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251 lines (180 loc) · 7.44 KB


  1. Installation Requirements
  2. X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy (
  3. Thermogravimetric Analysis (
  4. X-Ray Diffraction (
  5. Electrochemistry (
  6. Transmission Electron Microscopy (

Installation Requirements

Requirements can be installed with:

conda create -n cabanalab python=3.6
source activate cabanalab
git clone
pip3 install -r materials-research/requirements.txt
pip3 install ipykernel
ipython kernel install --user --name=cabanalab

Jupyter Commands

Requirements to be used in Jupyter Lab/Notebook - use cabanalab kernel

import sys

# Showing which directory you installed this to

# Example importing of XAS module
from cabanapy import XAS as xas

X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy (


  • The IDC4 object exports data collected at beamline 4-ID-C at the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Laboratory.
  • Syntax for use is as follows:
from cabanapy import XAS as xas

dire = "./data/4-ID-C/my_data/" #The directory that contains your data
base = "MyData" 				#The base name for all your files (e.g. MyData.0001)

my_sample = xas.IDC4(dire, base, start="1", end="2", shortname = "My Sample")

This will load filed 'MyData.0001' and 'MyData.0002' to the IDC4 object and process the data into my_sample.processed_dataframe. 'shortname' defines the legend label for this sample.

To plot data:

fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(16, 4))

my_sample.plot('STD', color='black')
plt.xlabel(r'Energy / eV', fontsize=15)

This plots the 'STD' or Standard data. Other options include 'TEY' (Electron Yield), 'TFY' (Fluorescence Yield), and 'sTFY' (Smoothed Fluorescence Yield).


Loading each sample edge into a IDC4 object

dire = "./data/4-ID-C/my_data/"
base = "MyData" 
sample_a = xas.IDC4(dire, base, start="248", end="250", shortname ='Sample A') 
sample_b = xas.IDC4(dire, base, start="244", end="246", shortname = 'Sample B')

Plotting STD data

fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(16, 4))

sample_a.plot('STD', color='black')
sample_b.plot('STD', color='red')
plt.xlabel(r'Energy / eV', fontsize=15)


Before Alignment

Aligning STD data to account for beamdrift

#Find the peak max value between 705 eV and 710 eV and set the x value to 'x_target'
x_target, y = sample_a.max_in_range('STD', low=705, high=710, plot=False, do_return=True)

#Assign the sample_b peak max value to x1 within the same range
x1, y1 = sample_b.max_in_range('STD', low=705, high=710, plot=False, do_return=True)

#Align the sample_b object to sample_a
sample_b.align(x1, x_target)

#Replot STD data
fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(16, 4))

sample_a.plot('STD', color='black')
sample_b.plot('STD', color='red')
plt.xlabel(r'Energy / eV', fontsize=15)


After Alignment

Supported Importers

Object Beamline Facility
IDC4 4-ID-C APS, Argonne National Laboratory
ALS6312 6.3.1 ALS, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
ALS801 8.0.1 ALS, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Thermogravimetric Analysis (


  • The TGAFile object loads data to an object from a .txt file created in Universal Analysis 2000 by TA Instruments.


from cabanapy import TGA as tga

my_sample = tga.TGAFile("../path/to/file.txt", shortname=r'My Sample')

fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(6, 4))

#plots weight percent on the y axis

#plots a point and hline for a given x value 
adjust_axes(50, 800, 70, 110) # a custom function not included in this repo


Example TGA

X-Ray Diffraction (


  • The BrukerBrmlFile object imports v4 .brml files taken on a Bruker D8 Advance diffractometer (credit to m3wolf/scimap project).
  • The XYFile object imports .xy (ASCII) files taken on the above diffractometer (if .brml file is unavailable)
  • ICDDXmlFile object imports .xml files exported from 'PDF-2 2013' software to add line patterns for reference materials.
  • MaterProjJSON object imports the .json files downloaded from The Materials Project to add line patterns for reference materials.


from cabanapy import XRD as xrd

my_sample = xrd.BrukerBrmlFile("./path/to/file.brml", shortname=r'LiF as purchased')
ref_LiF = xrd.ICDDXmlFile("./path/to/file.xml") #defaults to the file name for the legend

fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(16, 5))

hide_x_axis() # a custom function not included in this repo


adjust_axes(10,80,0,110)	# a custom function not included in this repo
plt.xlabel(r'2$\theta$ / $^\circ$', fontsize=20)

LiF Example

Electrochemistry (


  • The MPTFile and processedMPTFile objects exports data collected on Bio-Logic machines.
  • Tested on VMP3, BCS, and SP-50 models.


from cabanapy import EChem as echem

my_battery = echem.MPTFile("./path/to/mptfile", shortname = "My Battery")
my_battery.show_columns #Shows all columns with index numbers in the file


00 | mode
01 | ox/red
02 | error
03 | control changes
04 | Ns changes
05 | counter inc.
06 | Ns
07 | time/s
08 | control/V/mA
09 | Ewe/V
10 | dq/mA.h
11 | <I>/mA
12 | P/W
13 | (Q-Qo)/mA.h
14 | x
15 | Capacity/mA.h

Plotting the data:

fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(6, 4))

#Plotting Ewe vs x
my_battery.plot(x=14, y=9, color='black')
plt.xlabel('x', fontsize=12)
plt.ylabel('Ewe / V', fontsize=12)



Transmission Electron Microscopy (


This script is a wrapper for which should be placed in the same folder as this script. See documentation for for use. This is included in the requirements.txt file.

Other functions

from cabanapy import TEM as tem

myDM3image = tem.DM3File("./path/to/dm3file", shortname = "My Image")


This .plot() function plots a TEM image with axes showing the scale in nanometers. Scale bars are also supported with the scale_bar keyword argument.

Known Issues

Error: fromstring has been removed, use frombytes() instead.

This can happen if you have installed an old instance of It is, however, easily fixable. Go to your installation of '', mine was at:


Edit the file and change all instances of fromstring (mine had 2) to frombytes. Restart your python kernel and the issue should be fixed.