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Event Travel Offsetting App using Next.js, CNaught SDK, Google Maps API and Leaflet

This is an example app to illustrate how to use the CNaught API to integrate carbon credits into a web application. The app allows travelers to an event such as a conference to offset their travel to the event.

This demonstrates the following capabilities:

  • Using the API to purchase carbon credits
  • Using the API to retrieve and display total climate compact
  • Using webhooks from the API to be notified when carbon credits are fulfilled, and retrieving and emailing confirmation emails with certificates for the credits

Running the app locally

The examples below assume using bun as package manager, but other package managers should work as well.

Install the dependencies

bun install

Set up a database

The app requires a database for storing data about the travelers, for displaying the impact page. The current implementation expects a Postgres database, though it would be easy to modify it to use any other data store. You could either run the DB locally or use a provider like Neon or Vercel Storage.

Local database

The repository includes a docker-compose.yml for running a local Postgres DB and a WebSocket proxy (needed to access the DB from Next.js edge environment and locally). Simply run docker compose up and it should be ready to go.

If you want to run the postgres instance on a port other than 5432 because the port is in use (e.g. there is already another postgres instance running on that port), you will need modify the exposed port.

In docker-compose.yml

# Change exposed port to 5430
  # Other config...
    - "5430:5432"

Similarly, if you need run the websocket proxy on a different port (e.g. default configured port 5443 already in use), you will need to change its exposed port and update the neon config object accordingly.

In docker-compose.yml

# Change exposed port to 5443
  # Other config...
    - "5443:80"

Then in db.ts

// Change the port on this line to match your new websocket proxy port
neonConfig.wsProxy = (host) => `${host}:5443/v1`;

Cloud-based database

Go to Neon or another provider to create a free tier database.

Set up webhook proxy

In order for the app to send confirmation emails with the carbon credits certificate, it needs to be able to receive webhooks from CNaught API when the carbon credits order is fulfilled. For running the app locally, this will require setting up a webhook proxy like ngrok

If using ngrok, follow steps 1 and 2 from their Quickstart to install ngrok and connect it to your account. Then start ngrok with the command ngrok http http://localhost:3000 and note the Forwarding URL. If using a different tool, follow its instructions and note its forwarding URL.

Configure required environment variables

Copy .env.local.sample to .env.local and fill out the needed values:

Variable Required? Description
EVENT_LOCATION yes The location for your event. Follow the JSON format from .env.local.sample
NEXT_PUBLIC_EVENT_NAME yes The name of your event
NEXT_PUBLIC_EVENT_DESTINATION_AIRPORTS yes A list of airports that people travelling to your event could fly into. JSON format from .env.local.sample. Any number of airports can be entered.
CNAUGHT_API_KEY yes Your CNaught API key (if you don't have one yet, Sign Up now)
CNAUGHT_API_URL yes The base URL for the CNaught API requests. You should generally leave this as needing to use a non-production version of the API
CNAUGHT_API_WEBHOOK_URL yes The URL for the CNaught API to send webhooks to the app. This should be the Forwarding URL from setting up the webhook proxy
NEXT_PUBLIC_GOOGLE_API_KEY yes Google Maps API key. The free tier is sufficient.
NEXT_PUBLIC_ESRI_API_KEY no Optional ESRI API key, for displaying vector-based map on the impact page. If not present, will use raster tiles.
POSTGRES_URL yes URL for your Postgres database
POSTGRES_USE_WS_PROXY no Indicator controlling whether to use a websocket proxy for connecting to the database. Set to 1 if using a local database.
EMAIL_SMTP_* no Optional settings for sending confirmation emails. You can use any email provider, e.g. Forward Email, SendGrid, Amazon SES, etc. If not set, confirmation emails will not be sent.
EMAIL_FROM_* no Optional settings for configuring who the confirmation emails are sent from

Run migrations

Once the environment variables are set up, run DB migrations to create the database.

bunx prisma migrate dev

Run the local server

bun dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the page for entering traveller information and offsetting the travel.

Go to http://localhost:3000/impact to view the impact page. It will be updated live as travel is offset.

Deploying the app

Deploying on Vercel

The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the Vercel Platform from the creators of Next.js.

Deploy with Vercel

Before deploying, you will need to set up your production database. The easiest option is to use Vercel Storage; you could also use Neon directly. The app uses the Neon serverless driver to connect to the database, so other DB providers would not work without code changes.

Once the project is imported into Vercel, you will need to configure the same environment variables listed in the guide for running the app locally in Vercel's Environment Variables settings page, with the following adjustments:

Variable Required? Description
CNAUGHT_API_WEBHOOK_URL no The URL for the CNaught API to send webhooks to the app. If not set, will use VERCEL_URL which is automatically set to the auto-generated Vercel deployment url. If you configure a custom domain for your Vercel deployment, then set this to match.
POSTGRES_URL yes URL for your Postgres database. If using Vercel Postgres, after connecting it to your project this will be set automatically.
POSTGRES_USE_WS_PROXY no Don't set this as long as you use Vercel Storage or Neon as your database provider.

You will also need to set deployment protection to "preview only" or turn it off, otherwise the CNaught API will be unable to send webhooks to the app.