diff --git a/AutoscoperM/AutoscoperM.py b/AutoscoperM/AutoscoperM.py
index 71e63ff..4a82b84 100644
--- a/AutoscoperM/AutoscoperM.py
+++ b/AutoscoperM/AutoscoperM.py
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
from slicer.util import VTKObservationMixin
-from AutoscoperMLib import IO, RadiographGeneration, SubVolumeExtraction
+from AutoscoperMLib import IO, SubVolumeExtraction
# AutoscoperM
@@ -36,10 +36,6 @@ def __init__(self, parent):
self.parent.categories = [
- self.parent.dependencies = [
- "CalculateDataIntensityDensity",
- "VirtualRadiographGeneration",
- ]
self.parent.contributors = [
"Anthony Lombardi (Kitware)",
"Amy M Morton (Brown University)",
@@ -216,8 +212,6 @@ def setup(self):
# Pre-processing Library Buttons
self.ui.tiffGenButton.connect("clicked(bool)", self.onGeneratePartialVolumes)
- self.ui.vrgGenButton.connect("clicked(bool)", self.onGenerateVRG)
- self.ui.manualVRGGenButton.connect("clicked(bool)", self.onManualVRGGen)
self.ui.configGenButton.connect("clicked(bool)", self.onGenerateConfig)
self.ui.segmentationButton.connect("clicked(bool)", self.onSegmentation)
@@ -228,11 +222,6 @@ def setup(self):
os.path.join(slicer.mrmlScene.GetCacheManager().GetRemoteCacheDirectory(), "AutoscoperM-Pre-Processing")
- # Dynamic camera frustum functions
- self.ui.mVRG_markupSelector.connect("currentNodeChanged(vtkMRMLNode*)", self.onMarkupNodeChanged)
- self.ui.mVRG_ClippingRangeSlider.connect("valuesChanged(double,double)", self.updateClippingRange)
- self.ui.mVRG_viewAngleSpin.connect("valueChanged(int)", self.updateViewAngle)
# Make sure parameter node is initialized (needed for module reload)
@@ -279,8 +268,6 @@ def initializeParameterNode(self):
# so that when the scene is saved and reloaded, these settings are restored.
- if self.ui.mVRG_markupSelector.currentNode() is not None:
- self.onMarkupNodeChanged(self.ui.mVRG_markupSelector.currentNode())
# Select default input nodes if nothing is selected yet to save a few clicks for the user
# NA
@@ -470,151 +457,6 @@ def onGeneratePartialVolumes(self):
# onLoadPV has a call to the "success" display, remove the one here so the user doesn't get two.
- def onGenerateVRG(self):
- """
- This function optimizes the camera positions for a given volume and then
- generates a VRG file for each optimized camera.
- """
- with slicer.util.tryWithErrorDisplay("Failed to compute results", waitCursor=True):
- self.updateProgressBar(0)
- # Set up and validate inputs
- volumeNode = self.ui.volumeSelector.currentNode()
- mainOutputDir = self.ui.mainOutputSelector.currentPath
- width = self.ui.vrgRes_width.value
- height = self.ui.vrgRes_height.value
- nPossibleCameras = self.ui.posCamSpin.value
- nOptimizedCameras = self.ui.optCamSpin.value
- tmpDir = self.ui.vrgTempDir.text
- tfmPath = self.ui.tfmSubDir.text
- cameraSubDir = self.ui.cameraSubDir.text
- vrgSubDir = self.ui.vrgSubDir.text
- if not self.logic.validateInputs(
- volumeNode=volumeNode,
- mainOutputDir=mainOutputDir,
- width=width,
- height=height,
- nPossibleCameras=nPossibleCameras,
- nOptimizedCameras=nOptimizedCameras,
- tmpDir=tmpDir,
- tfmPath=tfmPath,
- cameraSubDir=cameraSubDir,
- vrgSubDir=vrgSubDir,
- ):
- raise ValueError("Invalid inputs")
- return
- if not self.logic.validatePaths(mainOutputDir=mainOutputDir):
- raise ValueError("Invalid paths")
- return
- if nPossibleCameras < nOptimizedCameras:
- raise Exception("Failed to generate VRG: more optimized cameras than possible cameras")
- return
- # center the volume
- self.logic.createPathsIfNotExists(os.path.join(mainOutputDir, tfmPath))
- if not self.logic.IsSequenceVolume(volumeNode):
- volumeNode.AddCenteringTransform()
- tfmNode = slicer.util.getNode(f"{volumeNode.GetName()} centering transform")
- volumeNode.HardenTransform()
- volumeNode.SetAndObserveTransformNodeID(None)
- tfmPath = os.path.join(mainOutputDir, tfmPath, "Origin2Dicom.tfm")
- tfmNode.Inverse()
- slicer.util.saveNode(tfmNode, tfmPath)
- slicer.mrmlScene.RemoveNode(tfmNode)
- else:
- # Just export the first frame
- currentNode, _ = self.logic.getItemInSequence(volumeNode, 0)
- currentNode.AddCenteringTransform()
- tfmNode = currentNode.GetParentTransformNode()
- currentNode.HardenTransform()
- currentNode.SetAndObserveTransformNodeID(None)
- tfmPath = os.path.join(mainOutputDir, tfmPath, "Origin2Dicom.tfm")
- tfmNode.Inverse()
- slicer.util.saveNode(tfmNode, tfmPath)
- slicer.mrmlScene.RemoveNode(tfmNode)
- # Harden and remove the transform from the sequence
- for i in range(1, volumeNode.GetNumberOfDataNodes()):
- currentNode, _ = self.logic.getItemInSequence(volumeNode, i)
- currentNode.AddCenteringTransform()
- tfmNode = currentNode.GetParentTransformNode()
- currentNode.HardenTransform()
- currentNode.SetAndObserveTransformNodeID(None)
- slicer.mrmlScene.RemoveNode(tfmNode)
- numFrames = 1
- currentNode = volumeNode
- curName = volumeNode.GetName()
- if self.logic.IsSequenceVolume(currentNode):
- numFrames = volumeNode.GetNumberOfDataNodes()
- currentNode, curName = self.logic.getItemInSequence(volumeNode, 0)
- bounds = [0] * 6
- currentNode.GetBounds(bounds)
- # Generate all possible camera positions
- camOffset = self.ui.camOffSetSpin.value
- cameras = RadiographGeneration.generateNCameras(
- nPossibleCameras, bounds, camOffset, [width, height], self.ui.camDebugCheckbox.isChecked()
- )
- # TODO: Validate that both the tmp directory and the camera calibration directory are empty before starting
- cameraDir = os.path.join(mainOutputDir, cameraSubDir)
- if not os.path.exists(cameraDir):
- os.mkdir(cameraDir)
- for cam in cameras: # Generate Camera Calib files
- camFName = os.path.join(cameraDir, f"cam{cam.id}.json")
- IO.generateCameraCalibrationFile(cam, camFName)
- self.updateProgressBar(10)
- # Generate initial VRG for each camera
- for i in range(numFrames):
- filename = self.logic.cleanFilename(curName, i) if not self.ui.idxOnly.isChecked() else i
- self.logic.generateVRGForCameras(
- os.path.join(mainOutputDir, cameraSubDir),
- currentNode,
- os.path.join(mainOutputDir, tmpDir),
- [width, height],
- filename=filename,
- )
- progress = (i + 1) / numFrames * 40 + 10
- self.updateProgressBar(progress)
- if self.logic.IsSequenceVolume(volumeNode):
- currentNode, curName = self.logic.getNextItemInSequence(volumeNode)
- # Optimize the camera positions
- bestCameras = RadiographGeneration.optimizeCameras(
- cameras, os.path.join(mainOutputDir, tmpDir), nOptimizedCameras, progressCallback=self.updateProgressBar
- )
- shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(mainOutputDir, cameraSubDir))
- # Move the optimized VRGs to the final directory and generate the camera calibration files
- self.logic.generateCameraCalibrationFiles(
- bestCameras,
- os.path.join(mainOutputDir, tmpDir),
- os.path.join(mainOutputDir, vrgSubDir),
- os.path.join(mainOutputDir, cameraSubDir),
- progressCallback=self.updateProgressBar,
- )
- # Clean Up
- if self.ui.removeVrgTmp.isChecked():
- shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(mainOutputDir, tmpDir))
- slicer.util.messageBox("Success!")
- if not self.logic.IsSequenceVolume(volumeNode):
- firstNode = volumeNode
- else:
- firstNode, _ = self.logic.getItemInSequence(volumeNode, 0)
- firstNode.SetAndObserveTransformNodeID(tfmNode.GetID())
- firstNode.HardenTransform()
- slicer.mrmlScene.RemoveNode(tfmNode)
def onGenerateConfig(self):
Generates a complete config file (including all partial volumes, radiographs,
@@ -792,113 +634,6 @@ def onLoadPV(self):
- def onManualVRGGen(self):
- with slicer.util.tryWithErrorDisplay("Failed to compute results.", waitCursor=True):
- markupsNode = self.ui.mVRG_markupSelector.currentNode()
- volumeNode = self.ui.volumeSelector.currentNode()
- mainOutputDir = self.ui.mainOutputSelector.currentPath
- viewAngle = self.ui.mVRG_viewAngleSpin.value
- clippingRange = (
- self.ui.mVRG_ClippingRangeSlider.minimumValue,
- self.ui.mVRG_ClippingRangeSlider.maximumValue,
- )
- width = self.ui.vrgRes_width.value
- height = self.ui.vrgRes_height.value
- vrgDir = self.ui.vrgSubDir.text
- cameraDir = self.ui.cameraSubDir.text
- if not self.logic.validateInputs(
- markupsNode=markupsNode,
- volumeNode=volumeNode,
- mainOutputDir=mainOutputDir,
- viewAngle=viewAngle,
- clippingRange=clippingRange,
- width=width,
- height=height,
- vrgDir=vrgDir,
- cameraDir=cameraDir,
- ):
- raise Exception("Failed to generate VRG: invalid inputs")
- return
- if not self.logic.validatePaths(mainOutputDir=mainOutputDir):
- raise Exception("Failed to generate VRG: invalid output directory")
- return
- self.logic.createPathsIfNotExists(
- os.path.join(mainOutputDir, vrgDir), os.path.join(mainOutputDir, cameraDir)
- )
- if self.logic.vrgManualCameras is None:
- self.onMarkupNodeChanged(markupsNode) # create the cameras
- if not self.logic.IsVolumeCentered(volumeNode):
- logging.warning("Volume is not centered at the origin. This may cause issues with Autoscoper.")
- for cam in self.logic.vrgManualCameras:
- IO.generateCameraCalibrationFile(cam, os.path.join(mainOutputDir, cameraDir, f"cam{cam.id}.json"))
- self.updateProgressBar(0)
- numFrames = 1
- currentNode = volumeNode
- curName = currentNode.GetName()
- if self.logic.IsSequenceVolume(currentNode):
- numFrames = volumeNode.GetNumberOfDataNodes()
- currentNode, curName = self.logic.getItemInSequence(volumeNode, 0)
- for i in range(numFrames):
- filename = self.logic.cleanFilename(curName, i)
- self.logic.generateVRGForCameras(
- os.path.join(mainOutputDir, cameraDir),
- currentNode,
- os.path.join(mainOutputDir, vrgDir),
- [width, height],
- filename=filename,
- )
- progress = ((i + 1) / numFrames) * 100
- self.updateProgressBar(progress)
- if self.logic.IsSequenceVolume(volumeNode):
- currentNode, curName = self.logic.getNextItemInSequence(volumeNode)
- self.updateProgressBar(100)
- slicer.util.messageBox("Success!")
- def onMarkupNodeChanged(self, node):
- if node is None:
- if self.logic.vrgManualCameras is not None:
- # clean up
- for cam in self.logic.vrgManualCameras:
- slicer.mrmlScene.RemoveNode(cam.FrustumModel)
- self.logic.vrgManualCameras = None
- return
- if self.logic.vrgManualCameras is not None:
- # clean up
- for cam in self.logic.vrgManualCameras:
- slicer.mrmlScene.RemoveNode(cam.FrustumModel)
- self.logic.vrgManualCameras = None
- # get the volume nodes
- volumeNode = self.ui.volumeSelector.currentNode()
- self.logic.validateInputs(volumeNode=volumeNode)
- bounds = self.logic.GetRASBounds(volumeNode)
- self.logic.vrgManualCameras = RadiographGeneration.generateCamerasFromMarkups(
- node,
- bounds,
- (self.ui.mVRG_ClippingRangeSlider.minimumValue, self.ui.mVRG_ClippingRangeSlider.maximumValue),
- self.ui.mVRG_viewAngleSpin.value,
- [self.ui.vrgRes_width.value, self.ui.vrgRes_height.value],
- True,
- )
- def updateClippingRange(self, min, max):
- for cam in self.logic.vrgManualCameras:
- cam.vtkCamera.SetClippingRange(min, max)
- RadiographGeneration._updateFrustumModel(cam)
- def updateViewAngle(self, value):
- for cam in self.logic.vrgManualCameras:
- cam.vtkCamera.SetViewAngle(value)
- RadiographGeneration._updateFrustumModel(cam)
# AutoscoperMLogic
@@ -924,7 +659,6 @@ def __init__(self):
self.AutoscoperProcess = qt.QProcess()
self.AutoscoperSocket = None
- self.vrgManualCameras = None
def IsSequenceVolume(node: Union[slicer.vtkMRMLNode, None]) -> bool:
@@ -1300,136 +1034,6 @@ def extractSubVolumeForVRG(
return newVolumeImageData, bounds
- def generateVRGForCameras(
- self,
- cameraDir: str,
- volumeNode: slicer.vtkMRMLVolumeNode,
- outputDir: str,
- size: list[int],
- filename: str,
- ) -> None:
- """
- Generates VRG files for each camera in the cameras list
- :param cameraDir: Directory containing the camera JSON files
- :param volumeNode: volume node
- :param outputDir: output directory
- :param size: size of the VRG
- :param filename: filename of the VRG
- """
- self.createPathsIfNotExists(outputDir)
- # Apply a thresh of 0 to the volume to remove air from the volume
- thresholdScalarVolume = slicer.modules.thresholdscalarvolume
- parameters = {
- "InputVolume": volumeNode.GetID(),
- "OutputVolume": volumeNode.GetID(),
- "ThresholdValue": 0,
- "ThresholdType": "Below",
- "Lower": 0,
- }
- slicer.cli.runSync(thresholdScalarVolume, None, parameters)
- # write a temporary volume to disk
- volumeFileName = "AutoscoperM_VRG_GEN_TEMP.mhd"
- IO.writeTemporyFile(volumeFileName, self.convertNodeToData(volumeNode))
- # Execute CLI for each camera
- cliModule = slicer.modules.virtualradiographgeneration
- parameters = {
- "inputVolumeFileName": os.path.join(slicer.app.temporaryPath, volumeFileName),
- "cameraDir": cameraDir,
- "radiographMainOutDir": outputDir,
- "outputFileName": f"{filename}.tif",
- "outputWidth": size[0],
- "outputHeight": size[1],
- }
- cliNode = slicer.cli.run(cliModule, None, parameters) # run asynchronously
- # Note: CLI nodes are currently not executed in parallel. See https://github.com/Slicer/Slicer/pull/6723
- # This just allows the UI to remain responsive while the CLI nodes are running for now.
- # Wait for all the CLI nodes to finish
- while cliNode.GetStatusString() != "Completed":
- slicer.app.processEvents()
- if cliNode.GetStatus() & cliNode.ErrorsMask:
- # error
- errorText = cliNode.GetErrorText()
- slicer.mrmlScene.RemoveNode(cliNode)
- raise ValueError("CLI execution failed: " + errorText)
- slicer.mrmlScene.RemoveNode(cliNode)
- def generateCameraCalibrationFiles(
- self,
- bestCameras: list[RadiographGeneration.Camera],
- tmpDir: str,
- finalDir: str,
- calibDir: str,
- progressCallback: Optional[callable] = None,
- ) -> None:
- """
- Copies the optimized VRGs from the temporary directory to the final directory
- and generates the camera calibration files
- :param bestCameras: list of optimized cameras
- :param tmpDir: temporary directory
- :param finalDir: final directory
- :param calibDir: calibration directory
- :param progressCallback: progress callback, defaults to None
- """
- self.validatePaths(tmpDir=tmpDir)
- self.createPathsIfNotExists(finalDir, calibDir)
- if not progressCallback:
- logging.warning(
- "[AutoscoperM.logic.generateCameraCalibrationFiles] "
- "No progress callback provided, progress bar will not be updated"
- )
- def progressCallback(x):
- return x
- for idx, cam in enumerate(bestCameras):
- IO.generateCameraCalibrationFile(cam, os.path.join(calibDir, f"cam{cam.id}.json"))
- cameraDir = os.path.join(finalDir, f"cam{cam.id}")
- self.createPathsIfNotExists(cameraDir)
- # Copy all tif files from the tmp to the final directory
- for file in glob.glob(os.path.join(tmpDir, f"cam{cam.id}", "*.tif")):
- shutil.copy(file, cameraDir)
- progress = ((idx + 1) / len(bestCameras)) * 10 + 90
- progressCallback(progress)
- @staticmethod
- def convertNodeToData(volumeNode: slicer.vtkMRMLVolumeNode) -> vtk.vtkImageData:
- """
- Converts a volume node to a vtkImageData object
- """
- imageData = vtk.vtkImageData()
- imageData.DeepCopy(volumeNode.GetImageData())
- imageData.SetSpacing(volumeNode.GetSpacing())
- origin = list(volumeNode.GetOrigin())
- imageData.SetOrigin(origin)
- mat = vtk.vtkMatrix4x4()
- volumeNode.GetIJKToRASMatrix(mat)
- if mat.GetElement(0, 0) < 0 and mat.GetElement(1, 1) < 0:
- origin[0:2] = [x * -1 for x in origin[0:2]]
- imageData.SetOrigin(origin)
- # Ensure we are in the correct orientation (RAS vs LPS)
- imageReslice = vtk.vtkImageReslice()
- imageReslice.SetInputData(imageData)
- axes = vtk.vtkMatrix4x4()
- axes.Identity()
- axes.SetElement(0, 0, -1)
- axes.SetElement(1, 1, -1)
- imageReslice.SetResliceAxes(axes)
- imageReslice.Update()
- imageData = imageReslice.GetOutput()
- return imageData
def getItemInSequence(sequenceNode: slicer.vtkMRMLSequenceNode, idx: int) -> slicer.vtkMRMLNode:
@@ -1492,21 +1096,6 @@ def GetVolumeSpacing(node: Union[slicer.vtkMRMLVolumeNode, slicer.vtkMRMLSequenc
return AutoscoperMLogic.getItemInSequence(node, 0)[0].GetSpacing()
return node.GetSpacing()
- @staticmethod
- def GetRASBounds(node: Union[slicer.vtkMRMLVolumeNode, slicer.vtkMRMLSequenceNode]) -> list[float]:
- bounds = [0] * 6
- if AutoscoperMLogic.IsSequenceVolume(node):
- AutoscoperMLogic.getItemInSequence(node, 0)[0].GetRASBounds(bounds)
- else:
- node.GetRASBounds(bounds)
- return bounds
- @staticmethod
- def IsVolumeCentered(node: Union[slicer.vtkMRMLVolumeNode, slicer.vtkMRMLSequenceNode]) -> bool:
- if AutoscoperMLogic.IsSequenceVolume(node):
- return AutoscoperMLogic.getItemInSequence(node, 0)[0].IsCentered()
- return node.IsCentered()
def loadTransformFromFile(transformFileName: str) -> slicer.vtkMRMLLinearTransformNode:
return slicer.util.loadNodeFromFile(transformFileName)
diff --git a/AutoscoperM/AutoscoperMLib/IO.py b/AutoscoperM/AutoscoperMLib/IO.py
index b8ccd52..43c561e 100644
--- a/AutoscoperM/AutoscoperMLib/IO.py
+++ b/AutoscoperM/AutoscoperMLib/IO.py
@@ -7,8 +7,6 @@
import slicer
import vtk
-from .RadiographGeneration import Camera
def loadSegmentation(segmentationNode: slicer.vtkMRMLSegmentationNode, filename: str):
@@ -35,34 +33,6 @@ def loadSegmentation(segmentationNode: slicer.vtkMRMLSegmentationNode, filename:
return None
-def generateCameraCalibrationFile(camera: Camera, filename: str):
- """
- Generates a VTK camera calibration json file from the given camera.
- :param camera: Camera
- :param filename: Output file name
- """
- import json
- contents = {}
- contents["@schema"] = "https://autoscoperm.slicer.org/vtkCamera-schema-1.0.json"
- contents["version"] = 1.0
- contents["focal-point"] = camera.vtkCamera.GetFocalPoint()
- contents["camera-position"] = camera.vtkCamera.GetPosition()
- contents["view-up"] = camera.vtkCamera.GetViewUp()
- contents["view-angle"] = camera.vtkCamera.GetViewAngle()
- contents["image-width"] = camera.imageSize[0]
- contents["image-height"] = camera.imageSize[1]
- # The clipping-range field is not used by Autoscoper, it is used to communicate
- # information between AutoscoperM and VirtualRadiographGeneration modules within Slicer.
- contents["clipping-range"] = camera.vtkCamera.GetClippingRange()
- contents_json = json.dumps(contents, indent=4)
- with open(filename, "w+") as f:
- f.write(contents_json)
def generateConfigFile(
mainDirectory: str,
subDirectories: list[str],
@@ -265,7 +235,7 @@ def writeTRA(fileName: str, transforms: list[vtk.vtkMatrix4x4]) -> None:
traFile.write(",".join(row) + "\n")
-def writeTemporyFile(filename: str, data: vtk.vtkImageData) -> str:
+def writeTemporaryFile(filename: str, data: vtk.vtkImageData) -> str:
Writes a temporary file to the slicer temp directory
@@ -285,7 +255,7 @@ def writeTemporyFile(filename: str, data: vtk.vtkImageData) -> str:
return writer.GetFileName()
-def removeTemporyFile(filename: str):
+def removeTemporaryFile(filename: str):
Removes a temporary file from the slicer temp directory
diff --git a/AutoscoperM/AutoscoperMLib/RadiographGeneration.py b/AutoscoperM/AutoscoperMLib/RadiographGeneration.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 86566a6..0000000
--- a/AutoscoperM/AutoscoperMLib/RadiographGeneration.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-import math
-from typing import Optional
-import slicer
-import vtk
-class Camera:
- def __init__(self) -> None:
- self.DID = 0
- self.vtkCamera = vtk.vtkCamera()
- self.imageSize = [512, 512]
- self.id = -1
- self.FrustumModel = None
- def __str__(self) -> str:
- return "\n".join(
- [
- f"Camera {self.id}",
- f"Position: {self.vtkCamera.GetPosition()}",
- f"Focal Point: {self.vtkCamera.GetFocalPoint()}",
- f"View Angle: {self.vtkCamera.GetViewAngle()}",
- f"Clipping Range: {self.vtkCamera.GetClippingRange()}",
- f"View Up: {self.vtkCamera.GetViewUp()}",
- f"Direction of Projection: {self.vtkCamera.GetDirectionOfProjection()}",
- f"Distance: {self.vtkCamera.GetDistance()}",
- f"Image Size: {self.imageSize}",
- f"DID: {self.DID}",
- "~" * 20,
- ]
- )
-def _createFrustumModel(cam: Camera) -> None:
- model = slicer.mrmlScene.AddNewNodeByClass("vtkMRMLModelNode")
- model.CreateDefaultDisplayNodes()
- model.GetDisplayNode().SetColor(1, 0, 0) # Red
- model.GetDisplayNode().SetOpacity(0.3)
- model.GetDisplayNode().SetVisibility(True)
- model.SetName(f"cam{cam.id}-frustum")
- cam.FrustumModel = model
- _updateFrustumModel(cam)
-def _updateFrustumModel(cam: Camera) -> None:
- if cam.FrustumModel is None:
- _createFrustumModel(cam)
- return
- # The equations of the six planes of the frustum in the order: left, right, bottom, top, far, near
- # Given as A, B, C, D where Ax + By + Cz + D = 0 for each plane
- planesArray = [0] * 24
- aspectRatio = cam.vtkCamera.GetExplicitAspectRatio()
- cam.vtkCamera.GetFrustumPlanes(aspectRatio, planesArray)
- planes = vtk.vtkPlanes()
- planes.SetFrustumPlanes(planesArray)
- hull = vtk.vtkHull()
- hull.SetPlanes(planes)
- pd = vtk.vtkPolyData()
- hull.GenerateHull(pd, [-1000, 1000, -1000, 1000, -1000, 1000])
- cam.FrustumModel.SetAndObservePolyData(pd)
-def generateNCameras(
- N: int, bounds: list[int], offset: int = 100, imageSize: tuple[int] = (512, 512), camDebugMode: bool = False
-) -> list[Camera]:
- """
- Generate N cameras
- :param N: Number of cameras to generate
- :param bounds: Bounds of the volume
- :param offset: Offset from the volume. Defaults to 100.
- :param imageSize: Image size. Defaults to [512,512].
- :param camDebugMode: Whether or not to show the cameras in the scene. Defaults to False.
- :return: List of cameras
- """
- # find the center of the bounds
- center = [(bounds[0] + bounds[1]) / 2, (bounds[2] + bounds[3]) / 2, (bounds[4] + bounds[5]) / 2]
- # find the largest dimension of the bounds
- largestDimension = max([bounds[1] - bounds[0], bounds[3] - bounds[2], bounds[5] - bounds[4]])
- # find the distance from the center to the bounds
- r = largestDimension / 2 + offset
- points = vtk.vtkPoints()
- points.SetNumberOfPoints(N)
- points.SetDataTypeToDouble()
- points.Allocate(N)
- # use the spherical fibonacci algorithm to generate the points
- goldenRatio = (1 + math.sqrt(5)) / 2
- i = range(0, N)
- theta = [2 * math.pi * i / goldenRatio for i in i]
- phi = [math.acos(1 - 2 * (i + 0.5) / N) for i in i]
- x = [math.cos(theta[i]) * math.sin(phi[i]) for i in i]
- y = [math.sin(theta[i]) * math.sin(phi[i]) for i in i]
- z = [math.cos(phi[i]) for i in i]
- # scale the points to the radius
- x = [r * x[i] for i in i]
- y = [r * y[i] for i in i]
- z = [r * z[i] for i in i]
- for px, py, pz in zip(x, y, z):
- points.InsertNextPoint(px + center[0], py + center[1], pz + center[2])
- # create the cameras
- cameras = []
- for i in range(N):
- camera = Camera()
- camera.vtkCamera.SetPosition(points.GetPoint(i))
- camera.vtkCamera.SetFocalPoint(center)
- camera.vtkCamera.SetViewAngle(30)
- camera.vtkCamera.SetClippingRange(0.1, r + largestDimension)
- camera.vtkCamera.SetViewUp(0, 1, 0)
- camera.id = i
- camera.imageSize = imageSize
- cameras.append(camera)
- if camDebugMode:
- # Visualize the cameras
- markups = slicer.mrmlScene.AddNewNodeByClass("vtkMRMLMarkupsFiducialNode")
- for cam in cameras:
- print(cam)
- # add a point to the markups node
- markups.AddControlPoint(
- cam.vtkCamera.GetPosition()[0],
- cam.vtkCamera.GetPosition()[1],
- cam.vtkCamera.GetPosition()[2],
- f"cam{cam.id}",
- )
- # lock the point
- markups.SetNthControlPointLocked(markups.GetNumberOfControlPoints() - 1, True)
- _createFrustumModel(cam)
- return cameras
-def generateCamerasFromMarkups(
- fiduaicalNode: slicer.vtkMRMLMarkupsFiducialNode,
- volumeBounds: list[int],
- clippingRange: tuple[int],
- viewAngle: int,
- imageSize: tuple[int] = (512, 512),
- cameraDebug: bool = False,
-) -> list[Camera]:
- """
- Generate cameras from a markups fiducial node
- :param fiduaicalNode: Markups fiducial node
- :param volumeBounds: Bounds of the volume
- :param clippingRange: Clipping range
- :param viewAngle: View angle
- :param imageSize: Image size. Defaults to [512,512].
- :param cameraDebug: Whether or not to show the cameras in the scene. Defaults to False.
- :return: List of cameras
- """
- center = [
- (volumeBounds[0] + volumeBounds[1]) / 2,
- (volumeBounds[2] + volumeBounds[3]) / 2,
- (volumeBounds[4] + volumeBounds[5]) / 2,
- ]
- n = fiduaicalNode.GetNumberOfControlPoints()
- cameras = []
- for i in range(n):
- camera = Camera()
- camera.vtkCamera.SetPosition(fiduaicalNode.GetNthControlPointPosition(i))
- camera.vtkCamera.SetFocalPoint(center)
- camera.vtkCamera.SetViewAngle(viewAngle)
- camera.vtkCamera.SetClippingRange(clippingRange[0], clippingRange[1])
- camera.vtkCamera.SetViewUp(0, 1, 0)
- camera.id = fiduaicalNode.GetNthControlPointLabel(i)
- camera.imageSize = imageSize
- if cameraDebug:
- _createFrustumModel(camera)
- cameras.append(camera)
- return cameras
-def optimizeCameras(
- cameras: list[Camera],
- cameraDir: str,
- nOptimizedCameras: int,
- progressCallback: Optional[callable] = None,
-) -> list[Camera]:
- """
- Optimize the cameras by finding the N cameras with the best data intensity density.
- :param cameras: Cameras
- :param cameraDir: Camera directory
- :param nOptimizedCameras: Number of optimized cameras to find
- :return: Optimized cameras
- """
- import os
- if not progressCallback:
- def progressCallback(_x):
- return None
- # Parallel calls to cliModule
- cliModule = slicer.modules.calculatedataintensitydensity
- cliNodes = []
- for i in range(len(cameras)):
- camera = cameras[i]
- vrgDirName = os.path.join(cameraDir, f"cam{camera.id}")
- cliNode = slicer.cli.run(
- cliModule,
- None,
- {"whiteRadiographDirName": vrgDirName},
- wait_for_completion=False,
- )
- cliNodes.append(cliNode)
- for i in range(len(cameras)):
- while cliNodes[i].GetStatusString() != "Completed":
- slicer.app.processEvents()
- if cliNode.GetStatus() & cliNode.ErrorsMask:
- # error
- errorText = cliNode.GetErrorText()
- slicer.mrmlScene.RemoveNode(cliNode)
- raise ValueError("CLI execution failed: " + errorText)
- cameras[i].DID = float(cliNodes[i].GetOutputText()) # cliNodes[i].GetParameterAsString("dataIntensityDensity")
- progress = ((i + 1) / len(cameras)) * 40 + 50
- progressCallback(progress)
- slicer.mrmlScene.RemoveNode(cliNodes[i])
- cameras.sort(key=lambda x: x.DID)
- return cameras[:nOptimizedCameras]
diff --git a/AutoscoperM/CMakeLists.txt b/AutoscoperM/CMakeLists.txt
index 9af705f..f752650 100644
--- a/AutoscoperM/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/AutoscoperM/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ set(MODULE_PYTHON_SCRIPTS
- ${MODULE_NAME}Lib/RadiographGeneration.py
diff --git a/AutoscoperM/Resources/UI/AutoscoperM.ui b/AutoscoperM/Resources/UI/AutoscoperM.ui
index 19e9e66..761cc9d 100644
--- a/AutoscoperM/Resources/UI/AutoscoperM.ui
+++ b/AutoscoperM/Resources/UI/AutoscoperM.ui
@@ -218,36 +218,6 @@
- -
- true
- Delete Temporary VRG Files
- true
- true
- -
- Only use indices for radiograph filename
- -
- VRG Temp Subdirectory:
@@ -286,16 +256,6 @@
- -
- Camera Debug Mode
- false
@@ -337,13 +297,6 @@
- -
- VRG-Temp
@@ -523,217 +476,6 @@
- -
- VRG Generation - Manual Camera Placement
- false
- Camera Positions
- -
- 0.100000000000000
- 2000.000000000000000
- -
- Clipping Range
- -
- View Angle
- -
- true
- vtkMRMLMarkupsFiducialNode
- -
- Generate VRGs from Markups
- -
- 0.100000000000000
- 2000.000000000000000
- 0.100000000000000
- 0.100000000000000
- 300.000000000000000
- Qt::Horizontal
- -
- 360
- 30
- -
- 0.100000000000000
- 2000.000000000000000
- 300.000000000000000
- -
- true
- VRG Generation - Automatic Camera Placement
- false
- true
- 0
- 1000
- 400
- -
- Camera Offset:
- -
- # of Optimized Cameras:
- -
- 10
- 50
- -
- # of Possible Cameras:
- -
- false
- 0
- 1000
- 400
- Qt::Horizontal
- -
- Generate VRGs
- -
- 2
- 2
@@ -996,85 +738,5 @@
- camOffSetSpin
- valueChanged(int)
- camOffSetSlider
- setValue(int)
- 953
- 667
- 553
- 667
- camOffSetSlider
- valueChanged(int)
- camOffSetSpin
- setValue(int)
- 553
- 667
- 953
- 667
- AutoscoperM
- mrmlSceneChanged(vtkMRMLScene*)
- mVRG_markupSelector
- setMRMLScene(vtkMRMLScene*)
- 508
- 429
- 507
- 409
- mVRG_ClippingRangeSlider
- minimumValueChanged(double)
- mVRG_clippingRangeMinBox
- setValue(double)
- 567
- 499
- 189
- 499
- mVRG_ClippingRangeSlider
- maximumValueChanged(double)
- mVRG_clippingRangeMaxBox
- setValue(double)
- 567
- 499
- 944
- 499
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 22c84bd..d5efaa5 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -42,8 +42,6 @@ endif()
# Extension modules
diff --git a/CalculateDataIntensityDensity/CMakeLists.txt b/CalculateDataIntensityDensity/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1588932..0000000
--- a/CalculateDataIntensityDensity/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-set(MODULE_NAME CalculateDataIntensityDensity)
- )
diff --git a/CalculateDataIntensityDensity/CalculateDataIntensityDensity.py b/CalculateDataIntensityDensity/CalculateDataIntensityDensity.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ca123ee..0000000
--- a/CalculateDataIntensityDensity/CalculateDataIntensityDensity.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python-real
-import concurrent.futures as cf
-import glob
-import os
-import sys
-import numpy as np
-import SimpleITK as sitk
-def calcDID(whiteRadiographFName):
- # Read in the white radiograph
- whiteRadiograph = sitk.ReadImage(whiteRadiographFName)
- # Superpixel Segmentation
- slicImageFilter = sitk.SLICImageFilter()
- slicImageFilter.SetSuperGridSize([85, 85, 85])
- labelImage = slicImageFilter.Execute(whiteRadiograph)
- # Get the mean pixel value for each label
- labelStatsFilter = sitk.LabelStatisticsImageFilter()
- labelStatsFilter.Execute(whiteRadiograph, labelImage)
- N = labelStatsFilter.GetNumberOfLabels()
- labelMeanColors = np.zeros((N, 1))
- labelWidth, labelHeight = labelImage.GetSize()
- labels = list(labelStatsFilter.GetLabels())
- labels.sort()
- for labelIdx, labelValue in enumerate(labels):
- labelMeanColors[labelIdx, 0] = labelStatsFilter.GetMean(labelValue)
- # Create a binary label from the labelImage where all '1' are labels whose meanColor are < MEAN_COMPARISON
- labelShapeFilter = sitk.LabelShapeStatisticsImageFilter()
- labelShapeFilter.Execute(labelImage)
- binaryLabels = np.zeros((labelWidth, labelHeight))
- for labelIdx, labelValue in enumerate(labels):
- if labelValue == 0:
- continue
- if labelMeanColors[labelIdx, 0] < MEAN_COMPARISON:
- pixels = list(labelShapeFilter.GetIndexes(labelValue))
- for j in range(0, len(pixels), 2):
- y = pixels[j]
- x = pixels[j + 1]
- binaryLabels[x, y] = 1
- # Calculate the Data Intensity Density
- # Largest Region based off of https://discourse.itk.org/t/simpleitk-extract-largest-connected-component-from-binary-image/4958/2
- binaryImage = sitk.Cast(sitk.GetImageFromArray(binaryLabels), sitk.sitkUInt8)
- componentImage = sitk.ConnectedComponent(binaryImage)
- sortedComponentImage = sitk.RelabelComponent(componentImage, sortByObjectSize=True)
- largest = sortedComponentImage == 1
- return np.sum(sitk.GetArrayFromImage(largest))
-def main(whiteRadiographDirName: str) -> float:
- """
- Calculates the data intensity density of the given camera on its corresponding white radiograph.
- Internal function used by :func:`optimizeCameras`.
- :param whiteRadiographFName: White radiograph file name
- return Data intensity density
- """
- whiteRadiographFiles = glob.glob(os.path.join(whiteRadiographDirName, "*.tif"))
- if not isinstance(whiteRadiographDirName, str):
- raise TypeError(f"whiteRadiographDirName must be a string, not {type(whiteRadiographDirName)}")
- if not os.path.isdir(whiteRadiographDirName):
- raise FileNotFoundError(f"Directory {whiteRadiographDirName} not found.")
- if len(whiteRadiographFiles) == 0:
- raise FileNotFoundError(f"No white radiographs found in {whiteRadiographDirName}")
- if len(whiteRadiographFiles) > 1: # Avoid overhead in the single 3DCT case
- dids = []
- with cf.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
- futures = [executor.submit(calcDID, wrFName) for wrFName in whiteRadiographFiles]
- for future in cf.as_completed(futures):
- dids.append(future.result())
- return np.mean(dids)
- return calcDID(whiteRadiographFiles[0])
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- expected_args = [
- "whiteRadiographFileName",
- # Value reported on standard output
- "DID",
- ]
- expected_args = [f"<{arg}>" for arg in expected_args]
- if len(sys.argv) < len(expected_args):
- print(f"Usage: {sys.argv[0]} {' '.join(expected_args)}")
- sys.exit(1)
- print(main(sys.argv[1]))
diff --git a/CalculateDataIntensityDensity/CalculateDataIntensityDensity.xml b/CalculateDataIntensityDensity/CalculateDataIntensityDensity.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index eaaac5e..0000000
--- a/CalculateDataIntensityDensity/CalculateDataIntensityDensity.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
- Tracking.Advanced
- 0
- CalculateDataIntensityDensity
- 0.1.0.
- https://autoscoperm.slicer.org/
- Anthony Lombardi (Kitware)
- Amy M Morton (Brown University)
- Bardiya Akhbari (Brown University)
- Beatriz Paniagua (Kitware)
- Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin (Kitware)
- whiteRadiographDirName
- 1
- input
- 2
- output
- outliers
- 3
- output
diff --git a/Hierarchical3DRegistration/Hierarchical3DRegistration.py b/Hierarchical3DRegistration/Hierarchical3DRegistration.py
index 9e03a04..5317e2f 100644
--- a/Hierarchical3DRegistration/Hierarchical3DRegistration.py
+++ b/Hierarchical3DRegistration/Hierarchical3DRegistration.py
@@ -30,10 +30,6 @@ def __init__(self, parent):
self.parent.categories = [
- self.parent.dependencies = [
- "CalculateDataIntensityDensity",
- "VirtualRadiographGeneration",
- ]
self.parent.contributors = [
"Anthony Lombardi (Kitware)",
"Amy M Morton (Brown University)",
diff --git a/VirtualRadiographGeneration/CMakeLists.txt b/VirtualRadiographGeneration/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 02872d6..0000000
--- a/VirtualRadiographGeneration/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-set(MODULE_NAME VirtualRadiographGeneration)
- )
diff --git a/VirtualRadiographGeneration/VirtualRadiographGeneration.py b/VirtualRadiographGeneration/VirtualRadiographGeneration.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 721155c..0000000
--- a/VirtualRadiographGeneration/VirtualRadiographGeneration.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python-real
-import concurrent.futures as cf
-import glob
-import json
-import os
-import sys
-import vtk
-def generateVRG(
- camera: vtk.vtkCamera,
- volumeImageData: vtk.vtkImageData,
- outputFileName: str,
- width: int,
- height: int,
-) -> None:
- """
- Generate a virtual radiograph from the given camera and volume node
- :param camera: Camera
- :param volumeImageData: Volume image data
- :param outputFileName: Output file name
- :param width: Width of the output image
- :param height: Height of the output image
- """
- # find the min and max scalar values
- hist = vtk.vtkImageHistogramStatistics()
- hist.SetInputData(volumeImageData)
- hist.Update()
- minVal = hist.GetMinimum()
- maxVal = hist.GetMaximum()
- # create the renderer
- renderer = vtk.vtkRenderer()
- renderer.SetBackground(1, 1, 1) # Set background to white
- renderer.SetUseDepthPeeling(True)
- # create the render window
- renderWindow = vtk.vtkRenderWindow()
- renderWindow.SetOffScreenRendering(1)
- renderWindow.SetSize(width, height)
- renderWindow.AddRenderer(renderer)
- # create the volume mapper
- volumeMapper = vtk.vtkGPUVolumeRayCastMapper()
- volumeMapper.SetInputData(volumeImageData)
- volumeMapper.SetBlendModeToComposite()
- volumeMapper.SetBlendModeToComposite()
- volumeMapper.SetUseJittering(False)
- # Set the transfer functions for opacity, gradient and color
- opacityTransferFunction = vtk.vtkPiecewiseFunction() # From the Slicer CT XRay preset
- opacityTransferFunction.AddPoint(minVal, 0.0)
- opacityTransferFunction.AddPoint(1500, 0.05)
- opacityTransferFunction.AddPoint(maxVal, 0.05)
- gradTransferFunction = vtk.vtkPiecewiseFunction() # From the Slicer CT XRay preset
- gradTransferFunction.AddPoint(0, 1)
- gradTransferFunction.AddPoint(255, 1)
- colorTransferFunction = vtk.vtkColorTransferFunction()
- colorTransferFunction.AddRGBPoint(maxVal, 1, 1, 1)
- colorTransferFunction.AddRGBPoint(minVal, 0, 0, 0)
- volumeProperty = vtk.vtkVolumeProperty()
- volumeProperty.SetInterpolationTypeToLinear()
- volumeProperty.ShadeOff()
- volumeProperty.SetScalarOpacity(opacityTransferFunction)
- volumeProperty.SetGradientOpacity(gradTransferFunction)
- volumeProperty.SetColor(colorTransferFunction)
- # create the volume
- volume = vtk.vtkVolume()
- volume.SetMapper(volumeMapper)
- volume.SetProperty(volumeProperty)
- # add the volume to the renderer
- renderer.AddVolume(volume)
- renderer.SetActiveCamera(camera)
- # render the image
- renderWindow.Render()
- # save the image
- writer = vtk.vtkTIFFWriter()
- writer.SetFileName(outputFileName)
- windowToImageFilter = vtk.vtkWindowToImageFilter()
- windowToImageFilter.SetInput(renderWindow)
- windowToImageFilter.SetScale(1)
- windowToImageFilter.SetInputBufferTypeToRGB()
- # convert the image to grayscale
- luminance = vtk.vtkImageLuminance()
- luminance.SetInputConnection(windowToImageFilter.GetOutputPort())
- writer.SetInputConnection(luminance.GetOutputPort())
- writer.Write()
-def _createVTKCameras(cameraDir: str, radiographMainDir: str):
- """
- Generates a vtkCamera object from the given parameters
- """
- cameras = {}
- for camFName in glob.glob(os.path.join(cameraDir, "*.json")):
- with open(camFName) as f:
- camJSON = json.load(f)
- cam = vtk.vtkCamera()
- cam.SetPosition(camJSON["camera-position"])
- cam.SetFocalPoint(camJSON["focal-point"])
- cam.SetViewUp(camJSON["view-up"])
- cam.SetViewAngle(camJSON["view-angle"])
- cam.SetClippingRange(camJSON["clipping-range"])
- cameraSubDirName = os.path.basename(camFName).split(".")[0]
- cameraDirName = os.path.join(radiographMainDir, cameraSubDirName)
- if not os.path.exists(cameraDirName):
- os.mkdir(cameraDirName)
- cameras[cam] = cameraDirName
- return cameras
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- expected_args = [
- "inputVolumeFileName",
- "cameraDir",
- "radiographMainOutDir",
- "outputFileName",
- "outputWidth",
- "outputHeight",
- ]
- expected_args = [f"<{arg}>" for arg in expected_args]
- if len(sys.argv[1:]) != len(expected_args):
- print(f"Usage: {sys.argv[0]} {' '.join(expected_args)}")
- sys.exit(1)
- volumeData = sys.argv[1]
- cameraDir = sys.argv[2]
- radiographMainOutDir = sys.argv[3]
- outputFileName = sys.argv[4]
- outputWidth = int(sys.argv[5])
- outputHeight = int(sys.argv[6])
- # create the camera
- cameras = _createVTKCameras(cameraDir, radiographMainOutDir)
- # Read the mhd file
- reader = vtk.vtkMetaImageReader()
- reader.SetFileName(volumeData)
- reader.Update()
- # generate the virtual radiograph
- with cf.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
- futures = [
- executor.submit(
- generateVRG, cam, reader.GetOutput(), os.path.join(camDir, outputFileName), outputWidth, outputHeight
- )
- for cam, camDir in cameras.items()
- ]
- for future in cf.as_completed(futures):
- future.result()
diff --git a/VirtualRadiographGeneration/VirtualRadiographGeneration.xml b/VirtualRadiographGeneration/VirtualRadiographGeneration.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 79a2209..0000000
--- a/VirtualRadiographGeneration/VirtualRadiographGeneration.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
- Tracking.Advanced
- 0
- VirtualRadiographGeneration
- 0.1.0.
- https://autoscoperm.slicer.org/
- Anthony Lombardi (Kitware)
- Amy M Morton (Brown University)
- Bardiya Akhbari (Brown University)
- Beatriz Paniagua (Kitware)
- Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin (Kitware)
- inputVolumeFileName
- 0
- input
- cameraDir
- 2
- input
- radiographMainOutDir
- 3
- input
- outputFileName
- 4
- input
- outputWidth
- 5
- input
- outputHeight
- 6
- input