C++ 11 version of my Fortran code gmsh-to-vtk-and-tecplot
Some features:
- Convert .msh mesh file (Quadrilateral) of gmsh to .vtk file.
- Written in modern C++ (C++11 standard, intensive use of C++ STL).
- You will need a mature C++11 compiler to compile and run my code, as described in History
- After a major refactoring, the code has been tested with MinGW g++ 9.20 (under NetBeans 8.2 IDE) and MinGW g++ 8.1 (under Code::Blocks 20.3 IDE).
I have compiled and run my code successfully with g++ 5.1.0, Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition, Intel C++ 2018 for Linux.
The default C++ compiler of Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (g++ 4.8.4) failed to compile my code. This bug is fixed here
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