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Job board web app

Job board web app where employers list job vacancies and job seekers apply for positions. Made with ReactJS, TailwindCSS and JAVA. Running back-end on Tomcat and storing data using MySQL RDBMS and administrating it using phpMyAdmin. All parts containerized using Docker and docker compose tool to handle all images, containers, hot reload and other configurations.




  1. First download docker for desktop

  2. In CLI run following command: docker compose -p job-board up --build -d 4

  3. In your preferred browser open localhost

Welcome to the Job posting app


If you want to stop docker compose run: docker compose -p job-board down


If you want to use phpMyAdmin:

  1. Create container
  2. in browser open localhost
  3. login using username root and password mydbpassword

Manually pull images

  1. Open yor CLI and start running following commands (one by one)

  2. Create docker network docker network create job-board-net

  3. Pull images:

    1. docker pull blagoja95/job-board-mysql-image:v1.0.1
    2. docker pull blagoja95/job-board-tomcat-image:v1.2.0
    3. docker pull blagoja95/job-board-node-image:v1.2.0
    4. docker pull phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin if you want to use phpmyadmin (optional)
  4. Create containers:

    1. docker run -d -p 3306:3306 --name job-board-mysql --net job-board-net -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mydbpassword blagoja95/job-board-mysql-image:v1.0.1
    2. docker run --name job-board-tomcat -d -p 8080:8080 --net job-board-net blagoja95/job-board-tomcat-image:v1.2.0
    3. docker run -dp 3000:3000 --name job-board-node blagoja95/job-board-node-image:v1.2.0
    4. docker run --name phpmyadmin-container --net job-board-net -d -p 8081:80 -e PMA_HOST=job-board-mysql -e PMA_PORT=3306 phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin (optional)



/users get all users

curl localhost:8080/users

/users with parameters can be used to find specific user

Parameters: id, username, name, email and city.

curl localhost:8080/users?name=GuitarPro%20s.p. GET user GuitarPro

curl localhost:8080/users? GET user Langolo

curl localhost:8080/users?city=Banja%20Luka GET users from Banja Luka(encode url!)

Response JSON:

  "results": 1,
  "users": [
      "city": "Banja Luka",
      "name": "GuitarPro",
      "about": "Prodajemo gitare!",
      "id": 1881,
      "email": "",
      "username": "guitar22"

/posts get all posts

curl localhost:8080/posts

Parameters: id, title, city, type and companyID.

curl localhost:8080/posts?city=Banja%20Luka GET posts from Banja Luka(encode url!)
  "results": 2,
  "posts": [
      "date": "2022-08-15",
      "companyID": "1123",
      "city": "Banja Luka",
      "companyName": "Tritol doo",
      "about": "InterPO je u potrazi za strucnim i motivisanim web programerom koji ce se pridruziti na?em timu. Kao web programer u InterPO-u, vasa uloga bice da radite na razvoju i odr?avanju visokokvalitetnih web aplikacija za nase klijente. Va?e zaduzenje ?e obuhvatiti pisanje cistog i efikasnog koda, razumevanje potreba klijenata i kreiranje funkcionalnih i skalabilnih web resenja.",
      "qual": "Trazimo osobu koja poseduje iskustvo u programiranju na front-end i\/ili back-endu i koja poznaje razlicite tehnologije kao sto su HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP i MySQL. Takodje, vazno nam je da imate iskustvo u radu sa razlicitim razvojnim alatima i okvirima kao sto su React, Angular, Vue.js, Laravel, Symfony i slicno.",
      "id": 12301,
      "title": "Potreban WEB programer",
      "type": "Remote"
      "date": "2023-04-29",
      "companyID": "1149",
      "city": "Banja Luka",
      "companyName": "BestTri",
      "about": " ...",
      "qual": "- dobro poznavanje rada sa Adobe Ilustratorom i Photoshop-om,\n- osnovno poznavanje rada sa ostalim Adobe alatima\n",
      "id": 5848,
      "title": "Trazi se Graficki dizajner",
      "type": "Remote"

If no user or posts are found, users or posts property with empty array is returned.

curl localhost:8080/users?name=notAnUser

Error response specific for GET method

  "results": 0,
  "users": []

If using incorrect request following response is returned:

  "results": 0,
  "info": "Wrong request!"

Response status

The status property can be 0 or 1. Use this as a binary confirmation of a request success.

The Second property is info which contains a server response messege.

Login and registration of users

Login and registration returns three cookies:

username, userID, and session cookie JSESSIONID



Register 2

calling /register via POST method is used to create a new user

curl -X POST -v -d "name=MojaKompanija&username=mycomp11&city=Derventa&" localhost:8080/register

If successful this JSON is returned:

  "register": {
    "success": [
    "status": 1

New session is created for newly created user

Login 2

calling /login via POST is used for login authentication

curl -X POST -v -d "username=tritol22&password=123456789" localhost:8080/login
  "login": {
    "success": [
    "status": 1

New session is created for logged user


call /logout to invalidate session

curl -X POST -v -b "JSESSIONID=947E1129779927408BCDAF885B462C2D" localhost:8080/logout
  "logout": {
    "status": 1,
    "info": "Successfully logout"
Error response specific for login and registration
No user

On login if no user is found following JSON response is returned

  "login": {
    "status": 0,
    "info": "There is no user with provided credentials!"
Incorrect password

If password is wrong following JSON response is returned

  "login": {
    "status": 0,
    "info": "Incorrect password!"

Create post

Create network request using POST method. MUST BE LOGGED IN

Requested parameters: companyID, companyName, title, type, city, about and qual

curl -X POST -b "JSESSIONID=947E1129779927408BCDAF885B462C2D" -b "userID=641" -d "companyID=641&companyName=Tritol DOO&title=Test title&type=full time&ci
ty=Trebinje&about=Loking for&qual=Java" localhost:8080/posts

If successful response JSON with new post ID will return with success status

  "posts": {
    "id": 8717,
    "status": 1

Delete 3

Create network request using POST method (POST METHOD IS USED TEMPORARY). MUST BE LOGGED IN

Request parameter is id of the desired post or user for delete.

This call requires userID and JSESSIONID cookies.


curl -X POST -b "JSESSIONID=B0F4A3D4373564E825050EEFB9E6999B" -b "userID=641" localhost:8080/posts/delete?id=8063


curl -X POST -b "JSESSIONID=B0F4A3D4373564E825050EEFB9E6999B" -b "userID=641" localhost:8080/users/delete?id=8063


If successful response JSON with number that is greater than zero (rows affected) is return.

  "posts": {
    "status": 1,
    "info": "Post successfully deleted!"

or for user

  "users": {
    "status": 1,
    "info": "User successfully deleted!"

If unsuccessful then zero is return

  "posts": {
    "status": 0,
    "info": "Error, check post ID!"


Current user does not have rights to delete post

A user with a userID=1 wants to delete post with a id postID=100 which is post from a user userID=2. This is not allowed.

curl -X DELETE -b "JSESSIONID=947E1129779927408BCDAF885B462C2D" -b "userID=1" localhost:8080/posts?id=100
  "posts": {
    "status": 0,
    "info": "Delete action denied!"


Send POST request on /users/update or /posts/update. MUST BE LOGGED IN


Paramaters that can be updated5: name, email, about and city

curl -X POST -d "name=NEW NAME& CITY" -b "JSESSIONID=947E1129779927408BCDAF885B462C2D" -b "userID=1123" localhost:8080/users/update

Response JSON:

  "update": {
    "id": 1123,
    "status": 1,
    "info": "User profile is successfully updated!"

Let us check result of an update

curl localhost:8080/users?id=1123


  "results": 1,
  "users": [
      "city": "Banja Luka",
      "name": "Tritol doo",
      "about": "Tritol kompanija Banja Luka",
      "id": 1123,
      "email": "",
      "username": "tritol22"

After update:

  "results": 1,
  "users": [
      "city": "NEW CITY",
      "name": "NEW NAME",
      "about": "...",
      "id": 1123,
      "email": "",
      "username": "tritol22"


Parameters that can be updated6: title, type, about, city and qual (qualification).

 curl -X POST -d "id=10000&title=NEW TITLE&type=NEW TYPE&city=Laktasi&about=...&qual=..." -b "JSESSIONID=947E1129779927408BCDAF885B462C2D" localhost:8080/posts/update

Response JSON:

  "update": {
    "id": 10000,
    "status": 1,
    "info": "Post is successfully updated!"

Status property can be 0 or 1. Use this as a binary confirmation of a request success.

Let us check result of an update

curl localhost:8080/posts?id=10000


  "results": 1,
  "posts": [
      "date": "2022-12-12",
      "companyID": "293",
      "city": "Laktasi",
      "companyName": "Longolo",
      "about": "Trazi se programer sa 2 godine iskustva u java i java script tehnologijama",
      "qual": "srednja strucna sprema",
      "id": 10000,
      "title": "Trazi se programer",
      "type": "Stalno zaposlenje"

After update

  "results": 1,
  "posts": [
      "date": "2022-12-12",
      "companyID": "293",
      "city": "Laktasi",
      "companyName": "Longolo",
      "about": "...",
      "qual": "...",
      "id": 10000,
      "title": "NEW TITLE",
      "type": "NEW TYPE"


Only owners (and maybe admins issue 63) can update posts.

curl -X POST -d "id=10000&title=NEW TITLE 222&type=NEW TYPE&city=Laktasi&about=...&qual=..." -b "JSESSIONID=E6FA2AABB9D7733C1E6A0841A9265D65" -b "userID=641" localhost:8080/posts/update
  "update": {
    "status": 0,
    "info": "Update action denied!"

Handling incorrect requests

Wrong or incorrect requests are handled, and proper response is return in JSON format. These are common responses for all POST requests (Register, Login, Update and Creation of users and posts).

No parameters

When request is sent without parameters

curl -X POST localhost:8080/login

// or

curl -X POST localhost:8080/register

error JSON response is returned

  "login": {
    "status": 0,
    "info": "No parameters provided!"


  "register": {
    "status": 0,
    "info": "No parameters provided!"

Empty parameters value

If any of parameters is empty string

curl localhost:8080/users?name=Boris&email

Error JSON response is returned

  "users": {
    "status": 0,
    "info": "Email is empty!"

Other examples of JSON formatted response

  "register": {
    "status": 0,
    "info": "About is empty!"


  "update": {
    "status": 0,
    "info": "Title is empty!"

Missing required parameter

If one or more parameters that is required is missing error JSON response is returned.

Following request is missing companyID parameter and its value:

curl -X POST -b "JSESSIONID=368103A3BCBEBA58D9947BF0E4A0EFBD" -d "companyName=Tritol DOO&title=Test title&type=full time&&city=Trebinje&about=Loking for&ual=Java" localhost:8080/posts

To create a new post these parameters are required.

  "update": {
    "status": 0,
    "info": "Some required parameters are missing! Please check documentation!"

Not existing ID

When updating users or posts, or when creating new post and using incorrect (none existing ID 5) following response is returned:

Update of post and user with none existing IDs:

  "update": {
    "status": 0,
    "info": "Post with id 1001 does not exist!"

  "update": {
    "status": 0,
    "info": "User with id 1302 does not exist!"

Example of network request where companyID (1003) does not exist:

curl -X POST -b "JSESSIONID=368103A3BCBEBA58D9947BF0E4A0EFBD" -d "companyID=1003&companyName=Tritol DOO&title=Test title&type=full time&city=Trebinje&about=Loking for&qual=Java" localhost:8080/posts
  "posts": {
    "status": 0,
    "info": "Company with id 1003 does not exist!"

The following are Session errors:

Missing cookie

Trying to create, delete or update w/o being singed in or sending network request w/o required cookies will return error json.

  "posts": {
    "status": 0,
    "info": "Missing Cookie!"
No session
curl -X POST -v -b "JSESSIONID=123" localhost:8080/logout
  "logout": {
    "status": 0,
    "info": "You must first be logged in!"
Missing UserID cookie
curl -X DELETE -b "JSESSIONID=2D26293A42268F6E3AEEBF0F406FB83B" localhost:8080/posts?id=1
  "posts": {
    "status": 0,
    "info": "UserID cookie is missing!"
Post ID parameter missing
curl -X DELETE -b "JSESSIONID=947E1129779927408BCDAF885B462C2D" localhost:8080/posts?wrong=213
  "posts": {
    "status": 0,
    "info": "PostID parameter is missing!"
Post with ID=value not found
curl -X DELETE -b "JSESSIONID=947E1129779927408BCDAF885B462C2D" -b "userID=641" localhost:8080/posts?id=1
  "posts": {
    "status": 0,
    "info": "Post with ID 1 is not found!"

Additional information

If you found documentation or software errors please feel free to contact me or raise an issue.


  1. Examples are run locally for now!!! 2

  2. Currently unsafe! this issue will be addressed in #42 2 3 4

  3. cURL If using curl to test API use -v flag to get response header printed out. Then you can copy cookies and send them back (-b flag) when creating, deleting or updating data. 2

  4. Docker compose on linux: command must be run with sudo, if bootkit fails or error message appears with invalid host header use command sudo DOCKER_BUILDKIT=0 docker-compose up -d --build

  5. PRONE TO CHANGE What can be updated and how it will be updated will probably be changed in future 2

  6. IDs must exist when they are used for update or creation. New Posts use existing companyID, update use corresponding IDs for post and user row.