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83 lines (73 loc) · 3.07 KB

File metadata and controls

83 lines (73 loc) · 3.07 KB


Codebase structure

  • algo (folder to save different sorting alogrithm source code)
    • algoname1
      • ...
    • algoname2
    • ...
  • cell_models (folder to save raw cell model groups from Allen)
    • cellmodelsgroup1
    • cellmodelsgroup2
    • ...
  • simulate (code for generating simulated datasets)
  • compare (code for comparison)
  • studies (folder to save several studies)
    • studyname1
      • cell_sim_model (folder to save simulated cell models in this study)
      • templates (can generate several templates from one group of cell_model, folder to save these templates)
        • templatesname1
          • templates.h5 (from MEArec.save_template_generator(), has params)
          • probename.yaml (a copy of probe file used in generating templates by MEArec)
          • template_params.pkl (params to generate this templates.h5)
        • templatesname2
        • ...
      • recordings (can generate several recordings from one set of templates, folder to save these recordings)
        • recordingname1
          • recordings.h5 (from MEArec.save_recording_generator(), has params)
          • recordings.bin (extract only raw data as int16 bin file, as some sorting algos require)
          • recording_params.pkl (params to generate this recordings.h5)
          • info.pkl (general infomation of this recording, like path to cell_models, cell_sim_models, templates)
          • probe (folder to save probe files with different formats, as some sorting algos require; should have the same information to the probe file in template folder)
            • probeforalgo1.prb
            • probeforalgo2.mat
            • ...
          • sorting_results (folder to save all algos result files)
            • algoname1
            • algoname2
            • ...
          • comparing_results
            • fig (folder to save figure plots)
              • ...
            • ...
        • recordingname2
        • ...
    • studyname2
      • ...

Comparing results

In general, we can have 2 categories of comparing results: spike time comparing and template waveform comparing.

Spike time comparing

  • time_agreement_matrix()
  • jaccard_score_matrix()
  • ccg_matrix() (from pykilosort)

Template waveform comparing

  • cosine_similarity_matrix()
  • simscore_matrix() (svd, similar to pykilosort)

About my study mouse_VISp_L5_128ch

This study was created for a systematic comparison between some different algorithms. The neural models are from The Allen Cell Type Database.


  • kilosort2.5 (KS25)
  • kilosort3 (KS3)
  • herdingspikes (HS2)
  • spykingcircus (SC)
  • spykingcircus2 (SC2)
  • tridesclous (TC)
  • tridesclous2 (TC2)
  • mountainsort5 (MS5)

Generated recordings (simulated datasets):

Condition recording_toy recording_onlydrift_slow recording_onlydrift_fast recording_drift
Jitter $\surd$ $\surd$ $\surd$ $\surd$
Shape modulation $\times$ $\times$ $\times$ $\surd$
Bursting $\surd$ $\surd$ $\surd$ $\surd$
Noise distance-correlated distance-correlated distance-correlated distance-correlated
Drifting $\times$ slow fast slow & fast