- Sign up for GitHub if not already signed up. Pick default (free plan).
- Fork cs340-21/students - Start by forking the students repository
- [Clone][ref-clone] the repository to your computer (git clone https://github.com/yourGHid/students)
- Introduce yourself via a netid.md file (do not create netid.md, but replace netid by your own netid in all lowercase). Please provide at least one sentence on your background and one sentence on your interests. For example,
I am Audris Mockus and I am a professor at the EECS department. I have worked at ATT
Bell Labs and and other industry labs for over 20 years. I like coding and data analysis
and would like to share my passion with you teaching this course.
git add netid.md
git commit -m 'adding my background information'
You may be asked to provide your email and name for the git client if you have not used git before
git push
Now go to your fork (https://github.com/yourGHid/students) and click on Create Pull Request on students repository
Feedback will be given in the pull request, so please respond with
your thoughts and questions! You are welcome to open the pull
request as the work is still in-progress if you are stuck and want
to ask a question – just mention @audris
with the question to make
sure we will know to look at it sooner.
The milestone should be for the repo cs340-21/test and named netid_git, with a deadline for February 1st.
The issue should ask:
Explain the differences among github fork, git clone, and git branch
Commit the result (the narrative explaining the differences) in the test repo under your UTK netid.md.