Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Id | int32 | [optional] [default to null] | |
Created | time.Time | [default to null] | |
Updated | time.Time | [default to null] | |
Archived | bool | [optional] [default to null] | |
Name | string | [default to null] | |
ImgUrl | string | [optional] [default to null] | |
MobileHeroImgUrl | string | [optional] [default to null] | |
Emoji | string | [optional] [default to null] | |
LogoUrl | string | [optional] [default to null] | |
Description | string | [optional] [default to null] | |
ChatChannelId | float64 | [default to null] | |
IsPrivate | bool | [default to null] | |
AffiliateId | string | [optional] [default to null] | |
PotDistributionPreferences | interface{} | [optional] [default to null] | |
Socials | interface{} | [optional] [default to null] | |
Deleted | bool | [optional] [default to null] |