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Thank you for considering a contribution to this application! The main
branch is protected and you cannot push to it.
If you want to contribute, it is imortant you are able to deploy the code and run tests locally. To do so, you will need to create a .env
file which contains secrets for developers. Once you have the secrets, you can continue.
Contact the developers for the required development secrets!
- Patrick Cuba, IT Architect. patrick.m.cuba@slu.edu
- Bryan Haberberger, Full-Stack Developer. bryan.j.haberberger@slu.edu
- Research Computing Group at Saint Louis Univsersity -- research.computing@slu.edu
First, make sure NodeJS is installed on your machine. For download and installation instructions head to the NodeJS guide.
Also make sure Git is installed on your machine. For download and installation instruction, head to the Git guide. Note this can also be achieved by installing GitHub for Desktop.
The following is a git shell example for installing the app on your local machine.
cd /code_folder
git clone https://github.com/CenterForDigitalHumanities/TinyNode.git tiny_things
npm install
Note: do not run npm audit fix
. We will do that upstream in the main
Create a file named .env
in the root folder. In the above example, the root is /code_folder/tiny_things
. /code_folder/tiny_things/.env
looks like this:
RERUM_REGISTRATION_URL = https://store.rerum.io/v1/
RERUM_API_ADDR = https://store.rerum.io/v1/api/
RERUM_ID_PATTERN = https://store.rerum.io/v1/id/
RERUM_ACCESS_TOKEN_URL = https://store.rerum.io/v1/client/request-new-access-token
PORT = 3005
Now, you can run tests
npm run runtest
And start the app
npm start
Your TinyThings will attempt to run at http://localhost:3005
. If port 3005
is taken, then update the .env value PORT
to an open port and try to start it again.
To stop the application, kill or exit the process via your shell (CTRL + C or CTRL + X).
Excellent, way to get there. First, make a new branch through the GitHub Interface or through your shell. Make sure you 'checkout' that branch.
cd /code_folder/tiny_things
git checkout my_new_branch
Now you can make code changes and see them in real time by using npm start
. When you are finished with the commits to your new branch, open a Pull Request that targets the main
branch at https://github.com/CenterForDigitalHumanities/TinyNode/tree/main/.