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Biomix Ice Cream

Ceterai edited this page Sep 12, 2023 · 13 revisions

 Biomix Ice Cream is an uncommon lvl.4 prepared food item.
Can be sold for 220 pixels.
An alta cuisine. This icecream flavor is a refreshing mix of crystal-, bio- and herb-based ingredients.

Item Upgrades

 Biomix Desert is a rare lvl.5 prepared food item.
Can be sold for 384 pixels.
An alta cuisine. Un indescribable taste mix in a very special desert. This is not a regular ice cream anymore!


Can be crafted:

Can be used to craft:

Unlocks following blueprints/recipes on pickup:

Technical Information

Level: 4
Race: Alta
In-game ID: ct_biomix_icecream
File path (GitHub link): /items/generic/food/tier2/ct_biomix_icecream.consumable

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