After you start your ownnet, you need to access wallet to get funds. First thing you need to do is get your private key
curl -s http://localhost:8081/
(token is SHARED_SECRET env variable)
In response you'll get base64 seed of the key. To access wallets you need to know their walletId and address.
Example of sending funds in js:
import BN from 'bn.js'
import { keyPairFromSeed } from 'ton-crypto'
import TonWeb from 'tonweb'
async function main() {
// secret key is the key you got from
const secretKey = Buffer.from('D7eJFoDNIbyWVhmcd4G8D0I5jFzMu3ZiK6GmDGNKdNc=', 'base64')
const keyPair = keyPairFromSeed(secretKey)
const wallet = new TonWeb.Wallets.all.v3R2(
new TonWeb.HttpProvider('http://localhost:8082/jsonRPC'),
address: '-1:1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110',
publicKey: keyPair.publicKey,
walletId: 1,
wc: -1,
const seqno = (await wallet.methods.seqno().call()) || 0
const res = await wallet.methods
secretKey: keyPair.secretKey,
toAddress: '-1:111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110F',
amount: new BN(100000000000),
console.log('res', res)