Giantic differences in wellfare distribution take Humanity to collapse, resources hiperexplotation take Humanity to collapse, biodiversity and environmental threats take Humanity to collapse…and so on. Here some terrifying data from the World bank database.
A wellfare recirculation system is needed to attach these Humanity threats as a whole. We are developing a global platform of socially responsible Brands, socially responsable consumers, and NGO`s, to open a capital recirculation window from resources dedicated to gain and maintain clients, to that causes and problems that customers mind. Brands pay people for donating its preferred charities in exchange of his loyalty.
- Brands need cost effective ways of engaging clients
- Consumers prefer socially responsable brands
- There is a lack of trust in charities
- NGO´s need additional funding sources
- Brands need to reduce customer acquisition / retention costs
- Need to measure CSR policies return and optimize spending in this area
- Need for reputation improvement of brands
- Market Hypercompetition, need for new ways of differenciation.
- Lack of money/resources to support social projects
Shelpin is a community of socially responsible brands, consumers and NGO´s. The platform will allow to donate little percentages of customers purchases to the NGO´s that the customers prefer, channeling those funds through blockchain technology (Giveth) to ensure traceability of funds and allow programming the money so that it is transferred to the NGO´s when milestones of a concrete social project are completed and validated by the community. Even if it is free for the consumer, it requires its attention, so we implement gamification strategies to make Shelpin (shopping and helping) not only free but funny.
In a first development phase we focus on online shopping but we will also address offline buying. The platform embeds an open source browser that allows to make the transactions and suggest the customer which brands will donate with Shelpin from the search page, so allowing brands to be present in the purchase decision process.
There are three types of users,brands, consumers and NGO´s, although brands are the ones who pay:
- Brands in B2C sectors with high online competition (retail, telco,utilities, travel)
- Ecommerce niche players
- Companies with high margins and customer acquisiton costs
- Actime in CSR
- With Massive commercialization models
- Companies present in saturated markets with few differentiation possibilities
- People with certain social commitment
- 18-50 years old
- Social network users
- Online buyers
- 7.5 MM donors only in Spain. 1.5 Bn worldwide
- Willing to allocate funds to concrete projects
- With disadvantagees regarding fundraising potential
- Niche NGO´s with very specific activities
- Audited
Addressing the 10 % of the 7.5 MM donors (only Spain in a first phase) and the 10% of monthly expenditure in leisure a nd food (50 €) we can expect 4.5 MM € donated to the causes chosen by customers, with a donation mean of 1% of purchases. The kind of concrete impacts will be determined by the customers choice of social causes that they mind about. Measuring social impact is a built in feature of the platform, as Shelpin is itself is a mechanism of tracking impact of donations thanks to blockchain technology and public accountability of funds sent to NGO´s.