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File metadata and controls

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Scenario Walk through


For this Scenario, just for fun, we will call the user "BillyBobJoe". Consider he is trying to plan for his timetable. He is trying to enroll in the course MAT257Y1

Let's say that MAT257Y1 has sections:

  • LEC0101 MWF 2-3 @ MY150
  • LEC0102 MWF 3-4 @ MY150
  • TUT0101 T 3-5 @ MY380
  • TUT0102 R 3-5 @ MY380

(Where, M = Monday, T = Tuesday, W = Wednesday, R = Thursday, F = Friday and assume all times are PM for simplicity)

The Walk through

  1. Before BillyBobJoe even searches for a course, an Operator must first use the OperatorInterface class and set the source of data. UserInterfaces will have an instance variable operator that is referring to the operator. The operator can use configure method to configure the dataSource instance variable of Interfaces to the correct object of the DataGetter class. For the purpose of the Phase 0, this is will not be implemented. The reader automatically set to CSVReader for this part, but for the rest of the project, we hope to use primarily WebScraper.

  2. BillyBobJoe searches for the first course, which is MAT257Y1 in Interfaces class. He will first be prompted to select the type of object that he wants to schedule. So he will enter Course. (See the Walk Through 2 below for scheduling a NonCourseObject.)

  3. The Interfaces will send this information to the InterfaceAdaptors, which will prompt the user with questions about what they want to input. In this case, it will ask for what course BillyBobJoe wants to input, which he then enters MAT257Y1.

  4. The InterfaceAdaptors class then will request the data from the DataGathering class by using the instance getData method. The query is then sent to the DataGathering class (whatever it is).

  5. The DataGathering class (whatever it is) then collects and sorts all the course information as a HashMap<String, Course> where each Course object only holds one section (LEC/TUT/PRA) and all the times and information relating to that one section. All the courses are then stored in a HashMap<String, Course>, where each key is the section name and the value is the Course object it found. For instance, for our MAT257Y1 course then the HashMap would look like the following:

{LEC0101: <the Course object for LEC0101>, LEC0102: <the Course object for LEC0102>, TUT0101: <the Course object for TUT0101>, TUT0102: <the Course object for TUT0102>}

The Course object will hold all the times of the lectures of the courses, as well as the locations of the classes at that time. For MAT257Y1, each course block will hold the Times and Locations as an HashMap<ArrayList<Object>, String>. In our example, the Course object will hold the following in terms of timeLocation (Note, we are just being hand-wavy here. The formatting of the strings may not be as follows, but the idea should be the same):

HashMap<ArrayList<Object>, String> timeLocation = {
new ArrayList<Object>{"Monday", Time(14, 0, 0), Time(15, 0, 0)}: MY150, 
new ArrayList<Object>{"Wednesday", Time(14, 0, 0), Time(15, 0, 0)}: MY150, 
new ArrayList<Object>{"Friday", Time(14, 0, 0), Time(15, 0, 0)}: MY150

This is because for some courses, they occur at different locations at different times.

  1. The InterfaceAdaptors retrieves the HashMap from the DataGathering class and prompts the user to select a course object by printing each the details of the Course. The user then types the course into the command line (at least for Phase 0) to "commit" their choice. The InterfaceAdaptors then sends the course object at the value of the course section that the user selected to the TimeTableManager class. For this example, InterfaceAdaptors will send the LEC 0101 Course object to TimeTableManager through a schedule method. The Schedule method here is Overloaded to be able to deal with both course objects and NonCourseObjects (see Walk Through 2 for more details on this).

  2. The TimeTableManager will look for the term of the course which has been stored in the course object. The TimeTableManager will then use a split method of the Course object (since Course is splittable) to get an array of section objects that only stores one time and one location of a course**. In the example of MAT257Y1, we would have a section array of 6 elements:

    1. Section with time and date stored as MONDAY 2 - 3 for FALL
    2. Section with time and date stored as WEDNESDAY 2 - 3 for FALL
    3. Section with time and date stored as FRIDAY 2 - 3 for FALL
    4. Section with time and date stored as MONDAY 2 - 3 for WINTER
    5. Section with time and date stored as WEDNESDAY 2 - 3 for WINTER
    6. Section with time and date stored as FRIDAY 2 - 3 for WINTER

    NOTE THIS IS 6 ELEMENTS BECAUSE THIS IS A YEAR COURSE. IF THIS WAS A HALF COURSE (HCourse) THERE WILL ONLY BE 3 OR SECTIONS. The TimeTableManager then will schedule the section in the appropriate TimeTable using a schedule method of TimeTable. This method behaves like the put or add methods in HashMap and ArrayList respectively.

  3. The TimeTable Object will then find the correct location to put the course in its storage space, which will be a HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>, where the keys are the days of the week and the values are the TimeTableObject. Class TimeTable will then send a confirmation that it has scheduled the course properly to TimeTableManager to inform the user that the course has been scheduled properly. If it hasn't been scheduled successfully, the TimeTable will inform the TimeTableManager, which will inform the user that it has not been successful and that they should try again. For simplicity in Phase 0, we will assume all courses are scheduled correctly and there are no conflicts

  4. Let's say the course was added successfully. BillyBobJoe will then receive a confirmation on Interfaces that the course has been scheduled. He then can add the next object into his timetable.

Walk Through 2

Now let's say BillyBobJoe wants to schedule a Life object. For this example, let's say he wants to schedule an hour on Wednesday to play the Theremin with the Toronto Theremin Orchestra (IDK if this is real).

  1. First, he would select that he wants to add a Life object on the Interfaces. This is done (at least in Phase 0) by typing 'Life' into the command line when prompted.

  2. This will then be sent over to DataBaseController to be scheduled as an NonCourseObject. He will then be prompted to enter all the information required for the Life Object.

  3. The InterfaceAdaptors class will then create a NonCourseObject, which will store all the necessary information of the input, including the type of object. In this case, the NonCourseObject will store the date, start/end time, description, term, and the name of the activity, along with the type of object, which is a Life object

  4. The NonCourseObject is then sent to the TimeTableManager through the schedule method. ONCE AGAIN, PLEASE NOTE THAT THE schedule METHOD IN TimeTableManager IS OVERLOADED.

  5. The TimeTableManager then will read the type of the NonCourseObject and create the appropriate TimeTableObject to be scheduled. In this case, it will read a Life object and create a Life Object. The correct TimeTableObject (in this case, a life object) will then be sent to the TimeTable to be scheduled.

  6. The TimeTable will then find the correct location to put the course in its storage space. Please see Part 1 for details on how this done.

  7. Let's say the Life object was added successfully. BillyBobJoe will then receive a confirmation on Interfaces that the life has been scheduled. He then can add the next course or life object into his timetable.