props: ClientBuilderOptionsPassing the options to build the batch.
+End Batch
+At the conclusion of building the batch, +(Usually add method will be before this) will add the Batch Trailing Segment (BTS) to the end. +If a message (MSH) is added after this, +that message (MSH) will get added to the first BHS found if there is more than one. +This might be typical inside a file output process. +FileBatch for more information.
+Get Messages within a submitted Batch
+Returns an array of messages or a HL7ParserError will throw.
+This will parse the passed on "text" +in the contractor options and get all the messages (MSH) segments within it and return an array of them.
+try {
// parser the batch
const parser = new Batch({ text: loadedMessage })
// load the messages
const allMessage = parser.messages()
// loop messages
allMessage.forEach((message: Message) => {
const messageParsed = new Message({ text: message.toString() })
} catch (e) {
// error here
+Create File from a Batch
+File Name
newLine: booleanProvide a New Line
location: stringWhere to save the exported file
+Custom extension of the file. +Default: hl7
+Will procure a file of the saved MSH in the proper format +that includes a FHS and FTS segments with the possibility of more than one BHS segments inside with one or more MSH inside each BHS groups.
+const batch = new Batch({text: hl7_batch_string})
batch.toFile('readTestBHS', true, 'temp/')
+You can set an extension
parameter on Batch to set a custom extension if you don't want to be HL7.
Connection Class
+The client parent that we are connecting too.
+The individual port connection options. +Some values will be defaulted by the parent server connection.
+The function that will send the returned information back to the client after we got a response from the server.
+Send a HL7 Message to the Listener
+This function sends a message/batch/file batch to the remote side. +It has the ability, if set to auto-retry (defaulted to 1 re-connect before connection closes)
// the OB was set from the orginial 'createConnection' method.
let message = new Message({
messageHeader: {
msh_9_1: "ADT",
msh_9_2: "A01",
msh_11_1: "P" // marked for production here in the example
}async sendMessage (message: Message | Batch | FileBatch): void {
await OB.sendMessage(message)
+File Batch Class
+Create a File Batch (FHS) which will could include many BHS/BTS segments, +which could include many Message (MSH) segments to output the contents into a file on the OS. +These files could then be used to send manually or read by another system to interpret the contents. +This class helps +in generating the particulars for that file generation to make sure that it follows the correct format.
props: ClientBuilderFileOptionsPassing the options to build the file batch.
+End Batch
+At the conclusion of building the file batch, +(Usually add method will be before this) will add the File Batch Trailing Segment (FTS) to the end. +If a message (MSH) is added after this, +that message (MSH) will get added to the first BHS found if there is one, otherwise it will just be added. +This might be typical inside a file output process.
+Get Messages within a submitted File Batch
+Returns an array of messages or a HL7ParserError will throw.
+This will parse the passed on "text" +in the contractor options and get all the messages (MSH) segments within it and return an array of them. +This will happen regardless of the depth of the segments.
+try {
// parser the batch
const parser = new FileBatch({ text: loadedMessage })
// load the messages
const allMessage = parser.messages()
// loop messages
allMessage.forEach((message: Message) => {
const messageParsed = new Message({ text: message.toString() })
} catch (e) {
// error here
+Used to indicate a fatal failure of a connection.
+Used to indicate a fatal failure of a connection.
message: stringInbound Request
+Process the Inbound Response from the Server
+Message Class
+Build the Message or Parse It
props: ClientBuilderMessageOptions1.0.0
+If you are processing a full message, do this:
const message = new Message({text: "The HL7 Message Here"})
... output cut ...
If you are building out a message, do this:
const message = new Message({messageHeader: { ... MSH Header Required Values Here ... }});
which then you add segments with fields and values for your Hl7 message.
+Add a new segment to a message.
+Creating a new segment adds an empty segment to the message. +It could be blank, or it could have values added into it.
+const message = new Message({. the correct options here .})
const segment = message.addSegment('PV1')
segment.set('PV1.1', 'Value Here');
// When doing this, it overall adds it to the 'message' object
// when your output is the final result.
const finalMessage = message.toString();
pathCreate File from a Message
+File Name
newLine: booleanProvide a New Line
location: stringWhere to save the exported file
+Custom extension of the file. +Default: hl7
+Will procure a file of the saved MSH in the proper format +that includes a FHS and FTS segments.
+const message = new Message({text: hl7_batch_string})
message.toFile('readTestMSH', true, 'temp/')
+You can set an extension
parameter on Batch to set a custom extension if you don't want to be HL7.
writeNode Base
+Client Class
+This creates a new client to a new server connection. +This is the remote side in which we will connect. +Then using the createConnection method, you establish a connection to the port.
props: ClientOptionsConnect to a listener to a specified port.
+This individual port connections which can override the main server connection properties. +Some properties from the server build could be defaulted if not specified here.
+The function that the client will process if and when they get a response from the server. +It follows an async/await function.
+const outGoing = client.createOutbound({port: 3000}, async (res: InboundResponse) => {})
+Review the InboundResponse on the properties returned.
+Hl7 Specification Version 2.1
+Build HL7 MSH Segment
+Check MSH Header Properties for HL7 2.1
+Hl7 Specification Version 2.2
+Build HL7 MSH Segment
+Check MSH Header Properties for HL7 2.2
+Hl7 Specification Version 2.3
+Build HL7 MSH Segment
+Check MSH Header Properties for HL7 2.3
+Hl7 Specification Version 2.3.1
+Build HL7 MSH Segment
+Check MSH Header Properties for HL7 2.3.1
+Hl7 Specification Version 2.4
+Build HL7 MSH Segment
+Check MSH Header Properties for HL7 2.4
+Hl7 Specification Version 2.5
+Build HL7 MSH Segment
+Check MSH Header Properties for HL7 2.5
+Hl7 Specification Version 2.5.1
+Build HL7 MSH Segment
+Check MSH Header Properties for HL7 2.5.1
+Hl7 Specification Version 2.6
+Build HL7 MSH Segment
+Check MSH Header Properties for HL7 2.6
+Hl7 Specification Version 2.7
+Build HL7 MSH Segment
+Check MSH Header Properties for HL7 2.7
+Hl7 Specification Version 2.7.1
+Build HL7 MSH Segment
+Check MSH Header Properties for HL7 2.7
+Hl7 Specification Version 2.8
+Build HL7 MSH Segment
+Check MSH Header Properties for HL7 2.7
+Base Class of an HL7 Specification
+Check MSH Header Properties
+Type of Segments Values
+Usually within each Field, seperated by ^
+The escape string used within the code.
+The field of each segment. Usually separated with a |
+Usually within each Component, seperated by &
+Usually each line of the overall HL7 Message.
+Usually within each Field, seperated by ~
+State of the Connected to the Server
+The client connection is closed.
+The client is closing the connection by force or by timeout
+The client is connected to the server.
+The client is trying to connect to the server.
+The client is open, but not yet trying to connect to the server.
+Calculate exponential backoff/retry delay. +Where attempts >= 1, exp > 1
+expBackoff(1000, 30000, attempts)
attempts | possible delay
1 | 1000 to 2000
2 | 1000 to 4000
3 | 1000 to 8000
4 | 1000 to 16000
5 | 1000 to 30000
Attempts required before max delay is possible = Math.ceil(Math.log(high/step) / Math.log(exp))
+++A pure Node.js HL7 Client +that allows for communication to a HL7 Broker/Server that can send properly formatted HL7 messages with ease. +Separately, it can also parse and extract out any segment within an HL7 message. +Messages could come as one after the other (MSH), as a Batch (BHS), or in a batch file (FHS).
Included in this package:
npm package that in conjunction with this one could create a powerful HL7 system.If you are using this NPM package, please consider giving it a :star: star. +This will increase its visibility and solicit more contribution from the outside.
+Install using NPM into your package:
+npm install node-hl7-client
+This NPM is designed to support medical applications with potential impact on patient care and diagnoses, +this package documentation, +and its peer package node-hl7-server follow these definitions when it comes to the documentation.
+Keywords such as "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", +"SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL". +These are standardized terms for technology documentation interoperability. +These words should have these meaning when you are reading them. +They might be sans uppercase throughout the documentation, but they would have the same meaning regardless.
+It's way too extensive to include on this README alone. +Please read this to gain more information. +GitHub pages now has mostly full listing of all methods, classes, etc., but only for the most recent release.
+Licensed under MIT.
+Client Builder Options
dateThe date type for the date field. Usually generated at the time of the class being initialized.
extensionExtension of the file when it gets created.
fileThe file as a buffer passed onto the constructor
fullIf you are providing the full file path, please set it here.
locationLocation where the file will be saved. +If this is not set, +the files will get save it in the same directory of the executing file that is calling the function. +If running this package inside a DOCKER/KUBERNETES node, +if the container is destroyed and the files are not saved on a folder mounted outside the node, +the files will be lost on restart.
newAt the end of each line, add this as the new line character.
parsingParsing a message?
separatorThe character used to separate different components.
separatorThe character used to escape characters that need it in order for the computer to interpret the string correctly.
separatorThe character used for separating fields.
separatorThe character used for repetition field/values pairs.
separatorThe character used to have subcomponents seperated.
specificationThe HL7 spec we are going to be creating. +This will be formatted into the MSH header by default.
textThe HL7 string that we are going to parse.
+Client Builder Options
dateThe date type for the date field. Usually generated at the time of the class being initialized.
messageMSH Header Options
newAt the end of each line, add this as the new line character.
parsingParsing a message?
separatorThe character used to separate different components.
separatorThe character used to escape characters that need it in order for the computer to interpret the string correctly.
separatorThe character used for separating fields.
separatorThe character used for repetition field/values pairs.
separatorThe character used to have subcomponents seperated.
specificationThe HL7 spec we are going to be creating. +This will be formatted into the MSH header by default.
textThe HL7 string that we are going to parse.
+Client Builder Options
dateThe date type for the date field. Usually generated at the time of the class being initialized.
newAt the end of each line, add this as the new line character.
parsingParsing a message?
separatorThe character used to separate different components.
separatorThe character used to escape characters that need it in order for the computer to interpret the string correctly.
separatorThe character used for separating fields.
separatorThe character used for repetition field/values pairs.
separatorThe character used to have subcomponents seperated.
specificationThe HL7 spec we are going to be creating. +This will be formatted into the MSH header by default.
textThe HL7 string that we are going to parse.
autoIf set to false, you have to tell the system to start trying to connect +by sending 'start' method.
connectionHow long a connection attempt checked before ending the socket and attempting again. +Min. is 1000 (1 second) and Max. is 60000 (60 seconds.) +Note: Less than 10 seconds could cause some serious issues. +Use with caution.
encodingEncoding of the messages we expect from the HL7 message.
hostHost - You can do a FQDN or the IPv(4|6) address.
ipv4IPv4 - If this is set to true, only IPv4 address will be used and also validated upon installation from the hostname property.
ipv6IPv6 - If this is set to true, only IPv6 address will be used and also validated upon installation from the hostname property.
maxMax attempts +to send the message before an error is thrown if we are in the process of re-attempting to connect to the server. +Has to be greater than 1. You cannot exceed 50.
maxIf we are trying to establish an initial connection to the server, let's end it after this many attempts. +The time between re-connects is determined by connectionTimeout. +You cannot exceed 50.
maxMax Connections this connection makes. +Has to be greater than 1.
maxThe number of times a connection timeout occurs until it stops attempting and just stops.
+The port we should connect to on the server.
retryMax delay, in milliseconds, for exponential-backoff when reconnecting
retryStep size, in milliseconds, for exponential-backoff when reconnecting
socketAdditional options when creating the TCP socket with net.connect().
tlsEnable TLS, or set TLS specific options like overriding the CA for +self-signed certificates.
waitWait for ACK before sending a new message. +If this is set to false, you can send as many messages as you want but since you are not expecting any ACK from a +previous message sent before sending another one. +This does not stop the "total acknowledgement" counter on the +client object to stop increasing.
connectionHow long a connection attempt checked before ending the socket and attempting again. +Min. is 1000 (1 second) and Max. is 60000 (60 seconds.) +Note: Less than 10 seconds could cause some serious issues. +Use with caution.
hostHost - You can do a FQDN or the IPv(4|6) address.
ipv4IPv4 - If this is set to true, only IPv4 address will be used and also validated upon installation from the hostname property.
ipv6IPv6 - If this is set to true, only IPv6 address will be used and also validated upon installation from the hostname property.
maxMax attempts +to send the message before an error is thrown if we are in the process of re-attempting to connect to the server. +Has to be greater than 1. You cannot exceed 50.
maxIf we are trying to establish an initial connection to the server, let's end it after this many attempts. +The time between re-connects is determined by connectionTimeout. +You cannot exceed 50.
maxThe number of times a connection timeout occurs until it stops attempting and just stops.
retryMax delay, in milliseconds, for exponential-backoff when reconnecting
retryStep size, in milliseconds, for exponential-backoff when reconnecting
socketAdditional options when creating the TCP socket with net.connect().
tlsEnable TLS, or set TLS specific options like overriding the CA for +self-signed certificates.
+Node Base
+The connection has been closed manually. You have to start the connection again.
+The connection is made.
+The connection is being (re)established or attempting to re-connect.
+The handle is open to do a manual start to connect.
+The total acknowledged for this connection.
+The connection has an error.
+The total sent for this connection.
+The connection has timeout. Review "client.error" event for the reason.
+HL7 2.1 MSH Specification
+Only the required ones are listed below for typescript validation to pass.
+To make it easier on having to fill this out each time, you may do this in your code:
+// Make this a constant in your application.
const MSH_HEADER: HL7_2_1_MSH = {
msh_9: "ADT",
msh_11_1: "D",
+MSH.7 (Date Time) and MSH.12 (HL7 Spec) are filled in automatically at the time of creation. +and when you create your Message class:
+const message = new Message({ ...MSH_HEADER, msh_10: 'unique id' })
+so this way your code is much neater.
msh_Message Control ID
+This ID is unique to the message being sent +so the client can track +to see if they get a response back from the server that this particular message was successful. +Max 20 characters.
+Random 20 Character String
+randomString if this is set to nothing or not included.
+Processing ID
+Message Code
+HL7 2.2 MSH Specification
+Only the required ones are listed below for typescript validation to pass.
+To make it easier on having to fill this out each time, you may do this in your code:
+// Make this a constant in your application.
const MSH_HEADER: HL7_2_2_MSH = {
msh_9_1: "ADT",
msh_9_1: "A01",
msh_11: "D",
+MSH.7 (Date Time) and MSH.12 (HL7 Spec) are filled in automatically at the time of creation. +and when you create your Message class:
+const message = new Message({ ...MSH_HEADER, msh_10: 'unique id' })
+so this way your code is much neater.
msh_Message Control ID
+This ID is unique to the message being sent +so the client can track +to see if they get a response back from the server that this particular message was successful. +Max 20 characters.
+Random 20 Character String
+randomString if this is set to nothing or not included.
+Processing ID
+Message Code
+Trigger Event
+HL7 2.3.1 MSH Specification
+Only the required ones are listed below for typescript validation to pass.
+To make it easier on having to fill this out each time, you may do this in your code:
+// Make this a constant in your application.
const MSH_HEADER: HL7_2_3_1_MSH = {
msh_9_1: "ADT",
msh_9_2: "A01",
msh_11_1: "D",
msh_11_2: "A",
+MSH.7 (Date Time) and MSH.12 (HL7 Spec) are filled in automatically at the time of creation. +and when you create your Message class:
+const message = new Message({ ...MSH_HEADER, msh_10: 'unique id' })
+so this way your code is much neater.
msh_Message Control ID
+This ID is unique to the message being sent +so the client can track +to see if they get a response back from the server that this particular message was successful. +Max 20 characters.
+Random 20 Character String
+randomString if this is set to nothing or not included.
+Processing ID
msh_Processing Mode
+Message Code
+Trigger Event
+HL7 2.3 MSH Specification
+Only the required ones are listed below for typescript validation to pass.
+To make it easier on having to fill this out each time, you may do this in your code:
+// Make this a constant in your application.
const MSH_HEADER: HL7_2_3_MSH = {
msh_9_1: "ADT",
msh_9_2: "A01",
msh_11_1: "D",
msh_11_2: "A",
+MSH.7 (Date Time) and MSH.12 (HL7 Spec) are filled in automatically at the time of creation. +and when you create your Message class:
+const message = new Message({ ...MSH_HEADER, msh_10: 'unique id' })
+so this way your code is much neater.
msh_Message Control ID
+This ID is unique to the message being sent +so the client can track +to see if they get a response back from the server that this particular message was successful. +Max 20 characters.
+Random 20 Character String
+randomString if this is set to nothing or not included.
+Processing ID
msh_Processing Mode
+Message Code
+Trigger Event
+HL7 2.4 MSH Specification
+Only the required ones are listed below for typescript validation to pass.
+To make it easier on having to fill this out each time, you may do this in your code:
+// Make this a constant in your application.
const MSH_HEADER: HL7_2_4_MSH = {
msh_9_1: "ADT",
msh_9_2: "A01",
msh_11_1: "D",
msh_11_2: "A",
+MSH.7 (Date Time) and MSH.12 (HL7 Spec) are filled in automatically at the time of creation. +and when you create your Message class:
+const message = new Message({ ...MSH_HEADER, msh_10: 'unique id' })
+so this way your code is much neater.
msh_Message Control ID
+This ID is unique to the message being sent +so the client can track +to see if they get a response back from the server that this particular message was successful. +Max 20 characters.
+Random 20 Character String
+randomString if this is set to nothing or not included.
+Processing ID
msh_Processing Mode
+Message Code
+Trigger Event
msh_Message Structure
+HL7 2.5.1 MSH Specification
+Only the required ones are listed below for typescript validation to pass.
+To make it easier on having to fill this out each time, you may do this in your code:
+// Make this a constant in your application.
const MSH_HEADER: HL7_2_5_1_MSH = {
msh_9_1: "ADT",
msh_9_2: "A01",
msh_11_1: "D",
msh_11_2: "A",
+MSH.7 (Date Time) and MSH.12 (HL7 Spec) are filled in automatically at the time of creation. +and when you create your Message class:
+const message = new Message({ ...MSH_HEADER, msh_10: 'unique id' })
+so this way your code is much neater.
msh_Message Control ID
+This ID is unique to the message being sent +so the client can track +to see if they get a response back from the server that this particular message was successful. +Max 20 characters.
+Random 20 Character String
+randomString if this is set to nothing or not included.
+Processing ID
msh_Processing Mode
+Message Code
+Trigger Event
msh_Message Structure
+HL7 2.5 MSH Specification
+Only the required ones are listed below for typescript validation to pass.
+To make it easier on having to fill this out each time, you may do this in your code:
+// Make this a constant in your application.
const MSH_HEADER: HL7_2_5_MSH = {
msh_9_1: "ADT",
msh_9_2: "A01",
msh_11_1: "D",
msh_11_2: "A",
+MSH.7 (Date Time) and MSH.12 (HL7 Spec) are filled in automatically at the time of creation. +and when you create your Message class:
+const message = new Message({ ...MSH_HEADER, msh_10: 'unique id' })
+so this way your code is much neater.
msh_Message Control ID
+This ID is unique to the message being sent +so the client can track +to see if they get a response back from the server that this particular message was successful. +Max 20 characters.
+Random 20 Character String
+randomString if this is set to nothing or not included.
+Processing ID
msh_Processing Mode
+Message Code
+Trigger Event
msh_Message Structure
+HL7 2.6 MSH Specification
+Only the required ones are listed below for typescript validation to pass.
+To make it easier on having to fill this out each time, you may do this in your code:
+// Make this a constant in your application.
const MSH_HEADER: HL7_2_6_MSH = {
msh_9_1: "ADT",
msh_9_2: "A01",
msh_11_1: "D",
msh_11_2: "A",
+MSH.7 (Date Time) and MSH.12 (HL7 Spec) are filled in automatically at the time of creation. +and when you create your Message class:
+const message = new Message({ ...MSH_HEADER, msh_10: 'unique id' })
+so this way your code is much neater.
msh_Message Control ID
+This ID is unique to the message being sent +so the client can track +to see if they get a response back from the server that this particular message was successful. +Max 20 characters.
+Random 20 Character String
+randomString if this is set to nothing or not included.
+Processing ID
msh_Processing Mode
+Message Code
+Trigger Event
msh_Message Structure
+HL7 2.7.1 MSH Specification
+Only the required ones are listed below for typescript validation to pass.
+To make it easier on having to fill this out each time, you may do this in your code:
+// Make this a constant in your application.
const MSH_HEADER: HL7_2_7_MSH = {
msh_9_1: "ADT",
msh_9_2: "A01",
msh_11_1: "D",
+MSH.7 (Date Time) and MSH.12 (HL7 Spec) are filled in automatically at the time of creation. +and when you create your Message class:
+const message = new Message({ ...MSH_HEADER, msh_10: 'unique id' })
+so this way your code is much neater.
msh_Message Control ID
+Processing ID
msh_Processing Mode
+Message Code
+Trigger Event
msh_Message Structure
+HL7 2.7 MSH Specification
+Only the required ones are listed below for typescript validation to pass.
+To make it easier on having to fill this out each time, you may do this in your code:
+// Make this a constant in your application.
const MSH_HEADER: HL7_2_7_MSH = {
msh_9_1: "ADT",
msh_9_2: "A01",
msh_11_1: "D",
+MSH.7 (Date Time) and MSH.12 (HL7 Spec) are filled in automatically at the time of creation. +and when you create your Message class:
+const message = new Message({ ...MSH_HEADER, msh_10: 'unique id' })
+so this way your code is much neater.
msh_Message Control ID
+Processing ID
msh_Processing Mode
+Message Code
+Trigger Event
msh_Message Structure
+HL7 2.8 MSH Specification
+Only the required ones are listed below for typescript validation to pass.
+To make it easier on having to fill this out each time, you may do this in your code:
+// Make this a constant in your application.
const MSH_HEADER: HL7_2_8_MSH = {
msh_9_1: "ADT",
msh_9_2: "A01",
msh_11_1: "D",
+MSH.7 (Date Time) and MSH.12 (HL7 Spec) are filled in automatically at the time of creation. +and when you create your Message class:
+const message = new Message({ ...MSH_HEADER, msh_10: 'unique id' })
+so this way your code is much neater.
msh_Message Control ID
+Processing ID
msh_Processing Mode
+Message Code
+Trigger Event
msh_Message Structure
+Outbound Handler
+MSH Unions
Batch Class
Creating a Batch (BHS) which could include hundreds of MSH segments for processing. +Normally used in large data processing. +However, the server usually breaks down a batch MSH into single "elements" to process them and returns that the batch.