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Releases: Blacksmoke16/GESI

Optimizations + Bug fixes

29 Oct 23:31
Choose a tag to compare

New format for CHARACTERS array
New endpoints
Bug fix

Allow for more than 100 IDs in allianceNames endpoint

18 Sep 18:47
Choose a tag to compare

Allow for more than 100 IDs in allianceNames endpoint

Optimizations + Bug fixes

18 Sep 03:48
Choose a tag to compare

Consolidate some logic
Fix bug with characterSkills endpoint
Fix bug with allianceNames endpoint

Sovereignty Endpoints + characterBlueprints pagination

09 Sep 18:39
Choose a tag to compare

Add sovereignty endpoints.
Add page param to blueprints endpoint.

Note: I don’t have enough blueprints to test to paging, so if it doesn’t work, let me know.

Pagination + endpoitns

03 Sep 02:31
Choose a tag to compare

Add ability to select what page of an endpoint it should fetch.
Add region orders endpoint
Add region item history endpoint

Multi character release

02 Sep 22:33
Choose a tag to compare


This is a complete rewrite of the script. Chances are you will not be able to just copy paste this version in and have it work. Please reread the readme for instructions on how to set it up again.

New features

  1. Ability to authorize and use multiple characters.
  2. Easier to create/edit endpoints in future.
  3. More endpoints!