This repo has been archived. The current working repo is here:
The easiest way to download the WmAgentScripts is using git on lxplus or your own local machine:
git clone
Most of the scripts need to load a proxy, so first you need to setup a certificate: New Operator Setup
Generate your proxy:
voms-proxy-init -voms cms
Type your key password and should display something like this:
Contacting [/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=computers/] "cms"... Remote VOMS server contacted succesfully. Created proxy in /tmp/x509up_uXXXX. Your proxy is valid until Fri May 24 21:53:28 CEST 2019
Export the X509_USER_PROXY variable to the environment (so it can be used by python), use proxy location in the previous step:
export X509_USER_PROXY=/tmp/x509up_uXXXX
This is a one line command for all this procedure, assuming there is no password needed for the proxy:
export X509_USER_PROXY=$(voms-proxy-init -voms cms | grep Created | cut -c18- | tr -d '.')
Some scripts also need some special PYTHON packages. So use this one line command to export them:
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages:/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages
Some of the scripts need WMAgent libraries, which at the moment are only installed on WMAgent machines.
Log in to the machine and type:
source /data/srv/wmagent/current/apps/wmagent/etc/profile.d/
.. automodule:: WmAgentScripts.assign
.. program-output:: python ../WmAgentScripts/ -h
- You can provided the -l LFN parameter, be careful to assign the proper one MergeLFN. By default the script will assign the lfn from que original request asociated, in case of ACDCs.
- You can use this script to assign any kind of workflow.
- You can use a text file to assign multiple workflows at the same time.
- You may use additional options to:
- enforce disk replica subscription
- change dashboard activity
- change processing version
- fix a processing string or acquisition era
- You can also provide a list of sites separated by commas (no spaces) T1_US_FNAL,T2_US_UCSD,...
- You can use -s acdc: It will assign to the sites taken from the ACDC server.
- You can use -s all: It will assign to all sites available (Works for any taskchain acdc).
- You can skip -s option: It will assign to the "good site" list (Works for any clone you need).
.. automodule:: WmAgentScripts.changePriorityWorkflow
.. program-output:: python ../WmAgentScripts/ -h
This script allows to change the splitting of a request, on a given task name
.. automodule:: WmAgentScripts.changeSplittingWorkflow
.. program-output:: python ../WmAgentScripts/ -h
- The TASKPATH should be the full task path in which you want to change the splitting, i.e. StepOneProc, StepOne /StepOneProcMerge, Production, etc.
- The TYPE is the algorithm for splitting.
Moves a workflow or list of workflows from running-closed to force-completed. This causes every production job to be aborted leaving only log-collect jobs and cleanups
.. automodule:: WmAgentScripts.forceCompleteWorkflows
.. program-output:: python ../WmAgentScripts/ -h
.. automodule:: WmAgentScripts.makeACDC
.. program-output:: python ../WmAgentScripts/ -h
- Before creation, ACDC documents should be already in couch (usually, it happens when the workflow is completed).
- If you want to create all possible ACDCs given a workflow, add the option --all.
- If you need to create an ACDC for an specifc task, you need to have the full task path (not just the last part), i.e. for a workflow with StepOneProc and StepTwoProc:
- If you want to create an ACDC on StepTwo the taskname is StepOneProc /StepOneProcMerge/StepTwoProc* (or something similar).
For recovering a list of missing lumis on a workflow with input dataset. For detailed information please go here
.. program-output:: python ../WmAgentScripts/ -h
The script allows us to reject or abort (regarding its state) a workflow, or a set of them
.. program-output:: python ../WmAgentScripts/ -h
.. automodule:: WmAgentScripts.Unified.reqMgrClient
.. program-output:: python ../WmAgentScripts/Unified/ -h
This script clones and resubmits a workflow lying either in production or testbed. Be careful with this one, it is being used by
.. program-output:: python ../WmAgentScripts/ -h
- The workflow is created but NOT assigned, if you need to get it running, follow the instructions here:
- When you use the -b option at the end, the script will add the particle "Backfill" to the requestString, AcquisitionEra, Campaing and ProcessingString, so it can be correctly identified as backfill.