- Hexanome-XY
- your-programming-language-in-lowercase
- Dagobert Duck
- Daisy Duck
- Donald Duck
- Tick Duck
- Trick Duck
- Track Duck
- Dagobert Duck
- Define REST API
- Define JSON objects
- Moving dust animations
- Daisy Duck
- ...
- ...
- ...
- ...
- Dagobert Duck
- Clients are now updated by long-polls
- Daisy Duck
- Implemented character selection
- Wrote unit tests for cash amount at game end
- ...
- implement whiskey
- reconnecting clients on connection dropout
- understanding java lambdas
- convince Dagobert to use maven instead of gradle
- arrangement of swing elements for dynamic window resizing
- builing self contained jar
- java singletons are not thread safe by default
- never code a class before you coded the interface
- write more junit tests
- when hit by Djangos bullet, player is not pushed to next waggon.
- game crashes someone treis to punch Bella
- game issues only old whiskeys, no ordinary whiskey
- Dagobert Duck contributed 14% of the work effectuated since last week.
- Daisy Duck contributed 42% of the work effectuated since last week.
- Donald Duck contributed 16% of the work effectuated since last week.
- Tick contributed 8% of the work since last week.
- Trick contributed 8% of the work since last week.
- Track contributed 12% of the work since last week.
- Everything great, this course is awesome.