A Python package to build on the Liquid network.
import lwk
network = lwk.Network.mainnet()
assert(str(network) == "Liquid")
- Watch-Only wallet support: using Liquid descriptors, better known as CT descriptors.
- PSET based: transactions are shared and processed using the Partially Signed Elements Transaction format.
- Electrum and Esplora backends: no need to run and sync a full Liquid node or rely on closed source servers.
- Asset issuance, reissuance and burn support: manage the lifecycle of your Issued Assets with a lightweight client.
- Generic multisig wallets: create a wallet controlled by any combination of hardware or software signers, with a user specified quorum.
- List transactions of a wpkh/slip77 wallet
- Send transaction of a wpkh/slip77 wallet in a regtest environment
- Send asset of a wpkh/slip77 wallet in a regtest environment
- Custom persister, the caller code provide how the wallet updates are persisted