- SignalDetection: add option for peak summation and intensity weighted based mz refinement
- Minor changes
- SearchDB: added default inclusion of peptides resulting of protein n terminal methionin cleavages.
- FDRControl: added more stable qValue calculation, added storeys qvalue method
- ProteinInference: added FDR calculations
- Minor changes
- Quantification: improved handling of unsuccessful fits
- Minor changes
- Minor changes
- include faster hasFlag function
- speed improvements in SequestLike: faster computation of theoretical spectra.
- refactor according to changes latest BioFSharp Release
- add XScoring, a combination of XTandemLike and AndromedaLike Scoring
- add ProteinInference
- refactor Fragmentation module according to changes in BioFSharp.Mz release 0.1.1
- paket template fix
- Initial release
- Initial release