diff --git a/saythanks/core.py b/saythanks/core.py
index 265e9d9..8bf04f6 100644
--- a/saythanks/core.py
+++ b/saythanks/core.py
@@ -98,10 +98,9 @@ def index():
+@app.route('/inbox', methods=['POST', 'GET'])
 def inbox():
     # Auth0 stored account information.
     profile = session['profile']
@@ -110,11 +109,17 @@ def inbox():
     is_enabled = storage.Inbox.is_enabled(inbox_db.slug)
     is_email_enabled = storage.Inbox.is_email_enabled(inbox_db.slug)
-    # Send over the list of all given notes for the user.
+    if request.method == "GET":
+        # Send over the list of all given notes for the user.
+        return render_template('inbox.htm.j2',
+                            user=profile, notes=inbox_db.notes,
+                            inbox=inbox_db, is_enabled=is_enabled,
+                            is_email_enabled=is_email_enabled)
+    search_str = request.form['search_str']
     return render_template('inbox.htm.j2',
-                           user=profile, notes=inbox_db.notes,
-                           inbox=inbox_db, is_enabled=is_enabled,
-                           is_email_enabled=is_email_enabled)
+                        user=profile, notes=inbox_db.search_notes(search_str),
+                        is_email_enabled=is_email_enabled)
@@ -346,3 +351,4 @@ def callback_handling():
         # Using nickname by default, can be changed manually later if needed.
         storage.Inbox.store(nickname, userid, email)
     return redirect(url_for('inbox'))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/saythanks/storage.py b/saythanks/storage.py
index e4d9f33..2cba171 100644
--- a/saythanks/storage.py
+++ b/saythanks/storage.py
@@ -208,6 +208,20 @@ def notes(self):
             for n in r
         return notes[::-1]
+    def search_notes(self, search_str):
+        """Returns a list of notes, queried by search string "param" """
+        q = sqlalchemy.text("""SELECT * from notes where ( body LIKE '%' || :param || '%' or byline LIKE '%' || :param || '%' ) and inboxes_auth_id = :auth_id""")
+        r = conn.execute(q, param=search_str, auth_id=self.auth_id).fetchall()
+        notes = [
+            Note.from_inbox(
+                self.slug,
+                n["body"], n["byline"], n["archived"], n["uuid"], n["timestamp"]
+            )
+            for n in r
+        ]
+        return notes[::-1]
     def export(self, file_format):
         q = sqlalchemy.text("SELECT * from notes where inboxes_auth_id = :auth_id and archived = 'f'")
diff --git a/saythanks/templates/inbox.htm.j2 b/saythanks/templates/inbox.htm.j2
index a830cf2..f67df0a 100644
--- a/saythanks/templates/inbox.htm.j2
+++ b/saythanks/templates/inbox.htm.j2
@@ -72,7 +72,10 @@
   <h3>Notes of Thankfulness:</h3>
+<form action="/inbox" method="POST">
+  <input type="text" style="font-size:14px" size=28 placeholder="Search by message body or byline" name="search_str">
+    <button style="font-size:10px" type="submit">Search</button>