First app build , JAVA language using search algorithms,Design Patterns, client-server networking, Multi thread programming , and JAVAFX GUI.
The App build By Barak Falach and me.
as part of project in " Advanced Topics In Programming " course in Ben - Gurion University , Information System Engineering Faculty.
The project got 110 out of 100 degree,
-Using search algorithms such as: Breadth First Search, Best First Search , DFS - to create and solve the maze.
-Design patterns such as : Bridge , Factory and Observer Design Patterns.
-TCP Networking Simulation (on same pc) using LOCAL HOST , and PORT.
-Multi thread using for creation number of maze simultaneously, and solving them , using Pool Pattern.
-JAVAFX GUI including Zoom IN&OUT by CTRL+Mouse Scroll,move character with numpad/mouse,properties-configuration save,algrotihms selection for solving the maze,characters Selection and many
You might have some problems running javafx,
the main reason could be your java Version .
try fix it by set it to the next Configurations.