We work on stable, supported and up-to-date versions of packages. We recommend you to do the same.
Package | Version |
PHP | >=8.0 |
sylius/sylius | 1.12.x - 1.13.x |
MySQL | >= 5.7 |
NodeJS | >= 14.x |
composer require bitbag/catalog-plugin --no-scripts
Add plugin dependencies to your config/bundles.php
# config/bundles.php
return [
BitBag\SyliusCatalogPlugin\BitBagSyliusCatalogPlugin::class => ['all' => true]
Import required config in config/packages/bitbag_sylius_catalog_plugin.yaml
# config/packages/bitbag_sylius_catalog_plugin.yaml
- { resource: "@BitBagSyliusCatalogPlugin/Resources/config/config.yaml" }
driver: doctrine
If You are using Bitbag SyliusElasticsearchPlugin change driver to elasticsearch:
# config/packages/bitbag_sylius_catalog_plugin.yaml
- { resource: "@BitBagSyliusCatalogPlugin/Resources/config/config.yaml" }
driver: elasticsearch
Import routing in your config/routes/bitbag_sylius_catalog_plugin.yaml
# config/routes/bitbag_sylius_catalog_plugin.yaml
resource: "@BitBagSyliusCatalogPlugin/Resources/config/routing.yaml"
First, please run legacy-versioned migrations by using command:
bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
After migration, please create a new diff migration and update database:
bin/console doctrine:migrations:diff
bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
Note: If you are running it on production, add the -e prod
flag to this command.
bin/console cache:clear
Note: If you are running it on production, add the -e prod
flag to this command.
To display catalogs in product details You need to override product details template, for example with template provided as a part of test application.
ShopBundle (templates/bundles/SyliusShopBundle
- for rendering catalogs by their code:
Renders a catalog in place of the included code: Rules - which products should be included inside catalog
{{ bitbag_render_product_catalog("test_catalog") }}
- for rendering all catalogs active for given product:
Renders catalogues for the products that have been selected in the rule : Rules - in which products catalog should be shown
{{ bitbag_render_product_catalogs(product) }}
Create directory for yours catalog template, by default catalog
mkdir -p templates/catalog
Default template for product catalog is @BitBagSyliusCatalogPlugin/Catalog/Templates/showProducts.html.twig
You can copy it into %kernel.project_dir%/templates/
by the command below and edit it.
cp vendor/bitbag/catalog-plugin/src/Resources/views/Catalog/Templates/showProducts.html.twig templates/catalog/custom_template.html.twig
The selection of templates takes place in the admin panel separately for each catalogue.
If you want to have product catalog templates in different directory, you can change catalog directory by changing templates_dir.
# config/packages/bitbag_sylius_catalog_plugin.yaml
templates_dir: 'your_catalog_name'
Then your templates for catalog will be stored at %kernel.project_dir%/templates/your_catalog_name
bin/console debug:container --parameters | grep bitbag_sylius_catalog_plugin
bin/console debug:container bitbag_sylius_catalog_plugin
To run the tests, execute the commands:
composer install
APP_ENV=test symfony server:start --port=8080 --dir=tests/Application/public --daemon
cd ./tests/Application/
yarn install
yarn build
yarn encore dev
bin/console doctrine:database:create --env=test
bin/console doctrine:schema:create --env=test
bin/console assets:install --env=test
bin/console sylius:fixtures:load --env=test
symfony open:local
cd ../../
vendor/bin/phpspec run
vendor/bin/ecs check src
For incorrectly displayed translations, execute the command:
bin/console cache:clear