This provides a template for deploying IRIDA and Galaxy on a single OpenStack instance using Terraform.
You will need to modify
Download and install Terraform:
$ wget -P /tmp/
$ unzip /tmp/
$ sudo mv terraform /usr/local/bin/
$ terraform --version
Log in to the OpenStack dashboard, choose the project for which you want to download the OpenStack RC file, and run the following commands:
$ source ~/Downloads/
Please enter your OpenStack Password for project PROJECT as user username:
Initialize Terraform:
- Initialize a new or existing Terraform working directory by creating initial files, loading any remote state, downloading modules, etc.
$ terraform init
Generate an execution Plan:
- This execution plan can be reviewed prior to running apply to get a sense for what Terraform will do
$ terraform plan
Install the OpenStack CLI client and run the following:
To get a list of usable floating IP pools run the command below:
$ openstack network list --external
| ID | Name | Subnets |
| 1352e2cb-4bb1-44e8-a3fe-8f08ec73c2d5 | public1 | 165ab7e5-a9e4-414c-8cac-88cc127453f3 |
To get a list of images available for use run the following command:
$ openstack image list
To get a list of flavors available for use run the following command:
$ openstack flavor list
To get a list of available security groups run the following command:
$ openstack security group list
using the above.
Afterwards apply changes with:
$ terraform apply
This will take a couple of minutes... ⌚ ☕ -
Upon completion, the above command will output the instances floating IP address, which can also be viewed in instance_ip.txt
Point your browser to:
- FLOATING-IP:8080/irida/ to access IRIDA
- FLOATING-IP:9090 to access Galaxy
The default administrator username and password are:
for IRIDAadmin:admin
for Galaxy