This is an R wrapper to the excellent python library pantab
, which allows us to export our dataframes to Tableau Hyper Extract files. This can have advantages over simply saving out our datasets as csv files.
requires Anaconda python (miniconda recommended) on your system path. This pacakge uses reticulate
within R to use environments and manage the necessary python bits for this package to function.
This package implements the following from pantab
- frame_to_hyper
Future work will add other elements, such as hyper to dataframes or frames to hyper as needed.
dat = data.frame(x=1:10, y=letters[1:10])
frame_to_hyper(dat, f="dataset.hyper", tbl="dataset")
Above might take a moment or two depending if it is the first time you are using the package or calling the function.
Behind the scenes,
is calling reticulate to configure and use a conda environment with the necessary pacakges.
This is a new package, and one that I want to add to, but I am certain there are bugs and issues that I need to catch. If you come across an issue, please consider adding an issue here
This package requires a data.frame and not a tibble.