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Reflection Emit edited this page Jan 19, 2018 · 53 revisions

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AOP - Method and property interception in C#
Passing Parameters to a running application in WPF

Interceptors (Interfaces and Implementations)

A Fody add-in that provides basic interception of methods, properties and fields.
The interceptors can be used in NET45, but the weaver still requires an installed NET461. Since the weaver itself is not part of the project, this will not affect the project's target framework version.
The following weaver/interceptor are available

Basic Interceptors

Basic Interceptor Extensions

Specialized Interceptors

Interceptor Implementations

Scripted Interceptors

  • Activator interceptors
  • WPF interceptors
  • XAML/BAML resource interceptors

Dependency Injection

The activator is a simple and easy to use dependency injection. It is based on attributes and does not require any configuration files. It also supports static methods as component constructor.


Parameter Parsing