The function of this repository is to run experiments in the sphere testbed and collect data from the Data Sorcerers on these experiments.
If you'd like to see a detailed view of the data collection process, see the Instrumentation Repo. That repo is for maintainers of the instrumentation software and shouldn't be of any concern to most people using this package. If you'd like to see how the data is saved to the database and what information is stored, please refer to the data documentation in the Instrumentation Repo
All the collection code in this repository is meant to be called from the project root and is meant to be run on an XDC. An analysis code should be executed from the root directory on the users local machine.
To start an experiment, you should run:
./startexp -xs <name>
in the root of this repository.
2 files are needed to implement a new experiment: models/<exp name>.model
experiments/<exp name>/run
models/<exp name>.model
is the topology for your experiment and NEEDS to contain a node
named fusioncore
, which has a link connecting it to every node you'd like to record data from in
your topology. All the data sensors are hard coded to save their data to a node with this name.
experiments/<exp name>/run
is an executable which orchestrates the experiment from the xdc. You
don't need to run anything related to the sensors in this file, just the experiment you'd like to
record. All the data collection is handled by startexp
handles installing the sensors, building the fusion core, starting everything, and
exfiltrating the data.
Once experiments/<exp name>/run
has exited, if startexp -x
was specified, startexp
automatically save the data from the fusioncore to ~/postgres-data.sql
and ~/influx-data.tar.gz
in your xdc. If you need to take more than one point of data, its up to you to properly manage
these files.
If you'd like to analyze your data after an experiment, run:
./util/ <path to data folder>
on any machine that has docker and the data downloaded. This file will set up the databases to the
snapshots contained at <path to data folder>/postgres-data.sql
<path to data folder>/influx-data.tar.gz
(the output files from startexp
The influx database is accessible at
and the postgres database is accessible at
on the machine ./util/
was run on. The scripts in analyze
are already set up to do basic data manipulations on these containers, so ./analyze/*
are set
to work out of the box. Feel free to modify and extend these scripts as you see fit.
That should be everything you need to know! The rest of this document is technical details on the software included in this repo, in case you'd only like to use parts of it
If you have access to a bash command line, needing to orchestrate everything in the XDC is tedious. So I've developed the orchestration folder, which will facilitate recording and saving data from your local machine (assuming you have mrg and an XDC set up)
The basic command format is:
./orchestration/run <xdc> <iterations> <data_location> <experiment name>
This will install the collections package, run startexp -sx <experiment name>
, save the output data
of the FusionCore to <data_location> on the local machine, and loop this times, so you
can easily take data of repeated trials.
So you should only need to run
./orchestration/run <xdc> <iterations> <data_location> <experiment>
on your local machine and
the script will manage everything for you.
Heres a sample command:
./orchestration/run sunsh 1 ./data/testing2 -s synflood
If you'd like more fine grained controll over the execution process:
./startexp <name>
will simply create the materialization and install the fusioncore and datasorcerers on that
materialization. This does require the file ./models/<name>.model
runlab <name>
will install the packages for that lab on the topology. No extra files are required for this.
If ./experiments/<name>/install
exists, extra software is required to run this experiment (namely byob).
To install this extra software, run:
These three steps can be combined into one step with:
./startexp -s <name>
but this has the added advantage all the commands executed in runlab
will be excluded from the dataset.
For a list of all the available experiments, visit:
Then you can mess with your experiment however you see fit.
To run an experiment script, simply execute:
The steps above can be automated into one command with:
./startlab -xs <name>
To save the data once you're done, run:
./util/download/ fusioncore
This will create ~/postgres-data.sql
and ~/influx-data.tar.gz
on the xdc, which are database
snapshots that ./util/
can use to let users easily do post hoc analysis.
The first (and only) argument to ./util/
is a folder which contains
and influx-data.tar.gz
. This script will stand up docker containers on your
local machine which contain the data in these snapshots. The files in analysis
are currently set
up to read from these containers.
It can be useful to run a shut-down script between trials that you wouldn't like recorded in the
data. orchestration/run
will automatically run ./experiments/<name>/end
after its collected
data, if the file exists and cause any errors if it doesn't. startlab
doesn't have an equivalent
functionality, but you can always run the scripts by hand.
contains the scripts which install the data sorcerers, fusion core, and byob into the
topology FROM THE XDC
./install/ <node>
can be used to install the fusion core on a specific node. But you'll
need to alter the configs on all the nodes running the Data Sorcerers. To see details on all the
configuration options please see the configuration documentation in the Instrumentation repo.
installs the Data Sorcerers on every node in your topology that isn't the
./install/ node1 node2
only installs the Sorcerers on node1 and node2.
./util/download/ <fusion core node>
downloads a snap shot of the databases in the
to ~/postgres-data.sql
and ~/influx-data.tar.gz
in an xdc.
show examples of data manipulation post hoc.
executes the byob server on the xdc and optionally builds and installs the
byob-client binary on all the nodes in a materialization. Installing on the materialization only
needs to be done once.
executes command on remote nodes connected to the byob server running on the host
lists all the nodes connect to the xdc this script is run on
empties the databases connected to fusioncore on the xdc this from is
run from. Useful when taking repeated experiments