This repository contains solutions to five Python programming tasks.
The tasks are.
- Backward String
Description: Return a string in reverse order.
Input format:
- String.
Output data format:
- String.
Examples: assert backward_string("val") == "lav" assert backward_string("12") == "21" assert backward_string("ohho") == "ohho" assert backward_string("123456789") == "987654321"
- Just Fizz! Description: Write a function that takes a positive integer and returns: "Fizz", if the number is a multiple of 3 (3, 6, 9 ...), otherwise it converts this number to a string (2 -> "2").
Input format:
Integer. Output format:
String. Examples:
assert checkio(15) == "Fizz" assert checkio(6) == "Fizz" assert checkio(10) == "10" assert checkio(7) == "7"
- First Word (simplified) Description: Given a text and you need to find its first word. The text contains English letters and spaces. There are no spaces at the beginning and at the end.
Input format:
String. Output format:
String. Examples:
assert first_word("Hello world") == "Hello" assert first_word("a word") == "a" assert first_word("greeting from Ukraine") == "greeting" assert first_word("hi") == "hi"
- Rectangle Perimeter Description: Calculate the perimeter of a rectangle given the length and width.
Input format:
Two integers (length and width). Output format:
An integer (perimeter). Examples: print(rectangle_perimeter(3, 2)) # 10 assert rectangle_perimeter(2, 4) == 12 assert rectangle_perimeter(3, 5) == 16 assert rectangle_perimeter(10, 20) == 60 assert rectangle_perimeter(7, 2) == 18
- Integer Sign Determination Description: Determine if the given integer is positive, negative or zero.
Input format:
Integer. Output format:
String. Examples:
assert determine_sign(5) == "positive" assert determine_sign(0) == "zero" assert determine_sign(-10) == "negative"