- Tests passing up to PHP 8 / WP 6 / MySQL 8.
- Submodule tested with WP-GeoMeta, which now works as expected (addressing several open issues).
- Numerous fixes, mostly migrating now-removed MySQL spacial functions with their ST_ equivalents more info.
- What happened to changelog notes for 0.3.3 and 0.3.4? No idea.
- Coerce imported GeoJSON to UTF-8 to avoid parse errors.
- Redefine variables in load_now so that wp-geometa-lib will have them.
- WP_GeoUtil::is_geom now has a shortcircuit for strings that don't even look like WKT
- Updated documentation!
- WP_GeoUtil::run_spatial_query now uses a non-warning-generating method to detect if a value is spatial or not
- Updated WP_GeoUtil::is_geojson to detect non-GeoJSON without trying to parse it.
- Improved metaval_to_geom
- Improved handling of MySQL geometry function call results, wrapping bare geometry GeoJSON with {"type":"Feature", "geometry": {the geometry}}
- Split out creation of tables from creation of custom SQL functions.
- Added filter to allow plugin devs to include their own custom SQL function files.
- Standardized filter name prefixes to wpgm_ (old filters will stick around for a few versions, even though I don't think anyone is using them).
- Standardized internal callback functions to use the same name as the filter that they're callbacks for.
- Tests are now included and work within WP-GeoMeta-Lib instead of in WP-GeoMeta.
- Allow WP_GeoUtil::get_capabilities to be run without accessing the options table and without caching the results.
- Cleaner loader file, working towards using spl_autoload_register in a future release.
- Only loads geoPHP if it's needed.
- Support for custom MySQL functions (User Defined Functions and stored functions).
- Built-in support for some functions which may be useful for working with Lat/Lng distances and bearings.
- Fixed issue where duplicate function names would appear in get_capabilities result set.
- Broke out WP_GeoUtil::geom_to_geojson() to its own function.
- Enhancements to WP_GeoUtil::is_geojson()
- WP_GeoUtil::metaval_to_geom() no longer converts geometry from single to multi automatically.
- Separated core functionality into a library
- Added built-in support for the WordPress Geodata standard
- Added filter and action to handle arbitrary lat/lng pair metavalues
- Added documentation for hooks and filters
- Leaflet is now loaded locally instead of from the CDN
- Handle multi-feature GeoJSON correctly in MySQL 5.7 (convert to GEOMETRYCOLLECTION)
- Use ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE to combine added and updated postmeta handlers.
- Upgrading no longer truncates and rebuilds the meta tables.
- Fix for joins so user meta should work again (umeta_id vs meta_id key name issue).
- A beautiful dashboard!
- Plugin activation hooks so that deactivating/activating without upgrading will recreate database tables
- Translation ready!
- Portuguese translation!
- Code documentation!
- Changed geometry type so that all geometries are stored as multipoint to work across MySQL versions
- Only x.x.0 releases will get code names
- orderby should now work
- Much cleaner joins
- Minor fix for when upgrades occurs
- Will now work as a library or a plugin.
- Additional functions for getting data back into GeoJSON format.
- Working well enough to submit to the plugin repo.
- Support for single geometry functions in meta_queries.
- Improved meta query capabilities. Now support sub queries, and uses standard meta-query syntax
- Whitelist of known spatial functions in meta_query args. Allowed args set by detecting MySQL capabilities.
- We now delete the spatial index on activation so that we don't end up with duplicate spatial keys
- Populate geo tables on activation with any existing geojson values
- Submitted ticket to dbDelta SPATIAL INDEX support: https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/36948
- Conform to WP coding standards
- Explicitly set visibility on properties and methods
- Initial Release