useful for reading and writing binary data, or for interfacing with C code. It's a key tool for handling binary data in Python, especially when dealing with files, network protocols, or other binary formats.

Packing and Unpacking Data

Format strings

  • Used to specify the layout of the data being packed/unpacked.
  • Consist of format characters, which indicate the data type and size.
  • Common format characters include:
    • i: Represents an integer. Size: 4 bytes.
    • f: Represents a floating-point number. Size: 4 bytes.
    • d: Represents a double precision floating-point number. Size: 8 bytes.
    • c: Represents a single byte character. Size: 1 byte.
    • s: Represents a sequence of characters (string). Size: 1 byte per character.
    • b: Represents a signed byte. Size: 1 byte.
    • B: Represents an unsigned byte. Size: 1 byte.
    • h: Represents a short integer. Size: 2 bytes.
    • H: Represents an unsigned short integer. Size: 2 bytes.
    • l: Represents a long integer. Size: 4 bytes. (Note: On some platforms, it might be 8 bytes).
    • L: Represents an unsigned long integer. Size: 4 bytes. (Note: On some platforms, it might be 8 bytes).
    • q: Represents a long long integer. Size: 8 bytes.
    • Q: Represents an unsigned long long integer. Size: 8 bytes.
    • ?: Represents a boolean value. Size: 1 byte.

In the format strings used with Python's struct module, whitespace characters between format specifiers are indeed ignored. This means you can include spaces for readability without affecting the functionality.

Count Numbers

A number preceding a format character indicates a sequence or array of that type. For example:

  • 4i represents four integers
  • 10s represents a string of 10 characters.


Converts Python objects to bytes (binary data).

import struct

# Pack an integer and a float into bytes
packed_data = struct.pack('if', 123, 45.67)


Converts bytes (binary data) back into Python objects.

import struct

# Whitespace for readability is allowed between format characters
packed_data = struct.pack('i f', 123, 45.67)

# Unpacking the data
unpacked_data = struct.unpack('i f', packed_data)

# Accessing the unpacked data
unpacked_integer = unpacked_data[0]  # 123
unpacked_float = unpacked_data[1]    # 45.67

Combining with Data Classes

Python's dataclasses module, introduced in Python 3.7, is designed for classes that are mainly used to store data. By combining data classes with struct, you can create a more readable and maintainable structure for handling binary data.


from dataclasses import dataclass
import struct

class MyData:
    value1: int
    value2: float
    value3: int

    def pack(self):
        return struct.pack('ifi', self.value1, self.value2, self.value3)

    def unpack(data):
        values = struct.unpack('ifi', data)
        return MyData(*values)

# Create an instance of MyData
data_instance = MyData(100, 25.75, 200)

# Pack the data into bytes
packed_data = data_instance.pack()

# Unpack the data back into a dataclass instance
unpacked_instance = MyData.unpack(packed_data)