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50 lines (32 loc) · 2.94 KB

File metadata and controls

50 lines (32 loc) · 2.94 KB

How to contribute

I'm really glad you're reading this and are willing to help. Watching all the sessions is pretty time-consuming and help is highly appreciated.


You should have a look at the open PR's before you start watching a session. There is a chance that a session has already been processed so you can focus on another video.

I watch sessions in 1.5 speed using the awesome player from It is hard to follow at this speed but this is the only way for me to watch so many of them. You can try it and if it feels too fast, just reduce the speed to 1.25 which should be fine for most of the people.

Write in a text editor that offers spell check. You'll be surprised by the amount of typos and small mistakes we make by typing while paying attention to the session :)

Submitting Changes

Please respect the following rules to maintain a consistent look and feel across the session notes:

  • The main file including table of contents is auto-generated when your PR is merged please don't edit it.
  • Search your session markdown file among ./summaries/2020/<session_number>.md and put your session in there. Please make sure your file has no top/bottom blank lines when you're finished editing.
  • Don't forget to mention the authors below the session link in the format _Author_1, Author_2_. You'll find the authors at the beginning of each video.
  • The video duration is not needed here since you can see it when you click the link.
  • For the session please do not add code samples (except one-liners) and no images. I plan to have all session notes skimmable as easy as possible. But you can link to the relevant position in the video by using a short link like this one: 22:32. The time parameter is in seconds. Just put in the time where the interesting part starts in the video.
  • Writing while watching the session can be challenging and you'll often make typos or innocent grammar mistakes. Please review what you're submitting before opening a PR, as this will make your notes available to others faster, and with higher quality.
  • objc != Obj-C != objective-C != Objective-C. IOS is not an Apple operating system and neither XCode is an IDE (iOS and Xcode would be correct). Please double check your spelling and make sure it's consistent.

When you are finished please send a GitHub Pull Request with some notes of what you have done (read more about PRs).

Commit Messages

Submit a Session

It will be enough to have a one-line commit message that contains the title of the session, like:

Add Session \"Platform State of the Union\"

Submit a Fix

Here it's enough to quickly mention what you did, like:

Fixed typo
Added Description if Feature xyz

Thanks so much for your contribution, Stefan