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Online Studies Resources

Request the login info from Mick to access the lab's mTurk requester account, the developer Sandbox account, & the Amazon Web Services (S3) account.


mTurk tutorial by the Brady Lab

mTurk guide by Martin Hebart


On top of improved data quality, there are lots of "quality of life" improvements over mturk, such as

  • A much simpler interface
  • The ability to message anyone who starts your study
  • The ability to bonus or approve anyone who starts your study (no more compensation HITs!)
  • Lower fees than mturk (unless you used batching, and assuming no currency exchange fees)
  • It keeps track of actual pay per hour as participants finish
  • The study completion percentage updates more quickly
  • A status indicator for each participant (finished, in progress or cancelled)
  • An estimate of the size of the eligible participant pool given your qualifications/restrictions

To successfully interface your study with Prolific, you'll need to do a few things:

  • For Prolific (unlike MTurk), participants complete your study directly from your URL you provide (instead within the MTurk frame/interface)
  • So importantly: You NEED to put a URL specific to your study here (I put mine at the top of my script). You'll get this for each study from the Prolific experiment creation page.
  • And you NEED to redirect them after the study is over (or at least give them the link explicitly)

Other info:

  • Balance: Make sure there's enough money in our account (top right) before running! If you need more money, message Mick. He'll email the admins to add it.
  • Payment: we must pay $10/hour. Calculate your study time fairly.
  • You can extract the Prolific PID from the URL. But you need to do "Show Advanced" and check the box:
    • Would you like us to include special parameters such as PARTICIPANT_ID in your study url?
  • To preview your study before publishing, there's a Preview button at the bottom of the Study screen
  • I make mine accessible only by Desktop
  • You can apply prescreening for various things. I do:
    • Nationality (I do US, but you may want UK too)
    • Approval rate (I do 85 and up, but the data is so good you really don't need this)
    • Number of previous submissions (I do 50 and up, but the data is so good you really don't need this)

In the HTML you need a div something like the below:

<div class="doneTextStyle" id="redirectToProlific">
  <p>Your browser should automatically redirect you to Prolific's webpage where you will be given a completion code.</p>
  <p>Redirecting in <span id="countDown"><b></b></span> seconds.</p>
  <p>If you're not automatically redirected in a few seconds, please click the below link, or copy and paste the address into your web browser:
  <b><a id="urlProlific" href=""></a></b>

In your javascript:

// redirect URL for the Prolific study

// will be unique to each study
var urlProlific = "";

How to get the Prolific info from the URL:

// get prolific info
function getProlificInfo() {
  let urlParams = new URLSearchParams(;
  prolificPID = urlParams.get("PROLIFIC_PID");
  studyID = urlParams.get("STUDY_ID");
  sessionID = urlParams.get("SESSION_ID");
  if (prolificPID == null) {
    prolificPID = 'NO-SUBJ-ID';
  return [prolificPID, studyID, sessionID];

General Prolific redirect functions. You want these in your javascript:

var finalCountDownClock = 3;

function redirectToProlific() {
  // set url
  $('#urlProlific').attr("href", urlProlific);
  // hide
  // show
  // countdown
  redirectTimer = setInterval(countDown, 1000);

// prolific redirect countdown
function countDown () {
  if (finalCountDownClock == 0) {
    // clear countdown
    // redirect
    window.location = urlProlific;
  } else {

How to use php to record data:

Put this in your javascript. (responses is an object holding the data; subjectID is the subject user id; outDir is the folder where to store the data):

// get data string from response array
var dataString = JSON.stringify(responses);
// post response to server
$.post("", {
  subjectID: subjectID,
  dataString: dataString,
  outDir: outDir

And this should be a file in your experiment folder (make sure it has appropriate permissions!). Called e.g.


from datetime import datetime
import sys, cgi, cgitb, os, errno

# log any errors in /pylogs/
cgitb.enable(display=0, logdir='pylogs')

# get form data from JavaScript
formdata = cgi.FieldStorage()

# get subjectID and dataString (JSON stringified array)
subjectID = formdata.getvalue('subjectID', 'subjectID_NULL')
dataString = formdata.getvalue('dataString', 'dataString_NULL')
outDir = formdata.getvalue('outDir', '../data') # 'data' is the default directory

# make directory (and catch the error if it already exists; and throw the error if there is another issue besides it not existing, e.g. file permissions)
except OSError as e:
    if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:

# get string of current date and time
now = str([:19].replace(':','-').replace(' ','_')

# optionally, could make it so that if there were no valid subject id, include date/time, but not otherwise

# write file in /data/ as 'A989SDF67SDFA5_2018-07-09_11-56-41.txt
outputFilename = outDir + '/' + subjectID + '_' + now + '.txt'
with open(outputFilename, 'w') as outputFile:

# print header and 'Done.' message
sys.stdout.write('Content-type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n\n')