Final Report
- Working on developing an application to run an optimization problem on Quantum Computers and interpret results
- Working with:
- Travis Humble, Director of Quantum Computing Institute at ORNL
- A team of UTK marketing students that could potentially find a use for the code and acquire a front-end
- Have become familiar with existing code, modes, and infrastructure for executing code on DWave’s Quantum Computing Unit (QPU)
- Completed our original goals
Customer Value
- Customer (Travis Humble, director of Quantum Computing Institute at ORNL) hopes to leverage quantum computing for a practical optimization problem
- Original project proposal was quantum optimization of a stock portfolio
- Due to difficulty of acquiring appropriate stock data and the preferences of the marketing team, project will now shift to cryptocurrency investment optimization
- No other changes were made
- Architecture: components and their relationships
- A stock market reader fetches the data and feeds it to a Markowitz object
- The Markowitz object handles formatting the data for output
- Classical model to check the quantum computer’s output for testing
- Quantum model to format the data for the quantum computer and start the job
- XACC handles communication with the D-Wave QPU
- What works?
- Obtained statistical financial data and completed problem statement
- Can send a problem to the D-Wave and get output
- Can compare classical model to D-Wave QPU output
- D-Wave solver approximates classical solver in much less time!
Team Roles
- Joseph Huber
- Major: Computer Engineering
- Role: Team Leader
- Thomas Huber
- Major: Computer Engineering
- Role: Problem Research
- Michael Goin
- Major: Computer Science
- Role: Project Management
- Trevor Dixon
- Major: Computer Science
- Role: Documentation
Project Management
Task | Description | Status |
Project Introduction | Conference Call and Initial Meeting with Travis (QCI Director) | Complete |
Repo Configuration | Setup repo and all get access | Complete |
XACC Build/DWave | Successfully build XACC and get DWave access | Complete |
Markowitz | Read and familiarize with Markowitz model and existing code from the group | Complete |
Acquire Data | Acquire cryptocurrency valuation data through time | Complete |
Write Brute Solver | Write a brute-force optimizer for of the problem | Complete |
Run on DWave | Execute existing code and/or test code on DWave | Complete |
Write Solver for QPU | Write a quantum solver for the optimization problem | Complete |
Verify QPU Results | Analyze and verify QPU results against brute solver | Complete |
- Accomplishments
- Successfully sent problems to the D-Wave quantum computer
- Scraped cryptocurrency data from the web
- Calculated statistics from the data
- Built QUBO Markowitz solver using cryptocurrency data
- Lessons learned
- Don’t waste time pursuing a solution that is proving problematic; set up your own server
- Draw diagrams for the program architecture
- Research the problem in full-detail so you are not confused about anything
- Use APIs that don’t have limits on usage