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File metadata and controls

74 lines (58 loc) · 3.62 KB

mintos Parser

🛠 In active development 🛠

This console application transforms a given account statement file from mintos into a functional portfolio performance file to import into an account.

The input statements must be csv files. This program includes the most statement types (e.g. taxes, interest, bonus, deposits).

It is pretty early in development. The goal is to provide additional parameters for the aggregation and even a solution to track each individuals loans. Also I want to add language parameters to be independend of the input format.


  mintos-parser <input file> [<output file>] [options]

  <input file>   Mintos CSV Input Path
  <output file>  Output Path for Portfolio Performance CSV File [default: .\pp-import.csv]


To make it more flexible the program provides some options for formatting and configurating the output file.

  -ag, --aggregation <daily|monthly|quarterly|yearly>  Aggregate the statement. The statemets are normalized to the end of the aggregation date. [default: monthly]
  -oe, --output-encoding <output-encoding>             Output Encoding of the csv file [default: utf-8]
  -ie, --input-encoding <input-encoding>               Input Encoding of the csv file [default: utf-8]
  -is, --input-seperator <input-seperator>             CSV Seperator of the input file [default: ,]
  -os, --output-seperator <output-seperator>           CSV Seperator of the output file [default: ;]
  -a, --account-name <account-name>                    Account name which is used for Deposits and Withdraws. [default: Mintos]


To generate a monthly report:

mintos-parse.exe .\account-statement.csv .\pp-import.csv -ag monthly

To generate yearly report with different output seperator:

mintos-parse.exe .\account-statement.csv .\pp-import.csv -ag yearly -os \t # stands for \t for tab


Copyright © 2023 by Mario Kellner. Released under the MIT license.

Road map

The following features are already in an useable state:

  • Options for commandline
    • Encoding and Delimiter for both output and input
  • Taxes and bonuses
  • All position displayed in notes
  • Agregate statements
    • daily
    • monthly
    • quarterly
    • yearly

The following features are active in development:

  • Lot of statement types are missed because I don´t have all in my own statement file
  • Tracking individual loans (not aggregated) with a corresponding Depot depot

    Actually this was the first thing I tried but due to the restriction that every depot investment needs a specified amount this wasn´t going to work. I desided to "ignore" the investments and the principal returned on my account for now.

  • Language detection and usage for csv file
  • Option for aggregation=none

    I need a solution for this. Currently it would ending up into many position with 0,00 because PP would round it down.


This is a CSharp project. If you want to contribute or build it by your own you need at least .NET SDK and VS Code. You can develop in Visual Studio Code too.


Portfolio Performance is a software product for individuals with finance background. Although I try my best to provide correct values, the restriction of the "Wert" field only allowing two additional diggest can provide rounding differences. Double check the official numbers first!

I am not affiliated with portfolio performance. I am just an enthusiast which want to track down my portfolio as correct as I can.