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CellProfiler Analyst Developer's version installation for Mac

David Dao edited this page Nov 3, 2015 · 30 revisions

Note: CPA is currently not building for OSX Yosemite and higher. Please refer to our [vagrant solution] (

CPA developer's version used to require CP to be installed, but it should be independent with the javabridge, etc now factored out (afaik). Nevertheless, these notes are using my Mac (10.9) which already had CP developer's version working (May 2014).

Then from within virtualenv (following instructions to start virtualenv here)

pip install javabridge

pip install python-bioformats

pip install [verlib](

pip install mock (not sure if this is strictly necessary, but it was also listed in requirements.txt here so I pip-installed it)

Run CPA with (still from within virtualenv)

pythonw32 ./<YOUR CPA GITHUB DIR>/