Observation - I don't know who sent me or where I received it from, I just know that it deserves to be passed on, if anyone knows the creator of that text, I would like to reference it.
In times of optimization for search engines, multiplatform blogs and large volume of information available, it is increasingly difficult to know what is necessary to write a good article. For me, the essentials of a good article are the following:
- Have content
- Be understandable by someone
- Be useful to someone
It is quite common to copy and paste texts from other sites without asking permission from the author of the text. This, in addition to being unethical, is illegal when the site does not have a sharing policy open to this practice.
If you have no idea what you are going to write in an article or how often you are going to write it, it is better not to even create a blog. Create a microblog, or an album of images, but stay away from blogs.
Currently browsers such as Google Chrome already have native features to facilitate the translation of entire pages with just one click, however the translations are not always faithful to the original text. Therefore, when you create a blog you need to keep the following in mind:
- What will your target audience be
- Where is the best place to find it
- What is the best language to reach this audience
The main objectives of communication are the transmission and preservation of information. Nowadays the duration of information preservation is getting shorter, but that deserves a specific article on the subject.
Thus, the main objective of communication should be the transmission of information, whether for you, for people close to you or for people on the other side of the world or even outside our atmosphere.
The transmission of information becomes valuable when it is useful to the recipient. That was my seventh tip for writing a good article.
Drive with ABNT standards for academic papers:
- ABNT Standards - Updated 2018 [PT-BR] - The Brazilian Association of Technical Standards is the body responsible for technical standardization in Brazil , providing inputs for Brazilian technological development.
Tool for writing and correcting texts in English:
Write & Improve [EN-US] - Write & Improve is a free tool for English students that marks writing in seconds. It is provided in association with Cambridge English (part of the University of Cambridge).
LanguageTool [EN-US] - LanguageTool offers spelling and grammatical checking. Just paste your text here and click on the 'Check Text' button. Click on the colored phrases for details on possible errors. or use this text also see some of the problems that LanguageTool can detect.
Counter of repeated words:
- Insite Linguistics Group [PT-BR] - Word counter - Generate statistical report on a text - Corpus Linguistic Processor.
- Word Counter 360º [EN-BR] - WordCounter360 ° is a free and online word and character counter. It is a tool to count how many characters, letters, signs, words, phrases and paragraphs are in a text.
- Write Words [EN-US] - Word Frequency Counter, allows you to count the frequency usage of each word in your text. Paste or type your text below and click send. Also try our phrase frequency counter.
- Write Words - Phrase [EN-US] - Phrase frequency counter.
PDF Converter:
- I Love PDF [EN-BR] - Online and completely free tools to join PDF, split PDF, compress PDF, convert Office documents to PDF, convert PDF to JPG, and JPG to PDF. No installation required.
- Small PDF [EN-BR] - Online and completely free tools to join PDF, split PDF, compress PDF, convert Office documents to PDF, convert PDF to JPG, and JPG to PDF. No installation required.
Check if it is plagiarism:
- Plagium [EN-US] - Track usage by pasting or typing your original text, up to 5,000 characters.
- Plagiarisma [EN-US] - Free online plagiarism checker for teachers and students. Alternative Copyscape and Turnitin.
Break paid item keys:
Sci-Hub [EN-US] - Sci-Hub is an online repository with more than 64 million scientific articles, available on its website. New documents are sent daily through the domains of educational institutions, which bypass systems that restrict access to Internet users without paid records on their websites.
Qualis of a journal:
- Plataforma Sucupira [PT-BR] - It is a new and important tool to collect information, perform analyzes and assessments and be the reference base of the National Graduate System (SNPG). The Platform should make available in real time and with much more transparency the information, processes and procedures that CAPES carries out in the SNPG for the entire academic community.
Dictionary of Synonyms:
- Synonyms [PT-BR] - An online dictionary of Brazilian Portuguese synonyms with more than 30 thousand synonyms of words and expressions for consultation. Use the search to find synonyms for the words you are looking for.
Dictionary of antonyms:
Antonyms [PT-BR] - The antonyms is one of the largest online dictionaries in the Portuguese language.
English thesaurus:
- Thesaurus [EN-US] - Thesaurus is the largest and most trusted free online thesaurus.
- Dicionary [EN-US] - Dictionary is the world's leading online source for English definitions, synonyms, word origins, audio pronunciations, phrases from example, slang phrases, idioms, word games, legal and medical terms, Word of the Day and much more.
Reference managers/digital libraries:
- Mendeley [EN-US] - Mendeley is a free referral manager and an academic social network that can help you organize your research, collaborate with others online and discover the latest research.
- EndNote | Clarivate Analytics [EN-US] - EndNote is the industry standard software tool for publishing and managing bibliographies, citations and references on the Windows and Macintosh desktop.
- Zotero [EN-US] - Zotero is a free and easy-to-use tool to help you collect, organize, quote and share research.
**Super complete manual on Mendeley made by librarian Thais Moraes: **
Mendeley: User Manual [EN-US] - Mendeley tool usage manual containing the steps to manage, share , read, annotate and edit scientific articles, in addition to being an academic social network to discover research trends and to connect with other researchers in the area of interest.
CNPq Academic Lattes Curriculum:
Lattes CNPq Platform [PT-BR] - The Lattes Platform represents CNPq's experience in integrating databases of Curricula, Research Groups and Institutions into one single Information System. Its current dimension extends not only to the planning, management and operationalization of CNPq funding, but also to other federal and state funding agencies, state science and technology support foundations, higher education institutions and research institutes. search. In addition, it became strategic not only for planning and management activities, but also for the formulation of policies by the Ministry of Science and Technology and other government agencies in the area of science, technology and innovation.
Capes journal base:
Portal of Journals CAPES/MEC [PT-BR] - The Portal of Journals aims to strengthen graduate studies in Brazil, the Ministry of Education (MEC) created the program for libraries of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). It was from this initiative that, five years later, the Program for Supporting the Acquisition of Journals (PAAP) was created. The Program is at the origin of the current electronic periodical service offered by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes) to the Brazilian academic community.
Brazil Platform:
[Plataforma Brasil] (http://pl Plataformabrasil.saude.gov.br/login.jsf) [PT-BR] - Plataforma Brasil is a national and unified base of research records involving human beings for the entire CEP / CONEP. It allows surveys to be followed up in their different stages - from submission to final approval by CEP and CONEP, when necessary - making it possible to even follow up the field phase, sending partial reports and final research reports (when completed).
Social networks for researchers:
- [ResearchGate] (https://www.researchgate.net/) [EN-US] - ResearchGate is the professional network for scientists and researchers. More than 15 million members from around the world use it to share, discover and discuss research. We are guided by our mission to connect the world of science and make research open to everyone.
- [Academy] (https://www.academia.edu/) [EN-US] - The Academy is the easiest way to share documents with millions of people around the world for free.
Free digital libraries:
- AvaxHome [EN-US] - Highly popular community bringing together users from all over the world, we are visited daily by more than 230 000 unique visitors in 185 countries worldwide.
- Scribd [EN-US] - Scribd brings together the best books, audiobooks and journalism to help readers become the best in the world.
- American Libraries [EN-US] - The American Libraries collection includes material contributed from all over the United States. Institutions range from the Library of Congress to many local public libraries.
- Library Genesis [EN-US] - Library Genesis or LibGen is a search engine for scientific articles and books, which allows open access to protected content under access paid out. Among others, this site loads PDFs of content from the Elsevier and ScienceDirect internet portals.
- PDF Drive [EN-US] - PDF Drive is a search engine for PDF files. It has more than 53 million eBooks for free download. No annoying ads, no download limits.
- 4shared [EN-US] - 4shared offers its users free hosting and online sharing services.
- Passeidireto [PT-BR] - It is an academic network for university students whose mission is to connect students from all over Brazil. Through the website and our applications, students can connect with each other, follow specific disciplines, share study materials and ask questions with each other.
Tutorial on how to record video lessons or interviews online without having to download any software:
Channel LM Tech [EN-BR] - Learn in this video how to record your PC screen without downloading or using any program, through a simple, free and very efficient method that perfectly captures the pc screen and the audio from the microphone.
Course of Writing and Publication of Scientific Articles:
Course of Writing and Publication of Scientific Articles [PT-BR] - The Commission's Nuclear Information Center (CIN) National Nuclear Energy (CNEN) promoted the Writing and Publication of Scientific Articles course.
**9 Essential Elements in the Scientific Article: **
- Doctor Andreza Lopes [PT-BR] - Coaching, Orientation and Mentoring Services, for continuous learning.
How to use the FISH/QTCR/5SS method to read scientific articles:
- Pós-Graduando [PT-BR] - The Pós-Graduando is a space on the internet to exchange experiences, opinions, testimonies, tips, tutorials, humor and healthy debates about academia.
The Complete Guide to Search Tools:
- Even3 [PT-BR] - Even3 is a platform created to simplify the organization of technical events and such as congresses, workshops, symposia and short courses.
- Scientific Writing [PT-BR] - Scientific Writing Course - Presentation - Professor Valtencir Zucolotto.