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Validate urban and rural addresses in Colombia
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Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Documentation
  3. Roadmap
  4. Contributing
  5. License

About The Project

the project was developed through the definition of Mealy machines, regular expressions, regular grammars, Automata, for the validation of all addresses currently valid in Colombia.

the standardization of urban addresses of the ministry of education was used as a guideline.


Getting Started


pip install addressValidator


py -m pip install addressValidator

latest stable version addressValidator==1.2.1


  • Example
    from addressValidator import address_validator
    address = "Calle 3BC #10-2 Barrio San Juan Apartamento 201"
    if address_validator(address):
       print(address+" direccion valida")
       print(address+" direccion invalida")

For more examples, please refer to the Examples packages


we can use 4 functions to validate both urban and rural addresses


address_validator function receives as a parameter a mandatory string which will be evaluated and will return a boolean if valid or not.

from addressValidator import address_validator

# address_validator(str) -> bool
address = address_validator("Calle 13B #10-3")
print(address)// #True

if the address is not valid it will return False

from addressValidator import address_validator

# address_validator(str) -> bool
address = address_validator("Calle 13sur 13-121B")
print(address)// #False


fucntion address_validator_dian returns the address validation according to dian nomenclature

from addressValidator import address_validator_dian

# address_validator_dian(str) -> bool
address = address_validator_dian("Cl 13 B 10 3")
print(address)// #True

if the address is not valid it will return False

from addressValidator import address_validator_dian

# address_validator_dian(str) -> bool
address = address_validator_dian("Cl 13 sur 13 121 B")
print(address)// #False


address_validator_file function receives a text file, does not return any value, this function creates a text file with the respective validations.

from addressValidator import address_validator_file

# address_validator_file(file) -> None
with open("address.txt") as file_object:
     address_validator_file(file_object) # create output.txt

here we can see that we read a file called address.txt that we find in the examples folder this function will return the validations of all the strings as we can see in the output.txt file.All this for urban and rural addresses


The function address_validator_file_dian receives a text file, creates a text file with the validations of the addresses with dian nomenclature

from addressValidator import address_validator_file_dian

# address_validator_file_dian(file) -> None
with open("addressDian.txt") as file_object:
    address_validator_file_dian(file_object) # create output.txt

We read the addressDian file from the root path and send the document to the function and it returns the validations in an output.txt file. Validations with file for dian nomenclature is in the output_dian.txt file


See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.