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Nicola Amapane edited this page Sep 9, 2015 · 20 revisions

General information

The current development branch is miniAOD_74X, and is intended to be used in CMSSW_7_4_7.

Steering of the canidate building code is controlled by a single .py file, AnalysisStep/test/MasterPy/, which contains all cuts and selection criteria. This .py produces a transient collection of CompositeCandidates, which contains ZZ candidates passing the full selection, with additional information attached as userFloats.

Information from this collection can be collected with standard CMSSW analysis modules, either to fill histograms directly or to fill trees with more compact information. A simple tree builder is implemented in AnalysisStep/test/Ntuplizers/


In order to run synchronization as described in the sync wiki page, the file AnalysisStep/test/ can be run interactively. This produces one tree (ZZ4lAnalysis.root). The script AnalysisStep/test/ runs on the tree and produces the synchronization file. A second script produces sync files for CRs (DY sync samples should be selected, and filling of CRs must be activated in for this purpose).

Note that categorization is computed by the script based on the information stored in the tree. This is based on the code in AnalysisStep/interface/Category.h. Please check to see how it is called.

Processing samples

A list of samples to be processed is maintained in the file AnalysisStep/test/prod/

Starting from this list, some scripts are available to process all samples on the CERN batch system here.

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