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This file includes explanation about the model's hyper parameters tuning, model fitting and deployment. A sample minimum viable product (MVP) implementation of this tool is located here.


See Run on local system to run this project locally.

This tool takes a number N and a list of ingredients using --N and --ingredient flags. Then this tools uses the provided ingredients to predict a cuisine using LinearSVC (0.79 approx. accuracy) and similar dishes or cuisines using KNeighborsClassifier (0.74 approx. accuracy).

Explanation about each module can be found later down the document (or follow the below quick links).

Data Pre-Processing

Before I can train or test my models, I have to clean my data which is in yummly.json. So to do this, I loaded it into a panda's DataFrame using pd.load_json(). Then upon viewing the data loaded into the DataFrame, the ingredients were in the form of a list which contained multi-word ingredients like Plain flour and KRAFT Zesty Italian Dressing. So to clean and normalize my ingredients, I created a function called normalize_ingreds in

Normalize Ingredients

Later, I have used One-gram TfidfVectorizer to convert the corpus of ingredients to vectors, so they can be used as the features for model training and testing. Along with that, I used LabelEncoder to convert cusine labels into numerical values for better performance and accuracy.

Model Selection

According to my understanding, the problem at hand is a classification problem and a clustering problem. Trying to predict the Cuisine based on the given ingredients is a Classification problem and trying to find similar dishes based on the given ingredients is a Clustering problem.

I have considered the following models for classification:

  • Logistic Regression
  • Naive Bayes
  • k-Nearest Neighbors
  • Descision Tree and Random Forests
  • Linear Support Vector Machines

Upon training and testing the above models using Cross Validation technique with 5 folds, most of them performed pretty badly due to various reasons. Among them LinearSVC returned the highest score average, so I consided LinearSVC for my classification part.

The Cross Validation scores for my LinearSVC using 5 folds (circular 80%-20% training-testing data) are as follows:

LinearSVC Cross Validation

Moving on to the Clustering problem, my options were less. So I had to choose between K-Means clustering model (un-supervised) and K-Nearest Neighbors classification model (supervised). The KNN's implemetation in scikit-learn library had an handy function called kneighbors() which made it easier to get similar dishes based on given ingredients and cosine similarity metric.

I used the elbow method to get the optimal value for K. In the below graph, the error value stays pretty much the same after K=14.

Elbow Method

The Cross Validation scores for my KNeighborsClassifier with n_neighbors=14 using 5 folds (circular 80%-20% training-testing data) are as follows:

KNN Cross Validation

Model Training

After choosing the models, I used Pipeline from scikit-learn to create two transformer and estimator pipelines, which can be used to predict the cusine and gather similar dishes. But before that, I used GridSearchCV to tune my model parameters in this notebook.

Tuning LinearSVC

For tuning my LinearSVC, I have concentrated on the type of n-grams to create using TfidfVectorizer, the Cost and Penality metric for my LinearSVC. The code used for tuning LinearSVC is as follows:

LinearSVC Tuning

The best score and best parameters found by GridSearchCV are:

LinearSVC Best Params

Tuning KNeighborsClassifier

Similarly for tuning my KNeighborsClassifier, I have concentrated on the type of n-grams to create using TfidfVectorizer, the n_neighbors metric for my KNeighborsClassifier. The code used for tuning KNeighborsClassifier is as follows:

LinearSVC Tuning

The best score and best parameters found by GridSearchCV are:

LinearSVC Best Params

Model Deployment

To deploy the models into production, I am using joblib to store the python objects onto the disk into a folder called models. As explained in Bugs/Assumptions in, when this tool is executed it looks for the models in the models folder. And if they do no exist, this tool will create the models, fit them and save them in the models folder. Thus, if the tool is executed without the models present in the models folder, it will take some time (1-2.5 approx. minutes) to generate the models.

The code responsible to create, fit and dump the models (LinearSVC, KNeighborsClassifier and LabelEncoder) are present in

Later, the models are loaded using joblib in The function load_models is responsible for checking if the models exists, create the models and load them for usage. Because there is a lot of involvement of file system access in this tool, I have used pathlib to safely access, create or delete (in case of testing) these models.

Predicing Cuisine

After loading the Cusine Finder (CF) model (LinearSVC), the function get_cusine_prediction in project2 is responsible to getting the prediction and score from the model. This is done using the below code:

Cuisine Prediction

Gathering similar dishes

To gather similar dishes, we used the loaded Neighbors finder (NF) model (KNeighborsClassifier) in the function closest_recipes in project2. This function is responsible to get the given number of closes dishes IDs along with their cosine based similarity scores. This is done using the following code:

Similar dishes