This document lists the static data dependencies required by the notebooks.
- Voltage traces
The traces required for these 6 cells
- C060109A1-SR-C1
- C060109A3-SR-C1
- C080501A5-SR-C1
- C060109A2-SR-C1
- C070109A4-C1
- C080501B2-SR-C1
The data is available at feature_extraction/input-traces
- The following morphologies
- C060110A2.asc
- rat_20160316_E2_LH3_cell1.asc
- C060114A5.asc
- rp110616_C1_idB.asc
- rat_20140925_RH1_Exp1_cell2.asc
- rp110630_P1_idC.asc
They are located at model_management/mm_run_minimal/morphologies
- An emodel directory located at model_management/mm_run_minimal/emodels_dir.
The emodel directory contains a list of mechanisms and parameter files.
The mechanisms are:
- CaDynamics_DC0.mod
- Ca_HVA.mod
- Ca_HVA2.mod
- Ca_LVAst.mod
- Ih.mod
- K_Pst.mod
- K_Tst.mod
- KdShu2007.mod
- NaTg.mod
- NaTg2.mod
- Nap_Et2.mod
- SK_E2.mod
- SKv3_1.mod
- StochKv2.mod
- StochKv3.mod
The parameters include other etypes that we are not showing in this notebook. Suggestion: we may delete them.
- cADpyr_L5TPC_1.pkl file from the optimization results.
The file is located at optimization/opt_module/checkpoints/run.a6e707a/cADpyr_L5TPC_1.pkl.
- The emodel directory as well as the mechanisms below.
- CaDynamics_DC0.mod
- Ca_HVA.mod
- Ca_HVA2.mod
- Ca_LVAst.mod
- Ih.mod
- K_Pst.mod
- K_Tst.mod
- KdShu2007.mod
- NaTg.mod
- NaTg2.mod
- Nap_Et2.mod
- SK_E2.mod
- SKv3_1.mod
- StochKv2.mod
- StochKv3.mod
- The morphology file used in the optimization is the following. optimization/opt_module/morphologies/C060114A5.asc
- The experimental data acquired from the literature
- Berger2001_Fig3.csv
- Berger2001_Fig3.dig
- Berger2001_Fig3.png
- Berger2001_Fig3_2.csv
- Larkum2001_Fig8.csv
- Larkum2001_Fig8.dig
- Larkum2001_Fig8.png
- Larkum2001_Fig8E.csv
- Larkum2001_Fig8E.dig
- Larkum2001_Fig8_2.csv
- Nevian2007_Fig1.csv
- Nevian2007_Fig1.dig
- Nevian2007_Fig1.png
- Nevian2007_Fig1_2.csv
- Nevian2007_Fig1h.csv
- Nevian2007_Fig1h.dig
- Nevian2007_Fig2.csv
- Nevian2007_Fig2.dig
- Nevian2007_Fig2.png
- Nevian2007_Fig2_2.csv
- Nevian2007_Fig2_email.csv
- Nevian2007_Fig4.csv
- Nevian2007_Fig4.dig
- Nevian2007_Fig4.png
- Nevian2007_Fig4_2.csv
- Nevian2007_SupFig3.png
- Schiller1995.png
- StuartSakmann1994_Fig1.csv
- StuartSakmann1994_Fig1.dig
- StuartSakmann1994_Fig1.png
- StuartSakmann1994_Fig1_2.csv
Some of these data are not used in the plots. Suggestion: Perhaps we can remove those.
1000 morphologies to be validated are located at validation/input/morphologies
the mecombo_emodel.tsv file
This file contains ~200.000 lines Suggestion: perhaps we can remove the lines irrelevant to this notebook.
- the following mechanisms
- CaDynamics_DC0.mod
- Ca_HVA.mod
- Ca_HVA2.mod
- Ca_LVAst.mod
- Ih.mod
- K_Pst.mod
- K_Tst.mod
- KdShu2007.mod
- NaTg.mod
- NaTg2.mod
- Nap_Et2.mod
- SK_E2.mod
- SKv3_1.mod
- StochKv2.mod
- StochKv3.mod
- Certain files in the singlecell-optimization setup directories contain the following license information.
""" This file is part of BluePyOpt
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation. """
- Licences of the mechanisms (MOD files) should be checked