Code Warrior Class 2 Recording
- Minimax, and Alpha-Beta: MIT OpenCourseWare
- Alpha-Beta pruning: HackerEarth
- Minimax/Alpha-Beta Simulator
- Move Ordering
- BitBoards
- Iterative Deepening
- Killer Heuristics
- History Heuristics
- Principal Variation (PV) Moves
- Null Move Heuristics
- Transposition tables
Here is a code for 2k17's problem statement, you can clone the repo ;) Clash Of Pawns AI
evaluate (node, alpha, beta)
if node is a leaf
return the heruistic value of node
if node is a minimizing node
for each child of node
beta = min (beta, evaluate (child, alpha, beta))
if beta <= alpha
return beta
return beta
if node is a maximizing node
for each child of node
alpha = max (alpha, evaluate (child, alpha, beta))
if beta <= alpha
return alpha
return alpha