- Log in to Zenodo with your Github account.
The first time you do this, Zenodo will request permission to share your email address and configure webhooks. Grant these permissions.
Confirm that access to the Github repository you wish to archive is set to “public”.
In the Zenodo interface, enable the chosen repository by setting the appropriate switch.
From Github’s interface, create a new release.
Check that this release exists on Zenodo’s “upload” tab – it is unclear how much time this will take to appear.
When the release is visible, use the “edit upload” button to make any necessary changes.
Once those are done, hit “publish” to complete the process and obtain two DOIs; one for this version of the data and one that will be attached to all versions of this dataset.
Add the DOIs anywhere necessary in the dataset and release again; Zenodo recommends having the “all versions” DOI in the README, while the current CONP DATS schema requires adding the DOI under Identity.