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158 lines (132 loc) · 7.72 KB


SniffAir is an open-source wireless security framework which provides the ability to easily parse passively collected wireless data as well as launch sophisticated wireless attacks. SniffAir takes care of the hassle associated with managing large or multiple pcap files while thoroughly cross-examining and analyzing the traffic, looking for potential security flaws. Along with the prebuilt queries, SniffAir allows users to create custom queries for analyzing the wireless data stored in the backend SQL database. SniffAir is built on the concept of using these queries to extract data for wireless penetration test reports. The data can also be leveraged in setting up sophisticated wireless attacks included in SniffAir as modules.

SniffAir is developed by @Tyl0us and @theDarracott


SniffAir was developed with Python version 2.7

Tested and supported on Kali Linux, Debian and Ubuntu.

To install run the script



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                                                                  (@Tyl0us & @theDarracott)

 >>  [default]# help
workspace                Manages workspaces (create, list, load, delete)
live_capture             Initiates a valid wireless interface to collect wireless pakcets to be parsed (requires the interface name)
offline_capture          Begins parsing wireless packets using a pcap file-kismet .pcapdump work best (requires the full path)
offline_capture_list     Begins parsing wireless packets using a list of pcap file-kismet .pcapdump work best (requires the full path)
query                    Executes a query on the contents of the acitve workspace
help                     Displays this help menu
clear                    Clears the screen
show                     Shows the contents of a table, specific information across all tables or the available modules
inscope                  Add ESSID to scope. inscope [ESSID]
SSID_Info                Displays all information (i.e all BSSID, Channels and Encrpytion) related to the inscope SSIDS
use                      Use a SniffAir module
info                     Displays all variable information regarding the selected module
set                      Sets a variable in module
exploit                  Runs the loaded module
run                      Runs the loaded module
exit                     Exit SniffAir
 >>  [default]# 


First create or load a new or existing workspace using the command workspace create <workspace> or workspace load <workspace> command. To view all existing workspaces use the workspace list command and workspace delete <workspace> command to delete the desired workspace:

 >>  [default]# workspace
     Manages workspaces
 Command Option: workspaces [create|list|load|delete]
>>  [default]# workspace create demo
[+]  Workspace demo created

Load data into a desired workplace from a pcap file using the command offline_capture <the full path to the pcap file>. To load a series of pcap files use the command offline_capture_list <the full path to the file containing the list of pcap name> (this file should contain the full patches to each pcap file). Use the live_capture <interface name> command to capture live wireless traffic using a wireless interface.

>>  [demo]# offline_capture /root/sniffair/demo.pcapdump
[+] Completed
[+] Cleaning Up Duplicates
[+] ESSIDs Observed

Show Command

The show command displays the contents of a table, specific information across all tables or the available modules, using the following syntax:

 >>  [demo]# show table AP
|   ID | ESSID     | BSSID             | VENDOR                        |   CHAN |   PWR | ENC   | CIPHER   | AUTH   |
|    1 | HoneyPot  | c4:6e:1f:0c:82:03 | TP-LINK TECHNOLOGIES CO. LTD. |      4 |   -17 | WPA2  | TKIP     | MGT    |
|    2 | Demo      | 80:2a:a8:5a:fb:2a | Ubiquiti Networks Inc.        |     11 |   -19 | WPA2  | CCMP     | PSK    |
|    3 | Demo5ghz  | 82:2a:a8:5b:fb:2a | Unknown                       |     36 |   -27 | WPA2  | CCMP     | PSK    |
|    4 | HoneyPot1 | c4:6e:1f:0c:82:05 | TP-LINK TECHNOLOGIES CO. LTD. |     36 |   -29 | WPA2  | TKIP     | PSK    |
|    5 | BELL456   | 44:e9:dd:4f:c2:7a | Sagemcom Broadband SAS        |      6 |   -73 | WPA2  | CCMP     | PSK    |
 >>  [demo]# show SSIDS

The query command can be used to display a unique set of data based on the parememters specificed. The query command uses sql syntax.


the inscope <SSID> command can be used to add a SSID to the inscope tables, loading all related data to the inscope_AP, inscope_proberequests and inscope_proberesponses tables. To view a summary of all inscope SSIDS run the SSID_Info command.


Modules can be used to analyze the data contained in the workspaces or perform offensive wireless attacks using the use <module name> command. For some modules additional variables may need to be set. They can be set using the set command set <variable name> <variable value>:

 >>  [demo]# show modules
Available Modules
[+] Run Hidden SSID
[+] Evil Twin
[+] Captive Portal
[+] Auto EAP
[+] Exporter
 >>  [demo]# 
 >>  [demo]# use Captive Portal
 >>  [demo][Captive Portal]# info
Globally Set Varibles
 Module: Captive Portal
 Template: Cisco (More to be added soon)
 >>  [demo][Captive Portal]# set Interface wlan0
 >>  [demo][Captive Portal]# set SSID demo
 >>  [demo][Captive Portal]# set Channel 1
 >>  [demo][Captive Portal]# info
Globally Set Varibles
 Module: Captive Portal
 Interface: wlan0
 SSID: demo
 Channel: 1
 Template: Cisco (More to be added soon)
 >>  [demo][Captive Portal]# 

Once all varibles are set, then execute the exploit or run command to run the desired attack.


To export all information stored in a workspace’s tables using the Exporter module and setting the desired path.