This folder contains configuration and expectations to run the OTP speed test. The test runs automatically after each merged PR and the results are visualised on a Grafana instance.
Each run is listed under the GitHub Actions.
If you need to run the test locally you need to download the fixed datasets (OSM, transit) listed below and build a graph from them first.
After the graph is built, copy it into ./test/performance/${location}
and execute the following
command to run the speed test:
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="org.opentripplanner.transit.speed_test.SpeedTest" -Dexec.classpathScope=test -Dexec.args="--dir=test/performance/${location} -p md -n 4 -i 3 -0"
The results will be displayed on the console.
Each run on CI is instrumented with Java Flight Recorder. The results are then saved as an artifact and can be downloaded. IntelliJ for example can display a very useful flame graph from those jrf files that shows bottlenecks in the code.
- Pick a valid "testDate" for your data set and set it in the speed-test-config.json.
- Make sure build-config "transitServiceStart" and "transitServiceEnd" include the "testDate".
All data input files are located at
Data used:
- Norwegian NeTEx data
- Norway OSM data
If the link above do not work you should be able to find it on the ENTUR web:
Data used:
- Tidied GTFS data
- BW OSM data
Data used:
- Tidied GTFS data
Data used:
- Skånetrafiken NeTEx data
- Sweden OSM data
- Denmark GTFS data
- Denmark OSM data
Data used:
- Switzerland OSM data
- Switzerland GTFS national data
This data set tests a lot of overlapping flex routes in and around Seattle in Washington State.