The BlizzTrack Discord bot needs a little bot of setup to have it to start posting notifications whenever a new game version is available.
In this guide, we will explain all the commands: what they do and how to use them.
All commands are prefixed with bt!
This is to ensure no other bots listen to the same commands.
The help command will show an up-to-date list of all commands currently available on the bot.
Additionally, this command can show syntax and other information about all commands.
bt!help <command>
This is the command used to setup the update feed for new game versions.
This will post new messages in the current channel every time there's a new version available.
bt!subscribe <game>
When you no longer want to receive feed updates for a game, you can unsubscribe using this command.
This will only unsubscribe the current channel, not all other channels that have the same game subscription.
bt!unsubscribe <game>
Not everyone knows all the game names on the top of their head, and that's okay! Searching for games is extremely easy with this simple command.
bt!search <game>