This lambda is part of the Merritt Preservation System.
Sinatra based admin tool for the new Merritt AWS account.
bundle exec puma app/
Resources for deploying as a lambda
- Because this application uses mysql, it must be packaged as a docker image
bundle exec puma app/
Resources for deploying as a lambda
- a new sceptre deploy will need to be created to grant a different SSO group access
- this could be deployed as a zip or as an image
Building on EC2 in the main account... warning, this may break lambda deployment
bundle config set force_ruby_platform true
- RDS: prod; S3: prod; ZK: prod; ZFS: prod
- Stack: prod (includes auto-scaling group services)
- Stage:
- RDS: stage; S3: prod; ZK: stage; ZFS: stage
- Stack: stage (includes auto-scaling group services)
- Dev: new dev environment - daily deploy - daily CI/CD
- RDS: dev; S3: dev; ZK: dev; ZFS: dev
- Stack: dev (containers)
- Dev DB: uses clone of RDS prod
- RDS: dev (prod clone); S3: docker volume; ZK: docker volume; ZFS: docker volume
- Stack: dev (containers)
- Docker
- RDS: dev docker volume; S3: docker volume; ZK: docker volume; ZFS: docker volume
- Stack: dev (containers)
- GitHub API token with read permission for our repos
- Gems
- GitHub octokit
- AWS code artifact
- AWS ecr
- AWS lambda
- Application should be fully-testable with a desktop run of sinatra
- AWS credentials will grant access to resources
- some core components will be used for a UC3 admin tool
- code could be cloned or packaged as a library for re-use
- Collection Admin
- eliminate SLA
- eliminate admin objects
- object/collection creation via inventory endpoints
- Clean sinatra routing
- should each of the following be a separate module?
- place generic classes into a library/gem?
- import library/modules into the UC3 admin tool
- place as much config as possible into yaml
- tag queries
- ssm queries
- text
- list
- hyperlink
- url provided
- url derived from column type
- button
- disabled-button
- row class
- process routes
- generate breadcrumbs
- generate menu items
- access to generic resources such as table
- need button generation classes
- code (SourceCodeClient)
- Subclasses: GithubClient, CodeArtifactClient, ECRImageClient
- tags
- tag-obsolete
- artifact-delete
- image-tag-obsolete
- deploy*
- infra (DevOpsClient)
- Subclasses: AwsTagClient, SSMParamClient, EC2TagClient
- list-ssm
- list-instances
- list-lambdas
- list-load-balancers*
- service-state
- instance-state
- lambda-service-state
- system-state (SystemStateClient)
- Subclasses: ConsistencyReportClient, S3InputClient, BillingUpdateClient
- consistency-check
- ldap-certs
- report-cleanup
- billing-update
- opensearch* (OpenSearchClient)
- list-opensearch-fields
- count-errors*
- update-data-index* (billing counts viz)
- zookeeper (ZookeeperClient)
- lock (access, ingest, audit*, replic*)
- unlock
- list-locks
- list-nodes
- delete node*
- update-node*
- orphan-report
- queue (MerrittQueueClient)
- list-batches
- list-jobs
- list-jobs-by-profile
- list-assemblies
- delete-queue-item
- requeue-queue-item
- lock-collection
- unclock-collection
- release-held-items-for-collection
- cleanup-queue
- Ingest (MerrittIngestClient)
- list-ingest-folder-files
- display-ingest-manifest
- database (QueryClient)
- report
- content
- storage
- ingest
- replication
- audit
- search (by keyword)
- large-report
- iterative-report
- report
- collection-config (CollectionConfigClient)
- profiles
- storage-nodes
- create-owner
- create-collection
- update-owner
- update-collection
- remove-storage-node
- delete-batch-of-objects-from-node
- change-primary-node*
- storage-scan (StorageScanClient)
- get-csv
- bulk-update-from-csv
- get-scan-results-by-state
- start-scan
- pause-scan
- resume-scan
- cancel-scan
- stop-all-scans
- resume-all-scans
- clear-scan-result-for-ark
- mark-scan-result-hold
- mark-scan-result-delete
- mark-scan-result-review
- initiate-scan-result-deletes
- object-maint (MerrittObjectClient)
- Subclasses: MerrittStorageClient, MerrittReplicClient, MerrittIngentoryClient
- get-manifest
- get-manifest-as-yaml
- get-collection-manifest
- requeue-replic
- requeue-audit
- rebuild-inventory
- delete-object*
- delete-object-from-node
- ldap (LdapClient)
- list-users
- list-groups
- list-permissions
- report-invalid-users
- report-invalid-groups
- report-invalid-collection-map
- create-user*
- create-group*
- audit (MerrittAuditClient)
- release-audit-batches
- string
- number
- byte
- date
- datetime
- ark
- object-ark
- collection-ark
- owner-ark
- ldap-ark
- local-id
- zk-id
- batch-id
- job-id
- assembly-id
- ingest-uuid
- jid
- bid
- mysql-id
- collection-id
- node-id
- file-path
- mime
- mimetype
- mimegroup
- campus
- ldap
- ldap-user
- ldap-group
- ldap-collection
- mnemonic
- profle-name
- test